Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

AUT - Aurora Oil and Gas


I got pushed out of my ADI investment also but I don't accept that the Board was at fault. AWE had a platform of 34% before it sounded the war trumpets. It only needed 25% of the shares in public hands to gain control and it stated from the outset that it would sack the Board (and install its own stooges) and terminate the listing. It was the AUS company law and take-over rules that allowed them to threaten that, so kick the government/parliament, not the Board. Had the rules required 75% or acquisition of 50% of the shares not held at the time of making the offer, it would have been very different. As it was, AWE was permitted by the rules to spit in the eye of democracy and the Board had no alternative but to advise investors to sell once AWE was confident that it could pick up the 25% that it needed.

AUT is a different kettle of fish.There is (so far as I am aware) no holder or potential concert party holding anything approaching that level of interest in the Company and the large placements are with fund managers (of collective investment vehicles) not arbitrageurs.

The interests of shareholders are almost certainly best served by allowing AUT (or, rather, Hilcorp) to develop those assets and de-risk the reserves. A predator might be forced to pay a premium to current share price but that predator must be able to justify so doing by seeing considerable value to be generated. AWE didn't take out the public interest in ADI as a favour to them.

As regards valuation: a few investors used a rule-of-thumb comparative valuation of AUT:ADI of about 2.5x based on acreage and the assumption that, on average, Longhorn and Ipanema are at least as good as Sugarloaf. PWC (Target defence statement) put a value on ADI of 61c (I have little doubt that you remember that!). So, AUT is still below the value projected on that basis despite the recent reserves certificate and improved drilling and fraccing techniques that promise to reduce the assumed decline rates and increase flows.

The 100c/share figure takes us back, using that rule of thumb measure, to what AWE begrudgingly paid months ago and a lot has happened since, particularly the spectacular results from phases 1 & 2 of Turnbull 3.

Finally: AWE did not have the cash (last set of accounts) to buy AUT. It could only use shares or a placement. It seems to have been languishing - look at the comparatives for production and reserves (pre-ADI). I don't see it (T/O by AWE) personally - would you accept and hold AWE shares?
On another note... i had to adjust the stop i have on aut from $1.30 yesterday because i am not sure it will stay above that in the near term and im not too keen to sell ATM.
esteon, thats about the most accurate post i have ever read on this forum. a big thumbs up to you for that detailed and in my opinion highly accurate post.

Plenty of fools will panic and persih, thats what makes the market a market.
latest valuation from euroz

Price Target: $2.20

Reason For Update: Eagle Ford Shale Valuations

What We Know:

Talisman and StatOil have purchased Enduring Resources Eagle Ford Shale assets, comprising 90K acres, for US$1.33Bn.

CNOOC has announced a US$2.16Bn to participate in 33.3% of Chesapeake’s 600K Eagle Ford acreage.

The deals are understood to be underpinned by an acreage transaction value of ~US$11K/acre.

AUT is currently trading at US$33K/acre on its current market capitalization.

We have incorporated the full field development plan, comprising 680 wells @ 80acre (previously 480 wells @ 120acre) spacing, (applied by Netherland and Sewell in AUT’s reserves’ report) into our model.

Our valuation increases to $2.20/sh.

What We Think:

The Eagle Ford remains an area of high corporate activity.

However, these latest transactions further highlight the misleading nature of looking at $/acre metrics in isolation and applying them to value other players in the trend.

We believe that AUT has earned a relative premium based upon:

· its focused, contiguous acreage;

· favourable physical characteristics of the Sugarkane Field;

· the production data to date;

· fully funded to both hold its acreage under production as well as to generate positive cash flow;

· and a quality, vertically integrated, Operator in Hilcorp.

With production history building upon strong initial results, market valuations for shale producers will increasingly incorporate EV:Res’v and DCF methodologies.

Comparatively, these two deals encompass:

· large, unfocussed acreage positions;

· do not provide comprehensive production data;

· and do not articulate corporate drivers underpinning the deals ie funding constraint.
Also from the Euroz report

As field economics continue to be proven with more and more production data (and with funding in place on this basis) AUT does not face the need for forced divestment. Consequently, we believe that $/acre valuation metrics have become increasingly irrelevant in valuing more advanced Eagle Ford players such as AUT.

