Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Another boatload of asylum seekers intercepted by Navy

I must admit to feeling some sorrow for the plight of the individual travellers on these boats.

Whether they are "genuine" refugees or not is a moot point, however they are human beings.

The same arguments were used against Jewish people fleeing Hitler's annihilation of a significant percentage of European Jewry prior to the outbreak of the Second World War.

It is Rudd's use of these poor people as pawns in his massaging of initially his soft left base, and latterly of his more hard headed "working families" , that is contemptible, not the flight of the people to a better life.

I must admit to feeling some sorrow for the plight of the individual travellers on these boats.
Can some of these refugees stay at your place then?
If you are genuinely sorry, then you will take a family in.
You can accommodate and feed them.
I must admit to feeling some sorrow for the plight of the individual travellers on these boats.

Whether they are "genuine" refugees or not is a moot point, however they are human beings.

The same arguments were used against Jewish people fleeing Hitler's annihilation of a significant percentage of European Jewry prior to the outbreak of the Second World War.

It is Rudd's use of these poor people as pawns in his massaging of initially his soft left base, and latterly of his more hard headed "working families" , that is contemptible, not the flight of the people to a better life.


Can some of these refugees stay at your place then?
If you are genuinely sorry, then you will take a family in.
You can accommodate and feed them.

I have had a number of refugees, from Victoria and NSW, stay at my place, even one or two economic migrants from Brisbane, mate.

My point was though, that just as people in North Queensland and Western Australia, who provide most of the earnings for the nation, welcome people from poorer areas, like Brisbane, that does not necessarily make people from Brisbane, less human, even though they may speak bull**** at times, or act or behave differently from workers in those prosperous areas, mate.

The ALP Border Policy has been a complete and utter stuff up, exposing our Northern border to entry by any and all.


And our esteemed Prime Minister is too proud and arrogant and stupid to admit it, and too incompetent to make the hard decisions, as Howard did, to put an end to the illegal immigration fiasco that he and his idiotic ALP government caused by dismantling the very effective 'Pacific Solution' introduced by the previous government.

And yet there are still people who will be mug enough to vote for this clown at the next election.
Half the problem lies with Indonesia.
Why is it so hard for them to introduce legislation that outlaws people smuggling, with severe penalties for the boat captains and crew?

I'll tell you why.
They don't care.
Indonesia is only a transit stop, and not the final destination... so they do not cop the long-term expense associated with dealing with these refos.

If Aussie taxpayer dollars cannot help but be consumed in all of this, then I would like to see these boats crews be prosecuted and imprisoned in Australian jails for, say, 10-20 years.

At 60-200 people per boat load, this equates to a minimum of 2 months jail time per human life they are taking advantage of.

I would also like to know what the annual cost of running the Christmas Island detention center is to Aussie tax payers.
Does anyone know this?
Interesting question. I went looking for the answer but failed to find it.
Best I could come up with (and using Christmas Island may be quite different) is this article about costs involved (just under $2000 per person per day) under the Howard Government's offshore programme using Nauru et al.
On TV this boat was mentioned too and they allegedly ALL claim to be from Iraq as only visa moratorium is on visa seekers from Sri Lanka and Afghanistan.

Well, they could check their passports;

Sorry... just joking.
It must be dreadful to be a refugee and to be demonised by the lack of a place to call your own, I mean a genuine refugee, not just out of no other choice.

I feel sorry for those in that position.

It must be dreadful to be a refugee and to be demonised by the lack of a place to call your own, I mean a genuine refugee, not just out of no other choice.

I feel sorry for those in that position.


Why dreadful?

They know exactly that there is housing, dole, medical assistance for starters and later family reunion.

This is what they pay for to smugglers!
Why dreadful?

They know exactly that there is housing, dole, medical assistance for starters and later family reunion.

This is what they pay for to smugglers!

Happy you of course do realise that something like 97% of refuges that come to Australia arrive legitimately...and you also realise that many of them are traumatised and have lost family and are uneducated and don't speak English.

You do realise that...right?
Happy you of course do realise that something like 97% of refuges that come to Australia arrive legitimately...and you also realise that many of them are traumatised and have lost family and are uneducated and don't speak English.

You do realise that...right?

Great point cynical and i'm glad that some people (GG etc) here see the refugees for what they are...OTHER HUMAN BEINGS. It's disturbing to think that people simply think of them as pests and a burden on our economy/way of life. Such backward thinking.
Great point cynical and i'm glad that some people (GG etc) here see the refugees for what they are...OTHER HUMAN BEINGS. It's disturbing to think that people simply think of them as pests and a burden on our economy/way of life. Such backward thinking.

Yep good post
Great point cynical and i'm glad that some people (GG etc) here see the refugees for what they are...OTHER HUMAN BEINGS. It's disturbing to think that people simply think of them as pests and a burden on our economy/way of life. Such backward thinking.
If it's "backward thinking", then please explain to me why the refos don't just settle in Indonesia?

