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Baby Boomers are 25% of the population and control over 50% of the wealth!


Thanks for clarifying your comments about infrastructure.
We have absolutely no argument on this.
I agree with you completely. Politicians have been paying out to their own government large dividends from infrastructure, e.g. especially power and water, instead of maintaining and increasing it to cope with the increasing population. Then they blame it all on climate change.

The people in Brisbane and many other places who are watching their much loved gardens die because they can't water them will not be short on opinions of the behaviour of their elected governments.

I just found the following about US baby boomers:

Thursday, March 15, 2007 Subprime Spillover Unlikely

On another matter, Greenspan repeated a warning about the massive strain on the U.S. budget and the economy in the future from the looming retirement of 78 million baby boomers, who will draw benefits from Social Security and Medicare.

He called the pending retirements "one of the seminal events in the first part of the 21st century in the United States".

What will happen when they all collectively die!

(Im not being malicious but it sounds like somethings/many things will change then too.) Oh ok maybe it's amusing having been force fed 60s classical rock by radio stations 'till I could puke.
chops_a_must said:
What if they put you out on the streets?

I don't think it's bitter at all. I haven't lost my faith in human kindness. I'm just not going to be stupid about it.

You wouldn't go and look after an abusive ex-husband would you?

Not all parents are great human beings towards their children. Probably not a great many I would imagine.
Atomic5 said:
What will happen when they all collectively die!
my guess is it'll go down in history ... much like the sudden extinction of the dinosaurs
some potential parallels to be drawn ...
1. sudden end of dominance of one group
2. seems we all become birds (?)
What are you saying Hindsight? A new Dark Ages without the US Baby Boomers?

Or, it might be liberating to not have to live with Hippy paradigms, at last. Though the nostalgia will live on I imagine.
Atomic5 said:
What are you saying Hindsight? A new Dark Ages without the US Baby Boomers?
ahh - they'll miss all that wrinkly old advice we gave em (not, lol)
Thinking more of Aus BB'ers. btw
maybe it was the Cretaceous period, and maybe it was the old Crustacean period? like barnacles etc ?

PS Atomic , no way I'm going to ramp up any lingering animosity between BB and X ot Y mate - we'll all have to get through the next 30 years (20 years?) together after all - Personally I love the Polynesian idea (Samoa) of "extended families" - even to where a child of a family with say 6 kids will be "given" to a married sister etc who may have one or no kids etc Polynesia is so mentally healthy on this one!! Illegitimacy has absolutely no stigma etc.
2020hindsight said:
ahh - they'll miss all that wrinkly old advice we gave em (not, lol)
Thinking more of Aus BB'ers. btw
maybe it was the Cretaceous period, and maybe it was the old Crustacean period? like barnacles etc ?

Your consolation is that when subsequent generations slip off the map, no-one will even remember who we/they were.

(Just wait till the Rolling Stones start to die !!! There'll be earthquakes.)
2020hindsight said:
Personally I love the Polynesian idea (Samoa) of "extended families" - even to where a child of a family with say 6 kids will be "given" to a married sister etc who may have one or no kids etc Polynesia is so mentally healthy on this one!!
Eeerr.. Except the bit about wanting a baby girl and giving birth to a boy, then raising it in their society as a 'girl'.. I'll never forget getting hit on by two 6'6", 400 mars bars across the shoulders, men wearing the dress, lacy floral gloves and flowers in their hair who were for all intent and purposes 'women' in their society.. not just awkward, downright terrifying..

[On topic] I just found this..

the analysis shows: Immigrants now make up 12 percent of early boomers (those born between 1946 and 1955) and 15 percent of late boomers (1956 to 1964).
Is this the consensus for BB age ranges? If so I came VERY close.., certainly closer than I expected


Buster said:
Eeerr.. Except the bit about wanting a baby girl and giving birth to a boy, then raising it in their society as a 'girl'..
yep - that too - amazing - they tell a young boy that "after 4 boys we needed a daughter - so guess what? - you're elected!" and the kid grows up as "affected" as any gay you'll meet anywhere .
At least BB'ers in aus didnt do that to the X ers, lol.
insider said:
How does post war conditions make people want to have more babies?
Lot's of rebuilding work, people employed productively. Lots of community spirit. People finding happiness outside of the pursuit of wealth = happy folk.

+ crap/no TV = more munya.
wayneL said:
Lot's of rebuilding work, people employed productively. Lots of community spirit. People finding happiness outside of the pursuit of wealth = happy folk.

+ crap/no TV = more munya.
AND the men had been away for a long time, the pill hadn't been invented ( plus above)
nioka said:
AND the men had been away for a long time, the pill hadn't been invented ( plus above)
Maybe there were less headaches as well?
There was also the idea that one income could, and did, support a family.
nioka said:
There was also the idea that one income could, and did, support a family.
And yet now even two incomes are considered barely enough...
Interesting news article today says " One third of people who fail to pay their bills are gen Yers. 18 to 27 yr olds." Relevant ?
Smurf1976 said:
And yet now even two incomes are considered barely enough...

I have struggled up until recently but we made a concious decision for my wife to quit work when we started a family...that was 23 years ago.

We went without lot's of the things that others took for granted and started out very modestly. Living on one income can be done with a little discipline and self control.

I am constantly amased at the young people thinking they must get into a 4x2 with al the whistle and bells, plasma tv etc, new car. We used to call this "keeping up with the jones's".

Lower you sights and expectations when starting out in life instead the must have it all now that seems to permeat society today.

Do this and you can ejoy something very special indeed tat dual working parents lose forever....having one of the parents home (doesn't matter which) makes a world of diference to both you asa couple and the lifes of the children. I lament that this free luxury in life is being overlooked at the expense of our society and that of the lifes of children who need not your extra mony or plasma...they need you.

All of this will contribute to a wonderful life balance where you CAN buy a house/unit/flat and maybe more if you wish as you are able without the expectation that you must have it all now.
nioka said:
Interesting news article today says " One third of people who fail to pay their bills are gen Yers. 18 to 27 yr olds." Relevant ?

18 to 27 year olds in general... It's got nothing to do with a generation but more to do with age and lifestyle... you know demographics... In twenty years time it'll be the same

Some of us have a life outside the worry of paying bills that we forget about them... I'm the same... I completely forget about paying them even though I have the money sitting on it for days... It's just not convenient to pay at the post office sometimes which is my preferred method... I don't really care about the big scary phone companies... What kind of business charges you for 200 loaves of bread even though you'll only eat 120... shouldn't they refund you for the 80 you didn't use...
To be fair to the X's and Y's having to have all the mod cons, it is us BBs who have sold the need to have it all via incessant marketing.... and sold them the credit to buy it.
wayneL said:
To be fair to the X's and Y's having to have all the mod cons, it is us BBs who have sold the need to have it all via incessant marketing.... and sold them the credit to buy it.

I think that this is exactly right. And the same information channels that are used to sell to the Xs & Ys also tell stories convincing them that their financial situation is hopeless.
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