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Bad news for Muslims and meat eaters


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4 September 2008
Exposed - The dirty little secret of the meat industry
Saturday, May 07, 2011 by: Anthony Gucciardi

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(NaturalNews) Are you eating meat cemented together by "meat glue"? It may sound shocking and far-fetched to most people, but a recent news story covered by the Australian Today Tonight show unveils how the meat you're eating could be made up of scraps glued together to form a deceptively "normal" piece of meat.

Just as big pharma supplies dangerous substances to countless people worldwide, the meat industry may not be far behind in such nefarious deeds. Using a special product called "meat glue", meat suppliers have been caught using meat scraps, too small to sell, to create normal sized portions of meat for distribution. This misleading sales tactic is so effective that even experts can't tell the difference between a regular piece of meat and a piece of meat tainted with "meat glue".

What exactly is "meat glue"?

Meat glue is an enzyme known as transglutaminase. According to the report, many meat glues are created by cultivating bacteria. As shocking as it may sound, other meat glues are made from the blood plasma of pigs and cows, specifically the coagulant that makes blood clot. This "special enzyme" is so toxic that people working with the product must use masks as to not breathe it in. If meat suppliers are allowed to put it in our meat for us to eat, why can't they breathe it in?

The dangers and ethics of transglutaminase

In May of 2010, the European Union moved to ban "meat glue" due to its misleading and non-beneficial properties. By allowing these fake pieces of meat to be sold incognito, consumer's virtually have no way of telling what they are purchasing. Just as the labeling of GMO foods is not required, food manufacturers are not obligated to let consumers know which products contain toxic meat glue. Expensive steaks at many markets may actually be smaller pieces of meat held together by meat glue, making them worth a fraction of the cost and dangerous to consume.

In addition to the deception that goes along with meat glue, the risk of obtaining food poisoning associated with products that contain meat glue increases dramatically. According to the Australian television report, the bacterial contamination of meat glued steak is hundreds of times higher than authentic pieces of steak. This is also problematic due to the fact that glued meat is much harder to cook, thus making it harder to kill the bacteria. Once food poisoning is present, it is impossible to trace the exact source when multiple pieces of meat are glued together from different animals.

Conventional meat isn't much better

Although this shocking story unveils the hazards of meat tainted with meat glue, would eating "conventional" meat products be much better? The answer is almost always "no." Conventional meat is injected with hormones and antibiotics and is thoroughly contaminated by pesticides. Animals are often locked in small cages or are raised in prison-like farms that force the animals to consume genetically modified corn instead of grass. Although it seems like the only creatures affected by these alterations are the animals themselves, that notion is far from true. Most of the population consumes meat, and by corroding the world's meat supply with meat glue, the human population ultimately suffers.


About the author
Anthony Gucciardi is a health activist and wellness researcher, whose goal is centered around educating the general public as to how they may obtain optimum health. He has authored countless articles highlighting the benefits of natural health, as well as exposing the pharmaceutical industry. Anthony is the creator of Natural Society (, a natural health website. Anthony has been accurately interpreting national and international events for years within his numerous political articles. Anthony's articles have been seen by millions around the world, and hosted on multiple top news websites.
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Thats nice good Doc, good to see some one who works on animals and cares for them.
Nunthewoser might like to assist as a nurse.
Vegetarian also, after finding out how meat kills your health, and also how animals are farmed.

Einstein puts it best:
"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." -Albert Einstein

The "brains" behind all modern technology all don't eat meat. Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Leonardo DaVinci, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, Pythagoras...

I urge everyone to consider reducing the slaughter..maybe start with 1 meal without meat every few days.

Scary fact: more organisms are killed every MONTH than the amount of humans ever lived through entire human period, 50 000 BC to present. (yes, 100 billion+ organisms killed every month just to feed meat to a few billion people.)
Scary fact: more organisms are killed every MONTH than the amount of humans ever lived through entire human period, 50 000 BC to present. (yes, 100 billion+ organisms killed every month just to feed meat to a few billion people.)

And how many of those 'organisms' wouldnt be alive in the first place if we weren't breeding the animals for food?