The answer is: they are fully aware that Australia is a soft touch, and we can easily be taken advantage of.

Australians ARE being taken advantage of.
Obviously you are comfortable with that, whilst others are not.

Consider this;
A refo family could save USD$3,000 on the cost of the boat trip from Indonesia to Australia alone. (a figure I heard on a TV report recently).
That $3k would go along way to setting themselves up, and the boat captains would not be profiting from hauling human cargo.
So why don't they just call Indonesia their new home?

As a poster eludes above, very few of them speak any English. Even if they were to learn some whilst in detention, their prospects for getting a job are almost nil.
In other words, they will be on taxpayer funded welfare for their entire life.
No job = increased boredom
Increased boredom = more crime

Look at the ethnic melting pot suburbs of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, and you will see increased crime rates and all sorts of flow-on effects.

It's also pretty naive to think all of this isn't costing Aussie taxpayer big dollars.
Why are there insufficient funds to fix our own health system once and for all?
Why do we have to pay for toll roads just to drive around our own cities?
Why isn't there more money to build more roads?
Why isn't there more money available to construct more dams?

Next time you are waiting in an hospital ER room for 7-8 hours to be treated, think back to how the extra $45 million dollars spent (on the Christmas Island facility in 2009-2010 alone) could have been spent on upgrading your local hospital.

If you think this is backward thinking, you might want to take your rose coloured glasses off, and consider the bigger, longer term picture.

There is nothing wrong with skilled migration, after all that brings us new cultures to sample in the way of restaurants, etc, but it is time to stop others taking advantage of Australians.

Dveous, your post has hit the nail on the head:D, I think when Krudd finds out what 99% of the voters think of the boat people he will do a complete back flip:eek:. Yes we can take refugees, but they ONLY come past all the proper channels.
If it's "backward thinking", then please explain to me why the refos don't just settle in Indonesia?

The answer is: they are fully aware that Australia is a soft touch, and we can easily be taken advantage of.

Australians ARE being taken advantage of.
Obviously you are comfortable with that, whilst others are not.

Consider this;
A refo family could save USD$3,000 on the cost of the boat trip from Indonesia to Australia alone. (a figure I heard on a TV report recently).
That $3k would go along way to setting themselves up, and the boat captains would not be profiting from hauling human cargo.
So why don't they just call Indonesia their new home?

As a poster eludes above, very few of them speak any English. Even if they were to learn some whilst in detention, their prospects for getting a job are almost nil.
In other words, they will be on taxpayer funded welfare for their entire life.
No job = increased boredom
Increased boredom = more crime

Look at the ethnic melting pot suburbs of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, and you will see increased crime rates and all sorts of flow-on effects.

It's also pretty naive to think all of this isn't costing Aussie taxpayer big dollars.
Why are there insufficient funds to fix our own health system once and for all?
Why do we have to pay for toll roads just to drive around our own cities?
Why isn't there more money to build more roads?
Why isn't there more money available to construct more dams?

Next time you are waiting in an hospital ER room for 7-8 hours to be treated, think back to how the extra $45 million dollars spent (on the Christmas Island facility in 2009-2010 alone) could have been spent on upgrading your local hospital.

If you think this is backward thinking, you might want to take your rose coloured glasses off, and consider the bigger, longer term picture.

There is nothing wrong with skilled migration, after all that brings us new cultures to sample in the way of restaurants, etc, but it is time to stop others taking advantage of Australians.


I'm sure that the majoerity of Australians care about human beings, howver they are not impressed by greedy queue jumping economic refugees, who just want to leech on our social security system, bring in countless relatives on the family reunion programme who also leech our system, it's time to stop this and if it means going back to the pacific solution, then lets get started, once these people get wind of it happening, they will stop trying, and hey it just hit me, while the previous pacific solution was in place, how deafening were the press reports of the people of these places, being slaughtered? persecuted and treated inhumanely? hmmm? I cant remeber one instance, if we would be so bad to refuse entry, then wouldnt we just be joining all those other countries who do the same? how many are taken in in Japan? north Korea? alaska? iceland? russia?china? oh hang on we never hear about boat people trying to get in there, whynot? climate not good? politics no good? welfare no good? lifestylr no good? time to look at what works, has worked in the past and will solve this crisis and yes, it is a crisis,
Half the problem lies with Indonesia.
Why is it so hard for them to introduce legislation that outlaws people smuggling, with severe penalties for the boat captains and crew?
Simple - the organisers are never caught. Most of the people Australia catches & prosecutes are the boat crews who have turned from fishing to people smuggling due to dwindling catches and poorer returns.

It's the equivalent to fighting the drug smuggling trade by incarcerating users & the small time operators who sell to them, and not pursuing those higher up the chain.