Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Astral projection

Wayne, Interesting link to The Tao. Sort of a Rastafarian version. :kiffer:
kennas said:
Mista, It was just dreaming to me, but being able to choose the dream. The first step is to start recording all you dreams on paper so you can start consciously being aware of the detail, and stopping your dreams from crashing into each other, and being mixed up in your recollection of them. So, have a notebook next to your bed and write down everything you remember after every dream. Eventually, you'll be waking up after every dream and they'll all make sence! Then you can start determining what to dream about. You do this by imagining what you want to do in every detail as you are falling asleep. For eg, if you want to dream about a tropical island holiday, think about the entire process of getting there. About packing, driving to the airport, the plane ride, the hostie, her legs, her lips etc etc. Then, you'll all of a sudden be dreaming about it. This is the first step, in controlling what you dream about and the theory is that this is your soul travelling in the Astral Plane. Another dimension, or reality in the universe. I think you'll find however, it's just your brain making it all up. Amazing little creature aren't we?

So are you saying this "travelling in the Astral Plane" is simply dreaming?

Can you describe/define what the Astral Plane is?

Julia, Those who believe in it think the Astral Plane is another dimension in space and time. Another reality that is in our cosmos but out of our waking consciousness. If you've tried DMT, then you might have an understanding of what that might be like. Google DMT and you'll see what I mean. I have always been open to the idea of this alternate reality existing, but in the end, the only reasonable explanation, is that it's just our brains doing somersaults.
kennas said:
Julia, Those who believe in it think the Astral Plane is another dimension in space and time. Another reality that is in our cosmos but out of our waking consciousness. If you've tried DMT, then you might have an understanding of what that might be like. Google DMT and you'll see what I mean. I have always been open to the idea of this alternate reality existing, but in the end, the only reasonable explanation, is that it's just our brains doing somersaults.
No, Kennas, I haven't tried DMT. Not into drug use for various reasons.
I know someone who is very convinced about what he describes as "soul travel". Don't know if this is along the lines you are suggesting?

One thing I find odd is that you can be quite focused on doing something or thinking about something and then suddenly a long ago incident which may well have been entirely inconsequential will appear in the mind in amazing detail, such incident being absolutely unconnected with what you were thinking about. My take on this is simply memory "slipping a cog somewhere" or something like that.

And with dreams, the coherent ones I have are able to be tied to something in particular which has been causing anxiety, and the others meaningless nonsense which probably represent nothing more than some odd cells firing off one another in some part of the brain.

Followers of Gestalt psychology believe that we can find ourselves in every aspect of a dream, e.g. if you dream you are being attacked, they say you could not only be the victim but also the attacker.

Yep, soul travel is the same thing, by my understanding. It was 20 years ago that I was into it, so only going off memory.

Dreams.....hhmmmm. Very, very strange things. Possibly one of the most unknown aspects of our existance and yet we have them every night.

Perhaps they are a combination of things. Memories, desires, fears. All rolled up together and influencing each other. Might be just our crazy brain too, as you say, just misfiring, under no conscious control. Without any stimulae, it just goes off on any old tangent. Each thought, somehow linked to another, but not coherently.

Not into drugs?? Were you born in the 30s? he he.
DMT omg thats one hardcore psychadelic!!!!!!! And im pretty sure that you and i would be the only ones that know what it is on these forums!!!! havent tried it ...yet! but kennas isnt what you have described lucid dreaming? although they may be the same thing i guess.... im talking about leaving your body in an awake state.. i know a few people that have done it and have helped me with bits and things to practice and i believe im not too far from leaving it....

Can't say any more. I might incriminate myself. :D

All start of discovering the universe...
I did. It was back in 1997.

You can do it by giving your subconscious this suggestion:

"When I'm having an OBE, I will be aware of it and remember it afterwards".

I did this suggestion for everynight before I slept for about 2 weeks. 1 morning I woke up and twang it happened!