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AR9 - archTIS Limited

27 June 2010
archTIS is a Canberra-based firm that specialises in the design and development of products, solutions and services for secure information sharing and collaboration. The company's products and solutions have the ability to apply and enforce dynamic, policy-driven access controls at the user and information level.

Established in 2006, archTIS has over 10 years experience delivering secure information and identity management services and solutions within the highest security levels of the Australian Government.

It is anticipated that AR9 will list on the ASX during August 2018.
at its IPO in Sep 2018, archTIS was:
Since then, by May 2019, Kojensi Gov (its key product so far coming out of the DoD work) achieved endorsed cloud product status by the Federal Digital Transformation Agency
• The Cloud Services Panel is the largest cloud services procurement panel for the Australian government, accessible by Commonwealth, State and Territory governments, as well as universities and local councils.
• The CSP enables these institutions and agencies to sole source Kojensi Gov directly from the panel, shortening and simplifying procurement processes
• Inclusion on the CSP is an endorsement of Kojensi Gov by the Digital Transformation Agency as being “value for money” for government agencies and institutions

Aug 2019: Attorney General's Dept becomes first government client, after running a Beta program (testing) for a few months
Oct 2019: Signs agreement with ACIC for Kojensi Gov use by the National Criminal Intelligence System (NCIS) Program Team, to facilitate secure collaboration across all state, territory and Commonwealth law enforcement, law compliance and regulatory agencies involved in developing the NCIS.

- still finding it hard to get any home runs. A little bit here, a little bit there.
From the Quarterly glacial score rate of engagement. Cap raising ....wait for news?
• Dr Miles Jakeman AM, co-founder and former Chief Executive Officer of Australian software and technology success story, Citadel Group , joins the archTIS Board
• During his time as CEO of Citadel, Miles grew the company from a start-up to 250 employees with a market capitalisation of $400 million
• Miles also brings to the board strong industry knowledge and existing networks of key contacts in Defence, intelligence, and government
The Commonwealth Ombudsman today signed an agreement to use archTIS' platform, Kojensi, for secure collaboration between government agencies.

In the current environment of worker self-isolation this will provide the agency and its partners a way to continue working collaboratively from anywhere, anytime.
Trading Halt and capital raise.

a complex Investor Presentation highlights the opportunity to get its Kojensi 'content and collaboration cloud service' offering out there. It is a
• Multi-level security platform allowing government and industry to share and collaborate on highly classified information
• Patented security model, uses Attributed Based Access Control (ABAC) to define the rules of who access the information, and under what conditions
• Information is secured not only at the perimeter to the system but also within the system

Realistically at Launch phase now, and want to transform to Scale and Optimise, targeting
• Clients that provide a network effect
• Clients that have strong dependence on commercial supply chain
• Clients that work in high compliance environments
• Clients where a breach of trust or security risks reputational harm

Have been focusing on Aust/NZ govt departments, looking to deepen impact with Defence and Intel, plus contractors, consultants and law firms dealing with govt, both here and Internationally.

Big ask. So far, its been slow.
• $1.65 million raised via a Placement to new and existing shareholders at A$0.055 per share
• archTIS will conduct a Share Purchase Plan to existing shareholders at the same price of A$0.055 to raise approximately another A$500,000
• All Directors have participated in the Placement
• Funds will be used to pursue the execution of archTIS’ sales pipeline across both Enterprise and Government
AR9 bouncing around the 5.5c level, may be hard for punters to stump up the money in SPP?

Recently announced : archTIS selected to solve Curtin University’s space tracking data sharing challenges
- one would hope this is 'leverage'?

* SSA = Space Situational Awareness
SPP has a few more days, and the trading of shares has seen SP rise above the 5.5c offer mark. Closed today at 6.0c

There's a promo clip interviewing CEO at

He's not the most polished of performers but the message sounds +ve. Anyway there's cash to pursue next stage, hope some growth through network effect comes off.
archTIS successfully raised A$590,750 from its Share Purchase Plan (was aiming for $500K, so this is encouraging), following on from the A$1,650,000 placement completed in May.

Was priced at 5.5c which, until today's sell-off, was in the money (just).

Up some 38% on Friday after going nowhere during the capital raise. Picking up new clients that deal with Govt may be a way in.

And this:
- hold, took up new shares in SPP
One for my crash list. Big customer and lots of 'network effect'
I take a Helen Keller approach to SaaS and Cloud stocks but that got me into IRI and DTL at lower prices than today.
This has the right vibes. Gaining brand and network value through prestige customers like Northrop Grumman and Curtin Uni, space and defence security against totalitarian CCP. Going for <1.5 book value, just raised cash, biggest expenses done.
It has the right roots - they were invited to commercialise it by Aust govt after doing work for them on some Aus/US high security exchange thingo.
I got 50,000 today @ 9.2c and hope the 5.5c cap raising drags it down to where I can add more. When the global deflationary bust happens this is one candidate for me to load up. I don't think their business will be all that sensitive to economic conditions - indispensible once embedded I'd guess.
just as an aside, AR9 one of only two companies with Top Secret clearance for both USA and Aust Defence depts (I was told) (around the time of its float)

Consensus pricing has 9-10c the new normal; excitement of the Ann, a bit of profit taking, new buyers lining up. Lets hope some more customers come on board
poking around ....

* Edith Cowan Uni
** Cyber Security Co-operative Research Centre

Sapien is a Edith Cowan University-backed private cyber security company.
Of course, Stephen Smith is Chairman of the Board of Directors for archTIS. He has been a Professor of Public International Law at the University of Western Australia since 2014.
Another WA connection: director Wayne Zekulich is Head of Perth for Deutsche Bank.
And the former boss of Citadel Group, Miles Jakeman, should be able to help grow AR9

- global cyber security industry is estimated to be worth $US120 billion ($174 billion) annually and forecast to hit $US340 billion by 2024.
I like this mob. everyone except a former High Court judge who shall remain nameless is involved with them.

They protect government and companies from viruses from state actors. Cybersecurity.

Following Mr Morrison's revelation 10 days ago that a state-sponsored actor was behind a barrage of hacks targeting governments, businesses, critical infrastructure, health research and other organisations, the PM will go on a cyber war footing on Tuesday. The Cyber Enhanced Situational Awareness and Response, or CESAR, would identify more cyber threats, disrupt more foreign cyber criminals and build more partnerships between industry and government.

Headlining the package is $470 million to create more than 500 new jobs within the Australian Signals Directorate, the highly regarded agency responsible for thwarting cyber attacks. The ASD has a workforce of 1800 now.

ASD will also get a further $278 million to tackle offshore cybercrime; expand its data science and intelligence capabilities to stay ahead of emerging cyber threats; block and disrupt cyber attacks including sharing information with businesses in near real time; and developing a national situational awareness system to respond to threats on a national scale and assist vulnerable industries.
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