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Anyone buying banks yet?

23/4/24 9.40am.

Brokers are pushing their own agendas with this Too Expensive Crap...

The Grid Below explains my view..... .

Yes, CBA is Overbought/Expensive, but the other 3 Mums & Dads Stocks, ANZ, NAB & WBC, are Fair Value ATM...

The only Q we need to ask is WHY are they publishing that Self Serving Rubbish....

"Too Expensive" is the correct wording for someone wanting to Buy Banks at Lower Prices.
so obviously, they are trying to push the SP Down.....

What we need to do now is use the info to our advantage....

Wake Up Aussies....
Cannot argue with any of that , i went through similar process this week and almost same outcome . I cannot buy any top4 bank at current prices and ANZ on a pulback the only one id consider .
Mid March last year, seems so long ago.

Bitcoin made it over $~70k USD but back to $~60k now,

Gold $2530 ish USD now

Up around %50 since then.
I'm musing that there might not be much left in this bank run.

With news of long term deposit rates already being lowered, the squirrels (bar steward bankers) are doing their last runs with swollen cheeks taking as much loot as possible back to the vaults in readiness for "winter".

That's going to bring equity back out into real estate and everything else again. Slowly but surely.
Expecting a different landscape again shortly.
well SUN is no longer a bank ( only an insurer ) , ABA and MYS plan to merge , and BOQ plans to restructure

if the banks follow the classical cycles ( of boom/bust ) we must be close to another downturn in that sector , with only international player MQG left with room to expand in a major way ( surely they wouldn't buy BOQ or BEN , but heck we are in interesting times )

will we see sub $20 for WBC and ANZ in the next 12 to 18 months ?
I personally think that they're overpriced at the moment, I've bought and sold a few banks over the past year with some OK profits. I got priced out of the market really fast after the last drop. I happened to dump NAB & ANZ right on the bottom of the V, I didn't want to risk holding more FMG style losses, if I'd held I would still be in the profit zones at the current levels.

Even BOQ has made some gains after the last drop, but takeover stuff is always risky business.
Big banks up approx. 10% since mid/late Dec.

Rock on!

They’d have to report some decent numbers to maintain the rage.
OR the market would have to worry about earnings ( and div. returns ) in other sectors

many a market darling only supplies capital growth , not divs. ( yet )

on saying that my banks are MQG , KSL and the soon to merge ABA and MYS ( i hold both )

SUN has divested it's banking arm ( so is now a pure-play insurer )

but buy recently not me ( although i did try a cheeky top up of ABA , but missed the target )

my last bank buy was KSL ( @74 cents ) in April 2023
Yeah, that may be it Divs re other sector earnings/divs.
well some commentators are expecting rising costs and tighter consumer budgets to stress many companies , and the companies still doing well , might easily stockpile cash to do their own shopping

i also note a few companies working hard on retiring or reducing debt , even some REITs ( the leverage kings ) are eyeing gearing below 30%

i hope i am wrong , but am thinking it will be a lean winter ( div. wise ) but maybe M&A payouts will moderate the pain
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