Investment Case:Corporate activity in the Eagle Ford highlights the need to move away from $/acre valuation metrics. The ‘smear’ effect masks differentiation of acreage quality that is evidenced by on-going production data and oil-to-gas ratios (in terms of revenue streams).
We believe that AUT’s results to date under-pins the premium value applied to its acreage and that further increases to share price will follow forthcoming production data and increases to 1P&2P reserves.Noting that AUT is fully funded to develop a premium asset, we expect that the implied $/acre should continue to rise. BUY with a valuation and price target of $2.20/sh.
Euroz Securities declares that it has acted as underwriter to and/or arranged an equity issue in and/or provided corporate advice to Aurora Oil&Gas Ltd during the last year.Euroz Securities has received a fee for these services.
This is why AUT deserves a premium. Look at the sugarkane IP's compared to elsewhere. And since its still under TCEI im assuming it probably doesnt yet include Morgan, Rancho etc.
1 crude 1.png
14th October 2010
Company Announcements Platform
Australian Stock Exchange
Level 4
20 Bridge Street
By e-Lodgement
Aurora Oil & Gas Limited (“Aurora”) is pleased to provide the following update on operations at the
Sugarloaf, Longhorn and Ipamena Areas of Mutual Interest (“AMI”) within the Sugarkane Gas &
Condensate Field, Texas. Across Aurora’s three AMIs within Sugarkane there are now 8 wells on
production, one well drilled and fracced awaiting production, one well being fracced, three wells
drilled and awaiting frac and one well currently drilling for a total of 14 wells.
Sugarloaf AMI (AUT 10% Working Interest)
Luna #1H
As reported previously, this well was drilled to a depth of 17,370 ft, providing approximately 5,000 ft
of horizontal section within the reservoir. The well will be fracture stimulated in due course, in a
similar fashion to the other Aurora wells within the Eagle Ford Shale trend. This is the second post
farmout well within the Sugarloaf AMI in which Aurora has participated.
May #1H
This well has now been drilled and cemented at a final depth of 17,550 ft, providing approximately
5,000 ft of horizontal section within the reservoir. The well will be fracture stimulated in due course,
in a similar fashion to the other Aurora wells within the Eagle Ford Shale trend. This is the third post
farmout well within the Sugarloaf AMI in which Aurora has participated.
Urrutia #1H
The fourth post farmout well within the Sugarloaf AMI, Urrutia #1H, has now been drilled to a final
depth of 17,411 ft. Preparations are presently underway to run and cement casing which will
secure approximately 5,000 ft of horizontal section within the reservoir. Again this well will be
fracture stimulated in a similar fashion to the other Aurora wells within the Eagle Ford Shale trend.
Direct Assets #1H
The fifth post farmout well within the Sugarloaf AMI, Direct Assets #1H, was spudded on the 30th
September 2010 and is presently starting to drill the horizontal section of the well.
Kowalik #1R
The fracture stimulation of the Kowalik #1R well was suspended having completed 14 fracture
stimulation stages following difficulties in gaining access into the well at a depth of approximately
7,500 ft. Further investigation has revealed damage to the casing although pressure integrity has
been maintained. A remedial repair is planned for the damaged casing and then the well will be
produced to sales from the existing 14 stages. Aurora will provide the market with an update when
the well has cleaned up.
Ipanema AMI (AUT 30% Working Interest)
Patino #1H
Fracture stimulation activities have commenced on the Patino #1H well within the Ipanema AMI.
This is the last farmin operation that is funded by Hilcorp Energy under the terms of our farmout
agreement as outlined in earlier announcements. Aurora will provide the market with an update
when the well has cleaned up.
Longhorn AMI (AUT 25% Working Interest)
The Turnbull #2 and Turnbull #3 wells are both now producing to sales together with Turnbull #1.
Aurora anticipates releasing 30 day production totals for both wells in the coming weeks.
In its forthcoming quarterly report, Aurora will provide quarterly production details for each
producing well.
ASX participants in the Sugarloaf AMI are:
Aurora (ASX:AUT) – 10% (post farmout)
AWE (ASX:AWE) – 10% (post farmout)
Eureka (ASX:EKA) – 6.25% (post farmout)
Aurora is the sole ASX participant in the Longhorn AMI (25% post farmout) and the Ipanema AMI
(30% post farmout).
Yours sincerely
Jon Stewart
Executive Chairman.
HOUSTON, Oct 13, 2010 (Dow Jones Commodities News via Comtex) --
By Ryan Dezember


