Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Any Aparists (Beekeepers) Hiding on ASF?

14 November 2005
Hi Guys

Mrs Duckman and I have 2 bee hives. I've always wanted to do some beekeeping and were given one hive. Since then we have collected another swarm ourselves.

I am in the process of making a small honey extractor - but that is not my question. I've looked into one of the supers and the frames are developing nicely. I'd like to just take one frame out and extract the honey. What is the easiest and best way to do this?

I've been told that I can just break the comb into a bowl and put it into the microwave and heat on low. The wax is supposed to melt and separate from the honey.

Does anybody have any other suggestions?

Also if you have made a honey extractor I'd love to hear from you.


The simplist way to extract honey without an extractor is to "mash and strain". Just crush lightly, put in a stockinette bag, hang the bag over a dish and watch the honey flow out. The temperature will govern the speed of the flow and the percentage recovery. A warm room, about 35 degrees works well. If you are tempted to microwave dont let it go for long as the wax melts and the honey will taste waxy.

It works easily so enjoy the honey.:)

Keep us posted on the result.
The simplist way to extract honey without an extractor is to "mash and strain". Just crush lightly, put in a stockinette bag, hang the bag over a dish and watch the honey flow out. The temperature will govern the speed of the flow and the percentage recovery. A warm room, about 35 degrees works well. If you are tempted to microwave dont let it go for long as the wax melts and the honey will taste waxy.

It works easily so enjoy the honey.:)

Keep us posted on the result.

Thanks Nioka. I'll probably do it next weekend.

A stockinette bag - is this a specialty item or I could make one out of a new stocking?

Thanks Nioka. I'll probably do it next weekend.

A stockinette bag - is this a specialty item or I could make one out of a new stocking?


Stockinette, shows my age. It is much coarser than stockings, almost like mosquito net. You only need something that will let the honey through and keep back the beeswax.
Can't you wait till the end of the season. :)

I would just wait till the hive was fully developed and do a few supers at once.

I was going to wait, but have my family coming to visit for a week and wanted to have a small jar that they could take back with them.

Sentimental reasons only....:)
I was going to wait, but have my family coming to visit for a week and wanted to have a small jar that they could take back with them.

Sentimental reasons only....:)

The following video shows a bee keeper using a strainer bag at the 1min mark,.. he is only using the strainer bag to drain the cappings he removed prior to extracting honey from the frames, I think without a proper extractor you are going to waste alot of honey though.

this guys video series is pretty good i suggest watching them all.