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Anyone buying banks yet?

And the spanner in the woodpile , given housing is such a large component of all lending:

Macquarie Bank is now well established in the home lending market.

According to the latest figures from the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), Macquarie Bank grew its owner-occupier home loan book by 22.6 per cent in the 12 months to January, while its investor home loan book grew by 29.6 per cent.

As a result of this growth, Macquarie is now firmly established as the country’s fifth-largest home loan lender, with a home lending portfolio at $58.9 billion of owner-occupier loans, and $44.1 billion of investor loans.

According to rival bankers, Macquarie’s growth rate reflects its sizeable investment in technology, which means it can quickly process home loans, an important attribute for mortgage brokers.

But it also reflects Macquarie’s strategy of targeting high-grade borrowers – those with low debt-to-income ratios and with hefty equity buffers.

Macquarie is causing headaches by offering sharply priced loans to lure high-quality borrowers.

Rivals believe that this is part of a long-term play to expand its base of well-heeled customers, who might also be interested in other investment products the bank offers...
am not looking at the BIG 4 , i hold and DRP MQG but am not interested in buying more at current prices ( it is already my largest holding )

but am watching the smaller banks for opportunities to increase my holdings ( at an attractive discount )
Does the current banking crisis in the US provide an opportunity to buy our Aussie banks? The XXJ financial (x-Reits) index is down 11% from the recent high. The drop started with concerns that the bank NIMs couldn't get any better and now the US bank carnage has seen them drop further. Are we near the bottom of this dip yet?

I expect the US regulators will do whatever it takes to minimise the damage. They have to act quickly. I've bought a starting parcel in two US non-regional bank ETFs and will look to add to them tonight.

I'm also considering buying a few ASX major banks for the medium term as an alternative to a term deposit. The probability for capital gains in a years time is looking better now that prices are much lower.
Japanese Banks dropped ~7% when I looked early this afternoon
Have mused the CBA chart is looking ok for a plus 15% rise at some stage. It even finished in positive territory today.
I jumped the gun buying JDO yesterday, but not too worried about a bit of push and shove. (Not intended for short term, medium to long intentions)

All the doom and gloomers are running in and getting a kick in, but they run away again quickly once things reverse.

Gold over $1910 USD, Bitcoin smashed up over $24.2k
Japanese Banks dropped ~7% when I looked early this afternoon
The Problem as I see it is in the CRYPTO area as some Large Stocks went up 17% 22% 25%
Lots of them rallied thinking they will be Bailed out

I don't think they will
But what would I know?
The Yanks said they would Bail out everyone in ~ 2008 and when it got TOO Large
They had to cut LEHMAN Loose

This is what all Good Captains Do
Cut the Heaviest Dragging Sail Loose to save the Rest
They do it in AFL NRL and in any Team Sport

I'll post a few of these "CRYPTO Rich " American Stocks that think they will get bailed out on my Home Port
As you know I like to keep all my Charts in One Place so I can always refer to them

I'll Leave this Chart with you

Salute and Gods' speed

NB : Notice how the 200 day moving average BLUE is sliced through as it was never there
That is Simply because it is Not There
It is just a Mirage for those of HOPE
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There's another bank ripe for the picking ATM, in my opinion. Closed $5.94 today.

View attachment 156275
i sold out of them earlier this month to help fund the project

if i were to invest cash into a bank in the near future , my choices would be KSL and MYS in that order ( i currently hold both )

am not sure what deal SUN will do over the sale of their banking arm ( to ANZ ) ( i also hold SUN )

was talking to a guy at Heritage Bank today , although the shares don't trade on the ASX , they have merged with a SA firm , and something might change with the merger ( either issue shares or maybe hybrids ) ( i have held HBS hybrids in the past , but they matured years back )

apart from the banks mentioned above i think they all have a fair bit more downside , maybe i will some more attractive then
Huge volatility in the banks today after they all announced record making yearly and half yearly profits. They're not going broke any time soon. Took the opportunity to buy more at the lower prices and will be collecting the divs.
Interesting reading what the experts have to say, we will have to wait and see if the experts are better than the RBA.

From the article:
As a rule of thumb banks improve their interest rate margins and profits when interest rates increase. The 10 rate rises imposed by the Reserve Bank between May and March did the job of providing strong earnings tailwinds.

There is debate about whether the RBA has finished raising interest rates, especially after its surprise hike earlier this month. If there is more to come it will be only one.
be careful of the banks, some may have be close to the peak. My general rule is; if financial articles are saying now is the time, they have usually already passed us by.
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