Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

August Stock Tipping Competition Entry Thread!

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Joe Blow

Staff member
28 May 2004
Good morning everyone and welcome to the August 2020 stock tipping competition entry thread! :)

The August competition is proudly sponsored by FP Markets, an Australian owned and ASIC regulated broker with over 12 years experience and 35 industry awards including Highest Overall Client Satisfaction 5 years running. They facilitate trading in equities, indices, commodities, futures, Forex and Bitcoin via their MetaTrader4 platform.

FP Markets offer 10,000+ equities, indices and commodities across all major international markets. All equity CFDs are DMA priced and 100% hedged. FP Markets are not a market maker so their interests are aligned with that of their clients. You can go long on everything listed on the ASX and international markets and they have the widest short offering of any Australian broker.

A quick recap of the rules for those not familiar with them:

1. Each entrant may choose one ASX listed stock. Options, warrants and deferred settlement shares are not permitted.

2. Stocks with a price of less than $0.01 are ineligible for the competition, as are stocks that are currently suspended from trading.

3. Either before or after posting your entry and before the deadline for entries you must post in the forum thread of the stock you have entered providing either a general update or a view on why you think the share price is going to increase in the short term.

4. The winner is the entrant whose selected stock performs the best in percentage terms between the close of trading on July 31 (entry price) and the close of trading on August 31.

5. The maximum number of entrants in the competition is 100.

The entry price for all entries is the closing price on the last trading day of this month.

The competition winner will receive $100. The second placegetter will win $50 and the third placegetter $25.

You have until midnight on Friday, 31 July to enter. However, in practice, entries can be submitted until this thread is closed. No entries submitted after that can be accepted for any reason.

Please post your entries in this thread. Remember, once you have selected your stock, you CANNOT change it for any reason.

Best of luck to all entrants! :xyxthumbs
TNT for me this month, thanks, Joe!

I saw someone else tipped it last time, and was going to wait to see if they wanted it again, but I noticed that they're not holding and I am, and I gave them a couple of days after this thread was opened, so I figure it's fair game now!
Got 7 more trading days, but heck.

SE1 Sensera for me. Again. ....was 28% up in May from 2.1c when I tipped it last; now expecting 6-7c. May even buy some.
I've been too late and missed the last couple of monthly comps.
Not this time though so, BTH thanks Joe.
OMG, July competition is on fire !!! :jawdrop:

Thank god, I was so busy and didn't get a chance to enter. Would've been steam rolled near the bottom with so many ASF members winning and the current 3 top picks over 100% each ! :dead:


Got a bit of time to research a few spec stocks for August compo, so here goes nothing...

Narrowed down my selection to two picks: DRO and AT1

1. DroneShield Ltd (DRO): Has won me ASF monthly competition in the past. It's a new technology that is gaining some attention and with the new contract win it's not all bluff either.

2. Atomo Diagnostics Ltd (AT1): Rapid Test Kits for blood tests for things like HIV and now COVID-19 ! Announcement today is surely going to bring some attention to this little newly listed company :geek:

I mentioned both since some ASF members may be short on time to do any stock research like me last month. So if looking for a last minute pick you can pick my runner up since we are a sharing/caring bunch at ASF :smug:. Just make sure to donate part of the winnings to Joe if you win :2twocents

With the current Global situation and just released partnership announcement (see AT1 thread), I'll go with COVID-19 test kit maker...

Joe, please put me down for Atomo Diagnostics Ltd (AT1).
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Pure Foods Tasmania Limited (PFT). Please.
Just found out I had one unmarketable share.

They are having a bit of a run recently and I'll look at them at in bit more detail later and post something in the PFT thread. (to be sure I qualify. :) )
GTR thanks Joe.
Blew a turbo seal and then got stuck in reverse a bit for July...

Also found the petrol tank full of red hot chillis, bloody saboteurs....:p

A helpful crowd pushed it back to the shop and chipped in to raise money.
Don't hold.
The dart has been thrown.
Aha that's where the Hot chili went. I have something else in mind for August but will think a little more. Time to get the crystal ball polish out again.
K2F please should have picked for July, I think this company will continue to grow its revenue and also its share price for holders.
Got 7 more trading days, but heck.
SE1 Sensera for me. Again. ....was 28% up in May from 2.1c when I tipped it last; now expecting 6-7c. May even buy some.
And heck !!! Am aware of the rules

SE1 was 6.0c when I posted my entry on 21/07; now its 9.0c. That's 50% foregone


'Please post your entries in this thread. Remember, once you have selected your stock, you CANNOT change it for any reason."
..... For a 28 day period, can I change from Western calendar to a Muslim one? (01 Dhuʻl-Hijjah corresponds to 21 July)?
And heck !!! Am aware of the rules

SE1 was 6.0c when I posted my entry on 21/07; now its 9.0c. That's 50% foregone

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'Please post your entries in this thread. Remember, once you have selected your stock, you CANNOT change it for any reason."
..... Can I change from Western calendar to a Muslim one? (01 Dhuʻl-Hijjah corresponds to 21 July)?
Still one more day left, tomorrow (Friday) may provide a better entry...
Joe Could I please have HCH again.
There is news out today that might be significant. I had hoped (OK ..punted) the Corterdera Resource estimate would be out in July. But this announcement may explain why. More in the thread.
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