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ANZ Call Option

Counter Trend High indicated for 11th - 12th August before possible resumption of downtrend into late August so extremely lucky to exit this position yesterday on strength for a small gain of 9%. Now short BHP

Well done mate, trying to work out how you didn't just scratch the trade, entry 0.665 / exit 0.680, I assume ? Not sure how you came up with 9%..

BTW, hope your analysis is correct with BHP, me personally I'm a little too short for comfort, recent surge has caught me off guard, yesterday I was tossing up between adjusting or holding out for a correction, opted for the latter..
picked up some ANZ call options at .33c near the spike low and exited yesterday which equalised the trade .
thanks . the difficulty with this particular trade was having two concurrent low order time cycles converging at two points that were approx one week apart thereby creating somewhat of a mixed picture making accurate entry problematic . Counter Trend High was indicated for 11th - 12th August so I took this opportunity to exit on strength before the door closed . Have since switched to BHP under that thread . Regards Grant
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