Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Astral projection

mista200 said:
Im just wondering if anyone on this site has achieved astral projection? anyone tried? :confused:
Wouldn't we all be millionares by now... if we could even.... :)
actually it isnt that hard to develop the skills and ability its got nothing to do with seeing ahead of time nelly!

Aren't there more productive topics for our imaginative energies? How about a thread on world peace or something.
:) I wrote my final year 12 essay on Astral Projection. he he.

Also known as dream travelling, or soul travelling, surprise surprise. And at the time I tried it, I thought it worked!!

Ultimately, it's about controlling your dreams and having the conscious, subconscious ability to direct your dreams as you are in them. I got to the point where I could dream about just about anything I wanted but didn't get to the control bit.

Many people have dramas with the concept because once your spirit or soul is travelling about the astral plane your body can be possessed!! Or, the line holding your soul to your body can be cut. This was one early explanation for cot death believe it or not, because a babies line was not strong enough to hold the soul.

Obviously, I have my doubts about this ability, these days. :D
kennas said:
:) I wrote my final year 12 essay on Astral Projection. he he.

Also known as dream travelling, or soul travelling, surprise surprise. And at the time I tried it, I thought it worked!!

Ultimately, it's about controlling your dreams and having the conscious, subconscious ability to direct your dreams as you are in them. I got to the point where I could dream about just about anything I wanted but didn't get to the control bit.

Many people have dramas with the concept because once your spirit or soul is travelling about the astral plane your body can be possessed!! Or, the line holding your soul to your body can be cut. This was one early explanation for cot death believe it or not, because a babies line was not strong enough to hold the soul.

Obviously, I have my doubts about this ability, these days. :D
Hi Kennas
So is it about controlling your dreams, which are about your sub-concious, or is it about the ability to leave/return from your physical body? :confused:
ghotib said:

Aren't there more productive topics for our imaginative energies? How about a thread on world peace or something.
Hi ya Ghotib {never sure 'bout the capitilisation}
O.K. you start a thread...about anything you like...I'm sure I'll have a comment about it :D

I do enjoy your posts, as your examining the real realm of life.

To reap knowledge be open to it ! ( well done ) ;)

Sad that the inconsequenceals will just follow others dogma.
I think of it as a constipation of thought.

Bobby said:

I do enjoy your posts, as your examining the real realm of life.

To reap knowledge be open to it ! ( well done ) ;)

Sad that the inconsequenceals will just follow others dogma.
I think of it as a constipation of thought.


Hi Bobby

Your post is a classic case of proselytization (i do believe I spelt it right this time) by ridicule and belittling.

How does one truly know whether ones own thinking is constipated or not? All of us believe the others is so. It is common for Atheists and evolutionists to believe themselves intellegent and scientific, and therefore all others as infantile dullards and "inconsequentials". This is invariably accompanied by self-congratulation of the "intellectual" elite... or pseudo versions thereof.

I do believe that by there own petards, they are hoisted.

Is not the blind acceptance of scientific "dogma" constipation of thought? Believe you me, scientific endeavour, particularly in the the field of evolutionary biology, is absolutely riddled with assumptions taken on little more than blind faith, and presented as fact... subsequently only to have facts embarressingly disproven.

More than likely, my post will be interpreted as supporting one viewpoint over the other. But this is not the case. Just pointing out that the "open minded" usually aren't so open minded.

Some of the most celebrated scientists of our time are also the most arrogantly narrow in their view. Possibly the most well known evolutionary biologist alive today (who shall remain nameless as his name is most likely considered holy) is the chief transgressor IMO.

kennas said:
Do your work, then step back. The only path to serenity.' Lao Tzu.

Hi kennas,

Thought you might appreciate this:

It,s Lao Tzu translated using modern language (including a few swear words :D ) without losing it's philosophical import.

Thanks for the reply, got to go for the moment.
Will get back.

Please note : I thought your post a bit interim regarding both our thoughts ? :eek:

wayneL said:
Hi kennas,

Thought you might appreciate this:

It,s Lao Tzu translated using modern language (including a few swear words :D ) without losing it's philosophical import.



Hope the link was intended for all of us? It's so wise in its simplicity.
Sadly, many will be put off reading all the 52 pages.


wayneL said:
Hi Bobby

Your post is a classic case of proselytization (i do believe I spelt it right this time) by ridicule and belittling.

