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Astrostuff ... Gann from a different angle ...

Magdoran said:
It is interesting that you take the time to
respond to a less cordial comment on Astrotrading, but my
more polite and respectful request for a dialogue is ignored

Hi Magdoran,

If you go back to the other thread you will find a post, where
a suggestion was made to to come to this thread, along with
a link ..... to avoid being accused of hijacking the other
thread ..... have been waiting for you to arrive .....

No problems here ... just not enough hours in a day ... !~!

Let's get this right ... every day of the week
our astrotrading targets are posted, for right or wrong .....

..... if people want to evaluate the results, they only have to
follow those posts, comparing the key dates to their FA/TA
and press releases.

That way, over a period of time, traders can evaluate for
themselves, whether this stuff works or not.

NO CLAIMS for accuracy have ever been made, though
many projected dates do come home with news/moves,
within +/- 1 day.

So what claims are you referring to, Magdoran???

As previously indicated, Australian traders cannot buy the
astrotrading package and so they are not a target market
..... that means, the posts here presenting analysis on
Aussie stocks are definitely "philanthropic" by nature,
as there's no benefit to the poster, whatsoever ... !~!

Sure, always open to any Gann-related dialogue here .....

Very generous of you ... so, where do you want to start ... ???

Magdoran said:
By the way, Yogi, I do wish you well in your endevours.



have a great weekend


P.S. ..... that quip about the Bible codes, may well come back to haunt you ... lol

yogi-in-oz said:

Sure, always open to any Gann-related dialogue here .....

Very generous of you ... so, where do you want to start ... ???

Hello Yogi,

In a nutshell, I have read your different posts and forecasts, what I’m primarily interested in is to compare notes as in the previous post – specifically the area below:



"Originally Posted by Magdoran

If you don’t mind comparing notes, specifically, do you use:

• Time and price squares such as 144, 90, 180, 360, 52, 104?
• Customised squares based on price ranges?
• Zero angles?
• True trend lines?
• Time angles?"

All of the above may be found on the web, in Gann's own
written works, about his mechanical trading tools.

Either as individual tools or part of a bigger analytical process, ANY of the above MAY used, for example:

"• Time and price squares such as 144, 90, 180, 360, 52, 104?"

These are used in combination with aspects, using the same
degrees, around a 360 zodiac dial or between planetary
bodies, as aspects.

As 52 and 104 are based in lunar vibrations for annual
and biannual events, they are more frequently as smaller
units, inside larger lunar cycles, like the 19-year solunar
(Metonic) cycle, as found in TTTTA.

144 = biquintile - closely related to the 8 year Venus cycle

90 - 180 - 270 - 360 are all cardinal points on the dial and
so always play an important role, whether in they are used
in number squares or aspects.

Decile group of 36 - 72 - 108 - 144 also play a role at
market reversals, particularly the tredecile (108) .


"• Customised squares based on price ranges?"

Definitely used ... as well as squares based on the figures
of actual highs and lows.

Two books that explain the magic square, in great detail:

"Magic Squares and Cubes" by John Willis 1909

"Sacred Magic of Abra=Melin, The Mage"
By S L MacGregor-Mathers 1932.


"• Zero angles?" ..... also used, where there's enough
technical data for longer-term analysis.


"• Time angles?" ..... there's two meanings assigned
to this term and we should clarify both of them:

In mechanical terms, whatever can be done on the
price axis can be also done on the time axis, but
any projection must be made from the correct starting
point in ANY market,to give us a Gann line, using
specific rise/run criteria.

For any of this mechanical stuff, a good reference is:

"Pattern, Price and Time" by James A Hyerczyk 1998

For the "Time Angles" in an astro-sense, refer to the
last section of this post, below.


• True trend lines? ..... these were planetary plots, used
by Gann on his hand-drawn price charts ... check the web
for 1948 Soybeans chart, for an example.

Today, with better charting we can readily show planetary
moves on the price chart, either by overlaying a graphic
ephemeris or using Gann lines from particular points on
the chart to trace any median planetary move.


