14th October 2010
Company Announcements Platform
Australian Stock Exchange
Level 4
20 Bridge Street
By e-Lodgement
Aurora Oil & Gas Limited (“Aurora”) is pleased to provide the following update on operations at the
Sugarloaf, Longhorn and Ipamena Areas of Mutual Interest (“AMI”) within the Sugarkane Gas &
Condensate Field, Texas. Across Aurora’s three AMIs within Sugarkane there are now 8 wells on
production, one well drilled and fracced awaiting production, one well being fracced, three wells
drilled and awaiting frac and one well currently drilling for a total of 14 wells.
Sugarloaf AMI (AUT 10% Working Interest)
Luna #1H
As reported previously, this well was drilled to a depth of 17,370 ft, providing approximately 5,000 ft
of horizontal section within the reservoir. The well will be fracture stimulated in due course, in a
similar fashion to the other Aurora wells within the Eagle Ford Shale trend. This is the second post
farmout well within the Sugarloaf AMI in which Aurora has participated.
May #1H
This well has now been drilled and cemented at a final depth of 17,550 ft, providing approximately
5,000 ft of horizontal section within the reservoir. The well will be fracture stimulated in due course,
in a similar fashion to the other Aurora wells within the Eagle Ford Shale trend. This is the third post
farmout well within the Sugarloaf AMI in which Aurora has participated.
Urrutia #1H
The fourth post farmout well within the Sugarloaf AMI, Urrutia #1H, has now been drilled to a final
depth of 17,411 ft. Preparations are presently underway to run and cement casing which will
secure approximately 5,000 ft of horizontal section within the reservoir. Again this well will be
fracture stimulated in a similar fashion to the other Aurora wells within the Eagle Ford Shale trend.
Direct Assets #1H
The fifth post farmout well within the Sugarloaf AMI, Direct Assets #1H, was spudded on the 30th
September 2010 and is presently starting to drill the horizontal section of the well.
Kowalik #1R
The fracture stimulation of the Kowalik #1R well was suspended having completed 14 fracture
stimulation stages following difficulties in gaining access into the well at a depth of approximately
7,500 ft. Further investigation has revealed damage to the casing although pressure integrity has
been maintained. A remedial repair is planned for the damaged casing and then the well will be
produced to sales from the existing 14 stages. Aurora will provide the market with an update when
the well has cleaned up.
Ipanema AMI (AUT 30% Working Interest)
Patino #1H
Fracture stimulation activities have commenced on the Patino #1H well within the Ipanema AMI.
This is the last farmin operation that is funded by Hilcorp Energy under the terms of our farmout
agreement as outlined in earlier announcements. Aurora will provide the market with an update
when the well has cleaned up.
Longhorn AMI (AUT 25% Working Interest)
The Turnbull #2 and Turnbull #3 wells are both now producing to sales together with Turnbull #1.
Aurora anticipates releasing 30 day production totals for both wells in the coming weeks.
In its forthcoming quarterly report, Aurora will provide quarterly production details for each
producing well.
ASX participants in the Sugarloaf AMI are:
Aurora (ASX:AUT) – 10% (post farmout)
AWE (ASX:AWE) – 10% (post farmout)
Eureka (ASX:EKA) – 6.25% (post farmout)
Aurora is the sole ASX participant in the Longhorn AMI (25% post farmout) and the Ipanema AMI
(30% post farmout).
Yours sincerely
Jon Stewart
Executive Chairman.