Hi tr,
Not sure I am qualified to answer your questions.
I do know that most credit unions do their loaning to members, generally with prudential guidelines limiting the lending to prime borrowers with max 70-80% of total value.
This is unlike the big 4 banks who obtain their debt from the wholesale market and derivatives based on it. This is the debt market that fueled massive bank growth over the last decade, and this is the debt market that I am afraid will seize up.
Frankly, I am also afraid that any major crisis in the wholesale debt market to hit our shores will badly affect both those well capitalised and those not. Whether your subscribe to the deflationary viewpoint, peak credit, hyperinflation or whatever, the demise of the wholesale debt market in its current form seems like a stark possibility.
Regardless, I feel the urge to research the issue and will watch intently to see what happens to these institutions versus those less with lower capital ratios.
As a saver, I do not feel any particular loyalty to either my ING Direct or Commonwealth Bank accounts, and will probably soon move some cash to one of these more prudent institutions as part of my overall investment strategy. I definitely subscribe to the viewpoint of keeping your money in a few different places.
Not sure I am qualified to answer your questions.
I do know that most credit unions do their loaning to members, generally with prudential guidelines limiting the lending to prime borrowers with max 70-80% of total value.
This is unlike the big 4 banks who obtain their debt from the wholesale market and derivatives based on it. This is the debt market that fueled massive bank growth over the last decade, and this is the debt market that I am afraid will seize up.
Frankly, I am also afraid that any major crisis in the wholesale debt market to hit our shores will badly affect both those well capitalised and those not. Whether your subscribe to the deflationary viewpoint, peak credit, hyperinflation or whatever, the demise of the wholesale debt market in its current form seems like a stark possibility.
Regardless, I feel the urge to research the issue and will watch intently to see what happens to these institutions versus those less with lower capital ratios.
As a saver, I do not feel any particular loyalty to either my ING Direct or Commonwealth Bank accounts, and will probably soon move some cash to one of these more prudent institutions as part of my overall investment strategy. I definitely subscribe to the viewpoint of keeping your money in a few different places.