For your timing do you use the Saturn cycle much? Would you consider mentioning any other cycles you think are relevant?

Saturn's progress through the signs is very important. Here's
a link to some analysis on Saturn-in-Leo and the DOW:

Click her for DOW ... Saturn-in-Leo .....


You know I have studied some of the works in your field, but I am certainly no expert in it – if you were mentoring a new Astrotrader, what are the key concepts underlying your discipline you would suggest to them? (Again without compromising your IP for your methodology) – Just a concise thumbnail sketch would be great if you wouldn't mind, please.

Forget about the houses for EOD data and position trading,
as planets in the signs provide enough detail for evaluation.

Read through the books on Gann's own reading list, as they
help to give a broader understanding of the time cycles.

Read ALL availables books by Sepharial, especially his
"Cosmic Symbolism" and "Kabala of Numbers"


"Without going into your proprietary work on TTTA, what would you suggest a new reader look for? – don’t give the game away (I know your reference of not giving pearls away to swine, but this is clearly not the case here), but can you expand on why you think TTTA is worthwhile but with some specific references that you can mention?"

Gann wrote extensively about the trades he did in TTTTA,
so an obvious ploy is to carefully track each trade, against
an ephemeris of the day and evaluate any emerging
planetary patterns.

Read TTTTA with your Bible open .....

Gann made reference to more than 150 bible passages,
in TTTTA, so there's a lot of work in deciphering the
messages, that Gann was trying to impart, at that time.

You will also find some very specific cycle lengths within
the TTTTA text, as well.


"Now, specifically on time, this is really interesting. McLaren contends that there are vibrations running through all markets at all times. Then there are shorter lived vibrations, and the dominant cycles at this level can change. Would you be able to elaborate on the concepts ventured below (again without compromising your IP) please?"

MacLaren is quite correct, about the vibrations in all markets,
however, every market has its own pecular vibration, too.

For EOD trading, we use from the Sun out to Saturn, with
the outers considerd, as they make their ingresses into new

For intraday trading, we use lunar and Mercury moves, as well
as the "Time Angles" represented by the ASC and MC, on
on the astrochart, as it progresses through the trading day.

As the angles sweep our 360-degree zodiac dial, the angles
make important aspects to the planets and various hot spots
predetermined by the unique vibration of each stock .....


Tired now, more later.

happy days


Hello Yogi,

Wow, Thank-you very much for taking the time to address my questions, it is greatly appreciated. I think I’m going to have to work through some of the concepts you’ve raised and digest them…

(Aside: for those who don’t know much about Gann, a lot of Yogi’s comments won’t make much sense, but it sure makes a lot of sense to me – Yogi hasn’t “given the game away”, but he has very generously given some very helpful pointers and mapped out some of the foundations for his method in broad brushstrokes. Me, I’m a researcher at heart, and I emerge myself in areas of knowledge, rattling and prodding them till I get my head around them… I believe in most things there is something of value to be learned that can be used constructively, you just have to seek it).

I can see my reading list is about to expand again…

Thanks again!



Hi Magdoran,

For techies:

As with many other TA tools, traders find it difficult
to apply Gann's mechanical tools to IPOs, due to
very limited price data.

However, Gann's astrotools are one of the few technical
tools that we can apply to IPOs from Day One of their listing.

That means, that as price data unfolds over the course of
time, our regular TA then becomes confirmation of our
astroanalysis, instead of vice-versa, as we have used them
in stocks with a longer trading history.

and SHA have all had their astroanalysis posted, along with
many others, like TBG, GFF, SPN and SKI ..... etc .....

Given that regular TA and Gann's mechanical tools are of
limited analystical value for IPOs, it soon becomes apparent,
that astroanalysis has become an important tool for
astrotraders, when considering trades in any IPO.

In fact, we can often anticipate which IPOs are worth
stagging and which offers should be declined, in preference
of buying in, at a lower price, at a later date.

