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Another boatload of asylum seekers intercepted by Navy

Dveous, your post has hit the nail on the head, I think when Krudd finds out what 99% of the voters think of the boat people he will do a complete back flip. Yes we can take refugees, but they ONLY come past all the proper channels.
Actually, it makes little difference if they come here legally or not. If like 90% of illegal arrivals they arrive by plane nobody bats an eyelid. It is the politicised nature of arrivals by boat that the opposition has successfully used time & time again as a political weapon.

The lack of cooperation & coordination in stamping out the organisation in Indonesia is deplorable - Rudd had taken a preacy like attitude towards Indon relations earlier in his tenure and this had a far greater impact on the number of people arriving in Australian waters by boat than any domestic policy has.

Every interview with a prospective asylum seeker in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, etc that has been released since the crackdown has noted one consistency - the new position provides no deterrant. Only stopping the larger operators on Indon soil will reduce the numbers.
The illegals on Xmas island are complaining about overcrowding. They must be a bit thick not to realise that it's overcrowded because they turned up uninvited.

It's like a gatecrasher at a party complaining because there is not enough grog.

Mofra, I don't know how many times you need to be told, but the people who arrive by plane are not illegals entrants. They have visas. Those who overstay their visas are here illegally.

The blame for not rounding these people up and sending them back rests squarely with the lax enforcement of our immigration laws by the Rudd bureaucracy. It costs $80,000 to process each illegal on Xmas island. I am sure they could nab each overstayer for a fraction of that... especially if they paid a bounty on each dobbed in.

How about going back to Howard's 'Pacific Solution' - would that reduce the numbers?

It was a very effective solution before Rudd dismantled it, there's no reason why it couldn't be an effective solution again if he reinstated it. Not that Rudd is likely to do so - it would leave him with too much egg on his face if he went back to the strategy he threw out.
Mind you, the fool has plenty of egg on his face already as a result of his appalling incompetence in dealing with the problem of these illegal boat people.

This ALP government has made incompetence into an art form. Rudd himself virtually admitted it by saying recently 'We're taking a whacking in the polls and frankly, we deserve a whacking'.

Many speak English, but if they are uneducated and don’t speak English, they could spend money paid to smugglers on English language course while waiting in orderly fashion for Australia to assess and process their application.

Engaging in transaction with smuggler is nothing else but engaging in corrupt activity and this alone should be greeted with lifetime ban for immigration to Australia.

"leech on our social security system"Evidence please and no, don't try to source from TT or ACA. Credible evidence thanks..
Ch 7 news on Friday, Chris Reason reported on an interview he had with an Iraqi goodlife seeker on Christmas Island who had flown to Indonesia then paid for his boat trip to Ashmore reef. Amongst other things, the Iraqi complained of not enough TVs, not enough computers and his daily free 10 minute phone call to anywhere in the world was not long enough. Incredible!!!

I can just imagine him fronting Centrelink, "You mean to tell me that I've paid all of this money to get here and you're only going to give me $460 a fortnight???"
Chris, such an attitude is fostered by some of our refugee supporters.
One of them on ABC Radio today, commenting on the planned re-opening of an old detention centre (I think Curtin, in the Pilbara?) said, 'well, the houses there are quite nice, most are four bedrooms, but they will need to add basketball courts, and they should have a gym, at the very least."

While we have homeless Australians, many because they can't get proper treatment for their mental illness, I'm damned if I want to see my tax dollars building a gym for detainees.

At the same time, I just can't begin to imagine how distorted my thinking and moral sense would become if my homeland had been torn up by bombs and suicide bombers, my family killed or tortured, and any sense of security I'd briefly had completely destroyed.
Pretty easy for us to sit in our comfortable homes and pass judgement, I guess.
...While we have homeless Australians, many because they can't get proper treatment for their mental illness...

Pretty easy for us to sit in our comfortable homes and pass judgement, I guess....

As always Julia couldn't agree more about the treatment of the homeless.

My family have worked with some refugees over the years, one woman had her young son with her and was sent here by her husband who could not afford to get over here. Around 6 months after she got here she recieved news that her husband had been executed/murdered. What's funny is some of the above comments have mentioned that these people have no english and cause crime etc, however, this woman along with some others that I have personally met have better english than a contract law lecturer I had today at uni, funny the stereotypes that are thrown around. I nor YOU nor ANYONE else posting here can comprehend what some of these people have been through and it is very easy as you said for us to sit here and criticise and pass judgement.
"leech on our social security system"Evidence please and no, don't try to source from TT or ACA. Credible evidence thanks..

so tt and aca are just liars? they have absolutely no creditability?
i have to only use the sources you determine credible? theres been plenty of eveidence that people are using our good natured help and abusing our hospitality, and i dont think its just me who thinks this way, look at todays polls the goverment is poling in the 20's and the opositon is polling in the 40's, people are fed up with these back door opportunists, there are plenty of genuine poor refugees waiting their turn in the queues, why should these people just because they have the fare to indonesia and enough to pay a people smuggler, be given priority?
i have no problem with people been given help but in turn, not just someone who wont wait his/her turn,

But these are not the people turning up at Christmasmas island. They do not have the means. They have no alternative but to try to reach the nearest safe haven and wait in line.
so tt and aca are just liars? they have absolutely no creditability?

