Going back ten years or so i had to work night shift. I found that i really suffered just before dawn. Then once i got home i could sleep really sound if i went to bed right away. Because i slept so sound i only needed 4-6 hours sleep to get though the day, which at that stage meant helping to build my house.
I've also done a bit of research on sleep since then as i've been plagued with insomnia from time to time. The recent data shows that 90 minute cycles can be quite effective if you can awake at the proper time during the end of a cycle.
Thanks again CanOz.
I came on here married to the S&P. Call it my first true love but after thinking about all the alternatives available thanks to you guys (which I had little knowledge about), I plan to eventually divorce ES (which will be painful) and go with one of the other more suitable instruments. Will definitely make the wife and kids happier and that's a reward that's priceless.
Over the next year, I'll learn about the asian markets and the ones from TB's list above and how they move as my methodology (discretionary using volume profiling mostly) would be applicable to any market so no huge learning curve required.
Regarding sleep, yeah my experience is shaping up to be similar to yours and I've only been trading privately full time for about 2 years now. What a journey