How does one truly know whether ones own thinking is constipated or not? All of us believe the others is so. It is common for Atheists and evolutionists to believe themselves intellegent and scientific, and therefore all others as infantile dullards and "inconsequentials". This is invariably accompanied by self-congratulation of the "intellectual" elite... or pseudo versions thereof.

I do believe that by there own petards, they are hoisted.

Is not the blind acceptance of scientific "dogma" constipation of thought? Believe you me, scientific endeavour, particularly in the the field of evolutionary biology, is absolutely riddled with assumptions taken on little more than blind faith, and presented as fact... subsequently only to have facts embarressingly disproven.

More than likely, my post will be interpreted as supporting one viewpoint over the other. But this is not the case. Just pointing out that the "open minded" usually aren't so open minded.

Some of the most celebrated scientists of our time are also the most arrogantly narrow in their view. Possibly the most well known evolutionary biologist alive today (who shall remain nameless as his name is most likely considered holy) is the chief transgressor IMO.

Hullo WayneL,

I'm back, well iv'e had some time to go over your distort, there are areas I find a dissimulation of both our reason, your post was salient to your own thoughts :) well done mate !

Take care
Bob. P.S. Please note Waynel is invaluable to ASF !!! Go Wayne.
Hey, good chat happening here, sorry been out tasting wine. Will catch up tomorrow.
Your post is a classic case of proselytization (i do believe I spelt it right this time) by ridicule and belittling.

Actually Wayne, he hasn`t induced anybody to change thought, nor has he converted anyone to his thoughts.

He used the words "I think", merely opinion of kennas' thoughts. Not Proselytization! Of course that is my opinion on it and I don`t mean to proselytize :D

Possibly the most well known evolutionary biologist alive today (who shall remain nameless as his name is most likely considered holy) is the chief transgressor IMO.

I`m interested who this person is. Please tell Wayne. :)
Snake Pliskin said:
Actually Wayne, he hasn`t induced anybody to change thought, nor has he converted anyone to his thoughts.

He used the words "I think", merely opinion of kennas' thoughts. Not Proselytization! Of course that is my opinion on it and I don`t mean to proselytize :D

No one can doubt the collective influense, however. You know, social proof an' all that. ;)

Snake Pliskin said:
I`m interested who this person is. Please tell Wayne. :)

That's an entirely new can of worms. I'll leave the lid on that one for the minute...perhaps another time. :)

Wayne, Please tell, please tell!!

I do agree to some extent that 'scientists' have been largely led by initial assumptions, but without that guesswork they would never have gone down the path to true discovery.

For example, Freud's work has been largely dismissed as sexual fantasy and his 'scientific method' completely botched. Jung went on to sort through the rubble and come up with some equally absurd conclusions such as the 'collective unconscious' which I sort of like as a theory, but science? Really! However, their work was ground breaking and cut through the social taboos of the day and developed analytic psychology to what it is now.

But as you say, there is some dodgy stuff going on out there. I faked all my results for a psych paper once..... :eek:
kennas what techniques did you use or try to get an obe? i have been so close to leaving to body, felt the vibrations.... and then DAMN.

also there is nothing to fear with the astral world, because whenever you want you can simply jump back into your physical body... althoug i wouldnt want to cut the silver cord!!! spiritual suicide ?
Mista, It was just dreaming to me, but being able to choose the dream. The first step is to start recording all you dreams on paper so you can start consciously being aware of the detail, and stopping your dreams from crashing into each other, and being mixed up in your recollection of them. So, have a notebook next to your bed and write down everything you remember after every dream. Eventually, you'll be waking up after every dream and they'll all make sence! Then you can start determining what to dream about. You do this by imagining what you want to do in every detail as you are falling asleep. For eg, if you want to dream about a tropical island holiday, think about the entire process of getting there. About packing, driving to the airport, the plane ride, the hostie, her legs, her lips etc etc. Then, you'll all of a sudden be dreaming about it. This is the first step, in controlling what you dream about and the theory is that this is your soul travelling in the Astral Plane. Another dimension, or reality in the universe. I think you'll find however, it's just your brain making it all up. Amazing little creature aren't we?