Are there people too stupid to realise this? Surely not. Everyone realises they're comedy shows, not any form of news or informative progam, don't they?
Mofra, I don't know how many times you need to be told, but the people who arrive by plane are not illegals entrants. They have visas. Those who overstay their visas are here illegally.
They're still all applying for the same temporary exemption Visas!

It's amazing how people get so emotive about the method of arrival. Asylum seekers are asylum seekers.

The proportion of asylum seekers who are granted asylum (the cream of the crop in many cases) tend to pay more than $80,000 over their tax-lifetime once granted asylum.

If this is to be a purely an economic argument, there are far greater areas of wasted government spending.
Julia, well summed up. I don't like the idea of my tax dollars being used for detention as there are certainly a mix of unsavoury characters amongst those seeking asylum, however hearing the voices in interviews there are many people amongst the seekers who have a greater work ethic than the average Australian and are likely to repay the investment in processing with ongoign tax dollars in spades.
Interesting that the "dark skinned" bludger/gov. benefits seeker myth still gets exposed by people who have no experience with the issue.
Are there people too stupid to realise this? Surely not. Everyone realises they're comedy shows, not any form of news or informative progam, don't they?
Nobody ever went broke by underestimating the public
It's amazing how people get so emotive about the method of arrival. Asylum seekers are asylum seekers.

I think the people you refer to just don't like illegal entry. Those who overstay their visas are usually not asylum seekers. They are not fleeing tyranny. They are usually looking for a better job than they had at home, or have found a girlfriend or are just having a good time.
Interesting that the "dark skinned" bludger/gov. benefits seeker myth still gets exposed by people who have no experience with the issue.

It's what the vast majority of Australians believe I think sadly. Media outlets such as ACA and TT and the courier mail etc only present one side of the story and are very selective of what they show. I go to uni with one of the guys whose family run TT or something along the lines and its purely an entertainment show or they wouldn't get the ratings. What they do present is more often than not manipulated and hence people who use TT and ACA as their source are just their 'worker bees' spreading the word of ACA/TT. Less than 10% of assylum seekers come by boat and I think the brits are the country which have the most people living off our tax payers money.
THE overflow of asylum seekers on Christmas Island to the mainland is scheduled to continue today, with the transfer of up to 120 men to Darwin.

The Department of Immigration and Citizenship sent 184 asylum-seekers to Darwin and Port Augusta yesterday on two charter jets.

Last night Christmas Island remained over its capacity of 2040, with 2208 people in detention.

Among them was a boatload of 30 people and four crew delivered to Flying Fish Cove yesterday morning. There were 28 Iranians, one Burmese and one Afghan on board. ......... for the full details.
Less than 10% of assylum seekers come by boat and I think the brits are the country which have the most people living off our tax payers money.

Neither the boat people nor the visa overstayers are asylum seekers. Asylum from what?

Genuine asylum seekers have neither the means nor the opportunity to buy a passage to the country of their choice. The only avenue open to asylum seekers is to try to escape from from persecution to the nearest country where persecution if hopefully less. Then they join the queue for resettlement in another country.

The Labor government started calling illegals asylum seekers to placate the support groups.

Perhaps you could provide some details of your allegation against the "brits".
Julia, I certainly agree with you about looking after our own first. It saddens me when I hear reports about our poor having to resort to extreme measures like pulling their own teeth out with pliers because they can’t afford to see a dentist, etc.

These ‘asylum seekers’ should be sent home to work towards building better societies in their homelands, rather than just fleeing them to seek the good life elsewhere. They need to rethink their attitudes and beliefs so they can integrate back into their communities and learn to live peacefully and cooperatively with each other.

And, yes, we need to reduce the ‘pull factors’ that are drawing them to our shores! Four bedroom houses with basketball courts and gyms??? I suppose they’re all air conditioned. Do they also have Jacuzzis and Olympic swimming pools as well?
Curtain is a old airforce base south of Derby in some of the harshest country in Oz.
Its in the Kimberleys from memory and for the next few months will be ok building up to winter but come summer even with aircon it can send you bananas
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