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Yes Julia, it is definitely something we are considering.I would just hate the thought of living amongst people I couldn't get on with.
gordon this is an issue of territoriality, power and possession. It is more likely they are acting this way because they feel threatened, rather than because they enjoy making life difficult for you.
In such a negotiation, you could big or small. Going big would mean powering up your defense and offense and just trying to blast them out of the water. This could be difficult, because it entails making them an enemy, and unless you know your enemy well, you could well be outsized and outnumbered. Maybe your neighbour is a ruthless QC. In some way, heartache will follow whether you win or lose
You could go small. Takes a lot of skill and humility to go small. You make yourself powerless and friendly, a little harmless, humble guy. You get them onside because they have never dealt with such a person in their professional or personal lives. They don't bother about hunting you, because they see you as a 'nothing', a non-player...someone of no significance. They have become wealthy through intimidation and control tactics, and you can wrong foot them... not in a nasty way, but enough to get what you want without rocking the boat. But it's not enough to be perceived as powerless - you must also be genuinely friendly. This will be a novelty for them. It's much easier to play this role if you naturally humble and friendly, but anyone can make the effort.
Going small can backfire. They may look at you as easy prey and decide it would be fun to destroy you! These aren't the sort of people you want to live anywhere near. But by playing small, you will find out whether they are just afraid of encroachment on their precious views (in which case you can easily win them over and live happily ever after), or whether they are total a-holes you want to avoid. In the second case, sell you block of land to a bikie gang.
The last option is to see things from their point of view and go with their demands. Ask to see inside their house to check what would happen to the view. Maybe it's worse than you expected. Maybe it's not such a big deal for you to go back 3m. Or maybe a strategically placed hedge will fix everything.
Agreed GB. We are naturally friendly people and have never NOT got along with any of our neighbours. I've tried the humble approach with them. Didn't work. I've been inside the other persons house a million times. Have slept there too many times to remember. He will NOT be losing any view. But there is just no reasoning with him.
As for the other persons house, there is none. It's just an empty block. In fact, when they build, we'll be the ones to lose part of our view.
To be blunt, the guy with the house is manipulating the person without a house and stirring up fear. I've tried to explain that to them too but with no success. They've both lawyered up so quick that now I cannot have direct conversation with them anymore. The last personal meeting they gave me 24 hours to make a decision or said they'll hire counsel. Before my 24 hours were even up they called me several times demanding an answer from me. I tried to explain that it's a very big decision and I would need a bit more time to rationalise this all t hrough. But again they lawyered up before even waiting their own deadline of 24 hours.
I'm no lawyer but have spoken to so many people and have done so much research and am convinced they have no case. Even our local council are on our side and deem them to be bully's. We're actually hoping now that the person with the with the empty block loses so much money in this stupid case that they just decide to sell up. As for our 'friend', well I think the damage can be repaired enough that we would get along afterwards. He's used language such as 'it's only the principle of it' that he's suing. As such I'm interpreting it as a way out for him if he loses to save face.
As a side note, he is going through some personal issues at the moment and am a concerned that he is actually having a nervous breakdown. It well and truly is insanity what they are expecting us to do.