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Armstrong confirms comeback

Show me a high profile athlete or actor that does not support a "charity". These days it is just part of the marketing "package" of a celebrity.
That's probably exactly right. Pretty much obligatory when creating the image.

I saw that doco. Obviously, and the documentary skirted somewhat around it, there was a reason why the samples couldn't be used as evidence. Maybe the age of the sample.
I tend to disagree.

Winning a competition by being drug boosted is not really an achievement.

Only if you get caught!
I think you'd be surprised how many sports stars that are admired by the public take enhancement drugs to give them the edge. Lance was just another one who was unfortunately caught. There would be others out there that are still holding their titles... just haven't been caught.
Officals turn a blind eye to a lot of stuff because it's all about the industry and it's survival. They will however make an example of someone as a warning to others that cats out the bag so pull it in.
China got caught in the oylmpics with their swimmers awhile back.
Horse racing industry is a classic example where high profile trainers use the same enhancing substance but only one is singled out and banned as a warning to the others. It would have been pretty bad for the industry if all were banned from training. Sometimes in order to stay competitive you have to keep up with the Jones. Whistle blowers dont stay in the industry for long or if they do they're in for a hard time.
Who knows... If Everyone was clean including Lance thru those races he still may have won those titles.
In my book he's still a champion athlete.
It's no secret that there was heavy drug use among the Eastern Europeans and the Soviets at the olympics in the '80's yet today athletes are still matching or beating the times/distances they set. If they are on the winners podium at the Olympics in track and field it's very unlikely they are clean.
Guilty conscience???


Lance Armstrong Confessed Doping During Oprah Interview: REPORT

I think it will be airing live AEDT 1pm. It will more than likely be on the 6/7pm news

He's had his team working on this for months no doubt. He'll come out with the perfect sob story, water works, poor me bull ****, and people will actually walk away from the TV set feeling sorry for this loser. An apology doesn't change the fact you're lying thieving cheating scum.
An apology doesn't change the fact you're lying thieving cheating scum.

Gee, that's a bit harsh! They were all on drugs back then, so why single him out? The team management and doctors were supplying the drugs anyway. I'm sure he wouldn't have had any choice - either take the drugs the team gives you or you don't compete. In any case, he's still a great athlete - one of the best cyclists of all-time. He still beat the competition on an equal playing field, as they were also on drugs - so he didn't have any sort of unfair advantage.

The way he treated his former teammates etc. makes him seem like a sociopath.
Another bicycle helmet bites the dust.

Do I care?

Typical of the type who destroyed cycling for the common person.

Those in the know knew Armstrong was doping the fact is you cannot win 7 TDF titles in a row it's just not possible unless you have a lot of "help"
A great shame for the sport and those that lost to him in the past though they would have known what was going on

He is a peasant.

A helmet clad peasant.

He has cost me valuable days in TCC Townsville Correctional Centre, and I will see him banged up in Fulton City Jail in Atlanta before I ever wear a helmet and travel at such manic speeds as he.

ps I have been wrongly incarcerated in Fulton, and it ain't none too nice.


He's not a good cyclist or athlete at all, certainly not even remotely comparable to the best of all time. What he was best at is obviously having the genetics that complimented the narcotics better than others. I completely agree, why single him out, every last one of them should have to hang up their...pedals.

Don't give me the 'he didn't have a choice' crap. Any self respecting person that had an ounce of self worth and pride would choose to compete without drugs in such a scenario.

Please provide proof that EVERY other rider was also doping. The first rider across the line that didn't dope should be crowned.
Please provide proof that EVERY other rider was also doping. The first rider across the line that didn't dope should be crowned.

I'm no Armstrong apologist, I think he's a cheat and fraud but I also think that 99% of riders in the late 90's/early 00's were doping. The rest wouldn't have won with or without doping. In the bad days, you wouldn't have gotten a contract if you didn't agree to dope. This was cheating at an institutional level, it wasn't just a few bad eggs. The UCI was complicit in that at the very least it new there was a problem and it turned its back. Hand the Tour victory to whoever wasn't caught doping, but realise they were still doping.

The sport has been cleaned up in the last few years, largely because of better testing rather than because of a concerted effort by the UCI to actually fix the problem. You just need to look at the times being posted now and how much slower they are than 5-10 years ago. The Schleck brothers would be lucky to be a domestique in the US Postal team.
How about how Armstrong set out to destroy a woman and her husband after she reported him for doping in 96.

Man is a complete dog full stop.
Armstrong is no fool but he's unleashed armageddon with his confession.
There are numerous people he has sued and won defending his "ïnnocence" they will now want their money back with interest.
Now he will dob in others so this will be very interesting to say the least.

As for Oprah Winfrey
Self serving dog.

Armstrong's no fool

Yeh he is!

He needs to be sent to jail.

With a bicycle helmet.

He will need it.

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