Chesapeake Energy Corp.'s ( CHK | PowerRating) Chief Executive Aubrey McClendon said Wednesday that most significant natural gas and oil shale fields in the U.S. have already been found, and that investors shouldn't hold their breath for major new discoveries.
"If you decided, I'm going to pass on the Barnett, pass on the Haynesville, pass on the Marcellus, and you were going to wait for the next four or five--there won't be any," McClendon said Wednesday during the company's annual meeting with analysts, referring to tight, hydrocarbons-rich rock formations in Texas, Louisiana and the U.S. Northeast, respectively. "By the end of 2011 it will be over. There won't be any basins that have escaped investigation."
Buyers have dried up something hectic, and sellers are all putting up some resistance all the way up to $1.40...funny how everything has flipped on its head and everyone is jumping off the bandwagon, even given the positive valuation Euroz has put on AUT
Buyers have dried up something hectic, and sellers are all putting up some resistance all the way up to $1.40...funny how everything has flipped on its head and everyone is jumping off the bandwagon, even given the positive valuation Euroz has put on AUT

I wouldnt fear look at the after trade today. Very strong indeed. Almost as much volume from 4pm to 4.10 as the entire day. Its a game of poker and the buyers are just playing it cool, cause they can at present. Profit takers falling into thier hands, and thats the way they want it. AUT had a greeat run and imo its definitely not its last, but unfortunately some of the profit takers have not recognized the game has changed. AUT now operates on a premium for a bloody good reason. And i cant see that premium drying up without some significant catalyst.

You find me another oiler or any company where you have proven technolgy already applied to extract value, the deal already done, the acerage already proven and the funding in place with such a simple and straight forward growth plan.
In my mind the onlyone that even comes close is SEA, but its growth platform is a little more complicated.
I had to jump out today with a silly silly mistake at a day trade to get some quick cash :(

will be looking at getting back in when i have my losses made up, and perhaps i will gain a bigger holding in aut in the mean time...

i liked the euroz report and their slander towards azz, hopefully it doesnt run untill i am back!

good luck to all
Ah well looks like ya made two silly mistakes now. Hopefully you will be back in soon. I was surprised with the close, it looked like volumes where shifitng to favour a nice close..
Elsewhere from Euroz - makes 1.40 seem cheap imo

Sugarkane - Sugarloaf 133 0.46
Sugarkane - Longhorn 384 1.33
Sugarkane - Ipanema 92 0.32
Exploration 1 0.00
Corporate (13) (0.04)
Unpaid Capital 2 0.01
Debt - -
Cash 37 0.13
Total @ 10% nom 638 2.20

Interestingly too, they have cash balance not going below $20M and thats without a H211 CR
Very nice, from the quarterly, things going to plan, accellerate program to 40 wells for 2011 and looking at acerage acquisitions. EKA?

● The forward plan for the remainder of the calendar year is to drill a further 4 wells across
within the Sugarloaf, Longhorn and Ipanema AMIs.
● The forward program for 2011 has now been provisionally increased to 40 wells with over
75% scheduled for the Longhorn AMI.
● Through negotiation with mineral rights holders Aurora‟s gross acreage position
increased to 55,500 acres and the net position to 10,530 acres.
● Aurora has identified potential acquisition opportunities within its area of interest in the
Eagle Ford shale and is considering a number of small, value accretive acquisitions,
focused upon increasing and consolidating acreage in proximity to its existing Sugarkane
Field interests.
AUT in trading halt pending announcement re capital raising.
[this 75 character rule is nonsense] so I repeat AUT in trading halt pending announcement re capital raising.
Well thats good news for me and my re entry i guess.. this may explain why that woman jumped onboard before??

time for me to pray my other move gets a rocket in its ass so i can jump ship and move back info aut

good luck to all! i hope its good news!
AUT in trading halt pending announcement re capital raising.
[this 75 character rule is nonsense] so I repeat AUT in trading halt pending announcement re capital raising.

Sorry Philly, but I don't see anything about a capital raising in the official announcement..... RU scaremongering lol?
Sorry Philly, but I don't see anything about a capital raising in the official announcement..... RU scaremongering lol?

Is no jokes! and now i have to post so many characters to just post up this photo..


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