By using Gann's astrostuff on IPOs, we have isolated an
area, where other mechanical tools cannot perform. In doing
so, it provides a focus on astroanalysis ALONE, so that we
can evaluate its performance as a trading tool, in isolation
from all others.


For fundamentalists:

Time cycle analysis can alos help fundamentalists, with
their market timing in IPOs, by helping to gauge market
sentiment about any stock, at any given time.

Astroanalysis does not need TA to exist ..... it can be just as
easily done, without a price chart, at all !~!

..... this helps those investors using FA, to fine-tune their
trade entries and exits for better results.

happy days



Hi folks,

Actually September 22 is the HALFWAY mark through
Gann's trading year, as the four seasons marked
the major divisions in his trading year.

Today, Gannsters are watching US markets closely
for a number of reasons:

Firstly, some major Gann time cycles comes into play,
from other significant market lows.

Next, due to the 19-year Metonic cycle, we have a
solar eclipse today (in South America?), just as we
had on this day in 1987 ..... !~!

In 1987, the market crash came in October ... this year,
we will be looking for news of a significant event, around
23-24 October 2006 (water-related, on USA west coast???) ...

As previously posted, in the event of a crash, we will be
looking for lows around 07 November 2006, with another test
of the lows, about 17 November 2006 ???.

..... after that, our XJO should rebound quickly, with
some good gains to finish off 2006 and continuuing into
mid-February 2007 (???) .....

have a great weekend all


SCARY STUFF MAN,,,,,,holding MBL long and Cba short....that will cover any crash!.....#1 RULE 1 LONG AND ONE SHORT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fundamentals are not about timing the market
Fundamentals are about pricing the market

Sentiment, in a valuation will often be the complete opposite, viz. the more compelling the valuation, the more negative the sentiment.

I won't speak for other fundamental practitioners, but I would not use any form of astro-analysis, anymore than I pay attention to my horoscope.

jog on

Hi duc,

NO MARKET is exempt from the natural cycles, that have
been in existence since Creation.

So it matters not, whether you use FA or TA, markets obey
the natural laws of the universe .....

..... if you don't believe that, just take a look at our
recent analysis of HDR and then take a look at today's
announcement !~!

happy days



..... or maybe a visit to the SHA thread, where you can thank
Mr Gann again, for the time cycle analysis on SHA .....

..... posted 3 days before the stock even listed and nailed a
gap-up off the lows (to the day) more than 60 days later !~!

Please, can you show us any fundamental analysis (or TA),
that can produce such an accurate forecast ..... ???


Even better was the HDR analysis, which nailed the
date for the takeover news, as well .....

This stuff can be forecast for years ahead, if you wish .....

..... and all it takes is some DISCIPLINED learning and
a $40.oo ephemeris (every 5 years).

happy days



Hi folks,

As we are approaching a critical time for world
markets, the following information may be of
interest to some traders .....

..... looking for a high, around 5386
(10 May 06 highs), about 20102006, then
a sharp run down into the lows, around
07 November & again 17 November 2006,
for a double bottom (???)

Trigger for the run down should come
around 23102006, when we could well
see another catastrophic (natural?)
event, that will spook the markets,
as well.

In looking for the triggering event,
around 23-24102006, we looked at the
west coast of USA ... see post above,
on 23rd September 2006.

However, we may also want to look at
the ephemeris for the location of some
other potential events, as well.

Recent events in North Korea and Japan,
like the nuclear test and an earthquake
in Northern Japan, will have us focused
on that region, too.

With Pluto conjunct the Galactic centre,
Saturn square Jupiter and Saturn trine Pluto
and the Moon's North Node, then we may expect
something BIG (Jupiter) explosive and hidden
or underground (Pluto) and of a high magnitude
disaster (Saturn), with long-term consequences
North Node.

On 23-24102006, we also have 3 other planets
conjunct, making their ingress into Scorpio
the most notorious sign for making violent
weather ..... that's 6 planetary bodies
making a stellium in Scorpio, a water sign !~!

..... something, simply must relieve the pressure
on this unbalanced chart.


