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21 April 2005
How do people earn a living from painting etc?

Do art galleries make it possible for unknown painters to display their work?

Any experiences please feel free to tell.
How do people earn a living from painting etc?

Do art galleries make it possible for unknown painters to display their work?

Any experiences please feel free to tell.

Most don't and wont ever earn a living from art, or even close to it.

Art galleries wont make it possible for unknown painters/ artists to display work per se. Even most award winners wont get their work displayed in the state gallery. Know a few premier's art award winners that no longer bother trying to get work hung here in the WA art gallery. How's that for a cultural void?

That is opposed to Commercial galleries, that will have prices displayed and usually a shop front etc. If it is an unknown artist, usually the commissions will be higher, as they know they can get it out of the artist. The unknown artist not really having a choice. But it is entirely up to the personal relationship between artist and gallery owner as to them being displayed etc.

Most artists will have to produce commissions and easily "sellable" items until their reputation, clientele etc builds up, or they get attention etc whence they plan to produce work they actually want to do, as they can then be sold as easily as before.

Assuming you have the ability, in my experience it is possible. If you are starting out, there are galleries where you can pay for the space to put on an exhibition for a couple of weeks. A good idea is to have a "group show" with some friends, perhaps based around a theme. This gets your name out there. You can keep doing this (hopefully selling some paintings on the way) until you pick up some interest from a commercial gallery.
Or you could go straight to a commercial gallery with slides of your work, but even if its good, they are less likely to be interested if they can't see that you have a history of exhibiting - it shows you are serious about painting. Best to approach a gallery with some shows under your belt.

Another path is to enter your work into Art competitions (they have the Rotary Art Show in Adelaide). These shows attract a lot of people - but their tastes tend to be quite conservative (think landscapes, still lifes), which is OK if thats the market you are trying to crack. If you win one of the prizes, you can get a lot of interest.

Hope this helps..
How do people earn a living from painting etc?


They don't its as simple as that...Most artist work for free, or never work in the industry or work for very little for most of thier lives and its only when they die that their artwork is appreciated and profited from.

I am an artist by trade, and never made a cent out of it, got sick of the rejection within the industry and moved right away from it. The average artist earns $6,000 more than the dole, and yes for the most of my life I have fitted into the exact mould of a true artist...its struggle street all the way.

Its amazing that since of have left the industry that I gained much more wealth. By gaining more wealth I am able to practise my art as a hobby and not as a profession.

My advice to young people is not to bother being an artist as a profession, just do it for a hobby
I have a friend who does botanical illustrations for a living, in watercolour. Beautiful work, though he insists that he is an "illustrator" and not an artist.

He gets commissions from unis and botanical gardens all over the world.
Assuming you have the ability, in my experience it is possible. ...
Another path is to enter your work into Art competitions
dawg (and chops and snake et al )
speaking of talent - check out some of these

(another path is the footpath?)

This is a good one - (no stencils etc - where a purist might argue you are cheating) - as long as you don't mind getting spyware warnings - and have anti virus installed etc, spray painting
Yes it is a sad state of affairs indeed. It seems the cultural void in Australia is not only in art but music too.
Go to Vienna and Paris to get perspectives and come back to Rugby League and RSL clubs etc...........

Thanks for the information everyone.
Sorry, folks, for diverting somewhat from the topic, but I can't help being reminded of one of my school reports when I was about 15. It read:
"Julia's artistic talent lies deeply concealed".
Needless to say, a career in the wonderful world of art appeared to be off the list of possibilities.
How do people earn a living from painting etc?

Do art galleries make it possible for unknown painters to display their work?

Any experiences please feel free to tell.

Snake I swear this happened about two hours ago,
the boy down the road knocked on our door,he`s about 6 or 7 and asked if we would like to buy some of his paintings,he had a whole bunch of drawings in a folder ,looked like he`d been sitting at the kitchen table just drawing lines in different colours on lots of a4 .

So maybe if artists want to make a living they could take a leaf out of his book.
I'm gonna call this art ..
this is the 21st century after all
and compared to Brett Whiteley its damned tame ... lol

Well - I've added Vitruvian woman - who is much more supple ( and arguably a bit less subtle)
It's more about simple enjoyment of beauty


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How do people earn a living from painting etc?

Do art galleries make it possible for unknown painters to display their work?

Any experiences please feel free to tell.

Just thought I'd let people in the Perth area know that I'll be organising two art exhibitions next year.

One is a minor exhibit at the Oceanus restaurant at City Beach, in April.

The other is going to be rather large, at the Moore's Building, Fremantle in July. One of the largest and most important galleries in Freo, and hence WA. I'm co-organising this one, but am also going to be the major, or one of the major sponsors of this exhibition.

I just thought I'd let people know about it, as we will be looking for sponsors. If you are considering helping, keep in mind it does not have to be much at all, and any help will be much appreciated. All sponsors will receive excellent exposure to the local community, and the region at large, with thousands of people in traffic expected at each exhibition at the Moore's Building. Plus it can be used as a tax offset.

I know it is a long way off now, and I will rustle some more support up closer to the date, but if you are potentially interested in sponsoring this event, or even if you are just an interested member of the public, PM me and I will keep you up to date with the progress along the way.

I have a friend who does botanical illustrations for a living, in watercolour. Beautiful work, though he insists that he is an "illustrator" and not an artist.

He gets commissions from unis and botanical gardens all over the world.

Yes he is correct. There are a number of catigories in the arts from Kraft, Illustration (your friend) Realistic (like you see in a photo) and then the various Isms (cubism etc) in what is called Fine Art. The latter is regarded as the real art as it is creative. This is best understood by thinking of art as "idea" or the devolopment of a concept. When doing my MA in Fine Art some years ago my "proposal" a paper explaining my concept/idea was the more difficult task but probably the most rewarding because in making me explain to others what it was about I learnt more about my own creative being and therefore opened up new directions for my idea.

Money in it. Well, luck, style and where you are at in society plays a big part. As a student I shared space with John Kelly, he got onto square cows and has risen to the top with exhibits throughout Europe.

For me, my work revolves around line and optics and a part of it plays with the space frame (what we see at a glance) and its instinctive frequencies.

Maybe something will still come from it. I was into art from a child but entered the academic side too late. It is a big trip emotionally and my personal family situation was bad some years ago which stifles creativity. If I cannot do it properly I will not touch it at all.
nailing his ideas to the wall...

(when it comes to achieving an unusual artwork - this bloke has nailed it )


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Max Ernst


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I have a piece of "Elephant Art"... bought at the perth Zoo... painted by Tricia... helps support them... butt.. saw this on the net the tother day.. meant to be painted by an Elephant O/S somewheres... but methinks it may be fake.. .. or someone has one very talented Elephant!!!!



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How do people earn a living from painting etc?

Do art galleries make it possible for unknown painters to display their work?

Any experiences please feel free to tell.

My partner is an artist, but is fairly resigned to the fact that it is a hobby and she will not make money to live off of.

For someone like her it is made even more difficult as her paintings take about 6 months to complete, so to get a decent portfolio of them will take decades.

We have a few ideas about how to sell/make $$ but it all comes down to having a lot available, which she doesnt at the moment
As for that painting by Haecht (with some timewarp of Alexander bought forward in time), I first ran into it as a jigsaw puzzle in Avoca (the coffee house there).
It was a classic! almost a whole wall - Hate to think how long it took em to do the damned thing.


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