I couldn't live without meat, but do prefer to buy free range etc. If people were educated and voted with their wallets then you wouldnt get the bad confditions that you see on some farms.
Eat more fish and seafood then. :rolleyes:
yeah - especially seafood caught off Japan; that has other benefits too: Feed it to your kids and you can see them glowing in the dark.
Or seafood caught in the deltas of Asian rivers...
Feed the man meat. Remember that meat eaters make better lovers!.;)

Thats the GOOD news for meat eaters.
Well my meat wont suffer any of the symptoms you mentioned....

Vegetarian also, after finding out how meat kills your health, and also how animals are farmed.

Einstein puts it best:
"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." -Albert Einstein

The "brains" behind all modern technology all don't eat meat. Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Leonardo DaVinci, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, Pythagoras...

I urge everyone to consider reducing the slaughter..maybe start with 1 meal without meat every few days.

Scary fact: more organisms are killed every MONTH than the amount of humans ever lived through entire human period, 50 000 BC to present. (yes, 100 billion+ organisms killed every month just to feed meat to a few billion people.)

Einstein was a paragon of vibrant health ?

The truth is that agriculture is the most destructive thing humans have done to the planet, and more of the same won’t save us. The truth is that agriculture requires the wholesale destruction of entire ecosystems. The truth is also that life isn’t possible without death, that no matter what you eat, someone has to die to feed you.

Very Interesting Topic ..above Link is to an alternate view

I want a full accounting, an accounting that goes way beyond what’s dead on your plate. I’m asking about everything that died in the process, everything that was killed to get that food onto your plate. That’s the more radical question, and it’s the only question that will produce the truth.

How many rivers were dammed and drained, how many prairies plowed and forests pulled down, how much topsoil turned to dust and blown into ghosts? I want to know about all the species””not just the individuals, but the entire species””the chinook, the bison, the grasshopper sparrows, the grey wolves. And I want more than just the number of dead and gone. I want them back.

Scary fact: more organisms are killed every MONTH than the amount of humans ever lived through entire human period, 50 000 BC to present. (yes, 100 billion+ organisms killed every month just to feed meat to a few billion people.)
Well, considering I have about 100 trillion organisms living in my digestive tract alone, it's not really that scary.
Well my meat wont suffer any of the symptoms you mentioned....

Very nice Ageo. I miss being able to go out to my old mans properties and do all that sort of country stuff.
The Human body is designed to be a herbivore more than carnivore.
But they reckon because we started to eat meat our brains developed faster and bigger, Monkey's kill and eat meat so looks like most animals need a mixture of protein.
Nature gave us the ability to breed and re develop mutate into different life forms but forgot to educated us or supply us with food. beer. money.
yeah - especially seafood caught off Japan; that has other benefits too: Feed it to your kids and you can see them glowing in the dark.
Or seafood caught in the deltas of Asian rivers...

Win win for everybody really ...... save on electricity bills when your kids can light up the room on one serve of mullet ;)

Last time I looked in my freezer NONE of the fish nor seafood were caught by a Japanese or Asian fishing trawler. I am talking about being self sufficient similar to Ageo. He shoots rabbits for food. I catch fish to feed my family. :eek:
The "brains" behind all modern technology all don't eat meat. Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Leonardo DaVinci, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, Pythagoras...

Yes, and look what happened to all of them. They all died.
The "brains" behind all modern technology all don't eat meat.
All of them very sleepy in the afternoons I'll warrant. What about Bill Gates and Steve Jobs do they eat steaks. Did Galileo, Kepler, Fleming, Faraday, Oppenheimer...

Anyway I eat chicken. Lets see them glue those together.
I had forgot for a moment that the Australian Democrats were no more.

Ideas on this thread from th'end of garden.

Glen, anything that appears On Today Tonight (or 7.30 Report) doesn't have much credibility. They don't cover current affairs but mainly deal in tabloid type trash. Where you are living I should think that meat glued together would the the least of your culinary worries.

Are you eating meat cemented together by "meat glue"? It may sound shocking and far-fetched to most people, but a recent news story covered by the Australian Today Tonight show unveils how the meat you're eating could be made up of scraps glued together to form a deceptively "normal" piece of meat.
I live on Bah boy ]pork the pig is delivered fresh to the door on trike covered in two stroke smoke to keep it pure and left on a table to be cut up.
Keeps me regular as regular going to the throne for a clean out along with some radiation direct from Japan and San Miguel at 10 cent a bottle things aren't to bad.

Apart from being called a malibog by the girlfriend 2 times a day