If this event is weather related, it will likely
involve huge quantities of water ... Jupiter in
a water sign. You will remember the hurricanes
last year, as Jupiter approached the final
degrees of Libra, an air sign.

Add to this, Saturn is also considered a wet
planet by weather forecasters ..... and here's
what C.C. Zain had to say about the planets

Jupiter ... normally considered mild and beneficial,
"it is only when configured with malefic planets
(Saturn this time), that he takes part in storm


"Saturn is the storm planet" ..... brings EXTREMES
of temperature, rain, winds and drought, whichever
is predominant in the area, at that time.

Mostly considered a cold planet, Saturn may also
bring hailstorms.


"Pluto is cool" and "But when Pluto is heavily
afflicted in a weather chart, such as receiving
the (Saturn) square, Pluto is next to Saturn in his
ability to produce storms of death and destruction."


Geodetically speaking, the stellium points towards
the west coast of USA, while Saturn is contra-parallel
to Pluto, Neptune and Jupiter (within 2 degrees),
representing more stress.

Pluto is stationed above a longitude running roughly,
from Coatzacoalcos in Mexico, up through Shreveport
and on through Kansas City, so areas close to this
line will also be of interest.

With Saturn stationed over the same longitude, as
Hokkaido in Northern Japan, it would not be at all
surprising to hear of another earthquake or nuclear
test, around that time.

With so many planetary indicators coming into play,
in Scorpio, we should not rule out a BIG, watery
event on the US west coast, later this month !~!

So, by now you can comprehend our concerns for a major
calamity, later this month, that will have repercussions
in the markets, as well.

Of course, all this may be TOTALLY WRONG, but with
so many indicators pointing towards a BIG event,
it is difficult to ignore them entirely .....

happy days


Are we out of danger yet Yogi?

You had me worried.....

Hi Kennas,

This stuff moves very slowly, so we are not out
of the woods yet ..... and if the markets remain
strong this week, then it could well be that
07112006 will be a market high, instead of
the expected low cycling from 12032003 lows.

From above:
"Recent events in North Korea and Japan,
like the nuclear test and an earthquake
in Northern Japan, will have us focused
on that region, too.

With Saturn stationed over the same longitude, as
Hokkaido in Northern Japan, it would not be at all
surprising to hear of another earthquake or nuclear
test, around that time."

Melbourne had a mild quake on 23102006 and if you
look at your atlas, you will note that was located on the
same degree longitude as Northern Japan ..... and right
where Saturn will be stationed for the next few weeks.

So, its not over yet and until that second positive cycle
comes our way around 17112006, then expect the
unexpected !~!

In fact, that Saturn/Pluto link may well result in an
unexpected and explosive event ..... ???

happy days



Hi folks,

Just to keep this theme of intraday cycles going for today,
watch for changes in market sentiment, around AEDT:

14:16 - watch for oil news - minor ???

14:17 - watch for positive news from hitechs
and biotechs - particularly stocks like
CDA, CDS, CMS, CVS for example.

14:28-42 - sharp positive move in market here???

14:48-52 - watch the speccies here - minor.

14:57 - major intraday cycle here???

15:06 - sudden move here - major cycle.

15:15 - minor

15:27 - minor - watch for news from
travel-related stocks and funeral
directors, etc

16:04 - minor - watch for more hitech/biotech
stuff here.

happy trading


yogi-in-oz said:

<> snip
15:27 - minor - watch for news from
travel-related stocks and funeral
directors, etc

<> snip
happy trading


Watch for news from funeral directors? Do you mean a CEO of a big company is about to expire, thus affecting its shareprice?

Hi folks,

From above:

"Recent events in North Korea and Japan, like the nuclear
test and an earthquake in Northern Japan, will have us
focused on that region, too."

Our analysis above was posted, exactly one month ago
and tonight we learned of a very big earthquake in
Northern Japan, with some serious concerns about it
generating a tsunami, as well !~!

..... let's see how the market reacts going into our
17112006 target date ... ???

happy days


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