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ASF Word of the Day

self-righteous - self-righ·teous | \ ˌself-ˈrī-chəs \​

Definition of self-righteous: convinced of one's own righteousness especially in contrast with the actions and beliefs of others : narrow-mindedly moralistic​

Other Words from self-righteous - self-righteously adverb - self-righteousness noun​

First Known Use of self-righteous - circa 1680, in the meaning defined above

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  1. the saying of the same thing twice over in different words, generally considered to be a fault of style (e.g. they arrived one after the other in succession ).
Tautology is a fault of mine it seems. Though I go about it in a more long winded fashion or take my time and manage it several more times all in one long post.

It's also a concept in mathematics, like when you have a complex looking equation and try to simplify it by taking similar actions to both sides, but end up with something obvious at the end that tells you nothing such as:

x = x


5 = 5
OK (spelling variations include okay, O.K., ok and Ok) is an English word (originally American English) denoting approval, acceptance, agreement, assent, acknowledgment, or a sign of indifference. OK is frequently used as a loanword in other languages. It has been described as the most frequently spoken or written word on the planet.[1] The origins of the word are disputed.

I thought the word came from the OK Ranch in Arizona:
The wife told her husband it was not right to kill bears and give away cattle at OK. This was used by others to say it's not OK and thus the word spread throughout the world and translated into many languages, "you just gotta believe that OK".
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Is it too vague or to vague?

Instead, you have to put too vague before the a, even though it looks weird. The phrases in question are adjective phrases, i.e phrases that are headed by an adjective. "Too" is an adverb modifying the head adjective.
Evisceration -
Evisceration is a surgical technique by which all intraocular contents are removed while preserving the remaining scleral shell, extraocular muscle attachments, and surrounding orbital adnexa. The surgery often includes placement of an implant into the evisceration cavity to maintain appropriate orbital volume.
Egalitarianism is a trend of thought in political philosophy. An EGALITARIAN favours equality of some sort: People should get the same, or be treated the same, or be treated as equals, in some respect.


Sometimes used as a form of equality. Poor people send their children to a Government funded school as that is only what they can afford. A richer family could easily afford an expensive private school but as a form of egalitarianism favour equality sending their children to a government funded school.
/pəˈlævər/ (informal) [uncountable, singular] (British English) a lot of unnecessary activity, excitement or trouble, especially caused by something that is not important synonym fuss.
A past participle is a word derived from a verb that can be used as an adjective, to form perfect verb tenses, and to form the passive voice. It is one of two types of participles, along with present participles.
Placing a Tweet behind an interstitial: We may place some forms of sensitive media like adult content or graphic violence behind an interstitial advising viewers to be aware that they will see sensitive media if they click through. (Note: you cannot click through on Twitter for iOS.) This allows us to identify potentially sensitive content that some people may not wish to see. Learn more about how to control whether you see sensitive media.




Just a thought below - someone who is very upset.


1. exhaustion by lack of nourishment
2. lack of mental or spiritual vigour and enthusiasm.