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Amibroker FAQ

Help with plotting ATR stop that matches ApplyStop

Hi Everyone,

First post, so be gentle

I just purchased AmiBroker and want to visualise stops on the chart for comparison. I seen to have it working okay for a fixed stop loss and a % trailing stop, however I can't get a match for an ATR stop.

Here is the code:

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Price" );
SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowArrows | chartShowDates );
_N( Title = StrFormat( "{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ) );
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor( "Color", colorDefault ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle( "Price Style" ) | GetPriceStyle() );

//Trading System

TradeDelay = Param( "Trade Delay", 0, 1, 1 );
SetTradeDelays( TradeDelay, TradeDelay, TradeDelay, TradeDelay );
SetBacktestMode ( backtestregular );

SetOption( "InitialEquity", 20000 );
posqty = Param( "PosQty", 20, 1, 20, 1 );
SetOption( "MaxOpenPositions", posqty );
SetOption( "PriceBoundChecking", 1 ); // trade only within the chart bar's price range
SetOption( "CommissionMode", 2 ); // set commissions AND costs as $ per trade
SetOption( "CommissionAmount", 22.95 ); // commissions AND cost
SetOption( "UsePrevBarEquityForPosSizing", 1 ); // set the use of last bars Equity for trade size
SetOption( "EveryBarNullCheck", True ); //For graphing stop losses

RoundLotSize = 10;
PositionSize = -100 / posqty; // desired position size is 100% portfolio Equity

//PositionScore = Random(); Not necessary for this purpose // Set the order for which stock trades when get mulitple signals in one bar in backtesting

BuyPrice = IIf( TradeDelay > 0, O, C );;
SellPrice = O; //Exit on stops only

Buy = Cross( EMA( C, 9 ), EMA( C, 28 ) ); //This is arbitrary - I just want to plot stop lines that match ApplyStop
Sell = 0;

Buy = ExRem( Buy, Sell );
Sell = ExRem( Sell, Buy );

ExitAtStop = IIf( TradeDelay > 0, 2, 1 ); //0 for ??, 1 for Intraday on Signal, 2 for open on next day

//StopLoss = Param( "Max loss %", 10, 2, 30, 1 );
//ApplyStop( stopTypeLoss, stopModePercent, StopLoss, ExitAtStop, False ); //Fixed % Stop Loss

//PercentTrailingStopLevel = Param( "Trailing %", 23, 23, 30, 1 );
//ApplyStop( stopTypeTrailing, stopModePercent, PercentTrailingStopLevel, ExitAtStop, False ); //Trailing % Stop Loss

ATRTrailingStopLevel = Param( "ATR Factor", 3, 0.5, 5, 0.5 ) * Ref( ATR( Param( "ATR Periods", 10, 2, 30, 1 ) ), -TradeDelay );
ApplyStop( stopTypeTrailing, stopModePoint, ATRTrailingStopLevel, ExitAtStop, True ); //Dynamic ATR Stop Loss

Equity( 1, 0 ); // evaluate stops, all quotes

InTrade = Flip( Ref( Buy, -TradeDelay ), Ref( Sell, -TradeDelay ) );

StopStyle = ParamStyle( "Stop Style", styleDots | styleNoLine, maskDefault | styleDots | styleNoLine );

//StopLossLine = IIf( InTrade OR Ref(Sell,-TradeDelay), ValueWhen( Ref( Buy, -TradeDelay ), BuyPrice ) * ( 1 - StopLoss / 100 ), Null );
//Plot( StopLossLine, "Stop Loss", colorRed, StopStyle );

//PercentTrailingStopLine = IIf( InTrade OR Ref(Sell,-TradeDelay), HighestSince( Buy, Ref( H, -TradeDelay ) - ( Ref( H, -TradeDelay ) * PercentTrailingStopLevel / 100 ) ), Null );
//Plot( PercentTrailingStopLine, "Percent Trailing Stop Line", colorRed, StopStyle );

ATRTrailingStopLine = IIf( InTrade OR Ref( Sell, -TradeDelay ), HighestSince( Buy, Ref( H, -TradeDelay ) - ATRTrailingStopLevel ), Null );
Plot( ATRTrailingStopLine, "ATR Trailing Stop Line", colorRed, StopStyle );

PlotShapes( Buy*shapeUpArrow, colorBrightGreen, 0, Low );
PlotShapes( Sell*shapeDownArrow, colorRed, 0, High );

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Can anyone tell me how to backtest on a weekly time frame, but make it so that *day one* is a Monday instead of the default Friday? Thanks.

newby to amibroker question;

can anyone tell me, or point me to where to find the answer to...

is there a fast way to get all the symbols for stocks in the ASX100, or the allords for that matter, into
a notepad file in the format required ie 1 symbol to a line, with the .AX suffix (to import the data from yahoo). without typing them all in, obv. ?

I am always happy to help anyone with writing AFL for AB. I am a regular in the AB yahoo group, AB website forum, RC and other places.

Hi Kaveman

Im new to AB and wondering if you can help me on a basic model

The bases of my system is

Buy if C> MA 200 and RSI2 < 10
Sell if RSI2 > 80

Short if C< MA 200 and RSI > 90
Cover if RSI < 20

As you can see below the code covers that system but it only buys on the first bar under the RSI of 10 and closes on the first bar the close above 80 on the RSI.

What im trying to do is to buy on every bar that closes below 10 on the RSI and close all positions on the first bar to close above 90 on the RSI

For the short side I want to do the same except short every bar that close above 90 on the RSI and close all position on the first bar to clsoe below the 20 on the RSI

Could you let me know what else I need to add to my code to get this result?

Let me know if this make doesn't make any sense

Thanks in advance


RSILength = 2;
MALength = 200;

RSIBuyLevel = 10;
RSISellLevel = 80;

RSIShortLevel = 90;
RSICoverLevel = 20;

CloseAboveLongTermMA = C > MA( C, MALength );
CloseBelowLongTermMA = C < MA( C, MALength );

RSI2 = RSIa( C, RSILength );

Buy = RSI2 < RSIBuyLevel AND CloseAboveLongTermMA;
Sell = RSI2 > RSISellLevel ;

Short = RSI2 > RSIShortLevel AND CloseBelowLongTermMA;
Cover = RSI2 < RSICoverLevel ;
Hi MattyMac --

You have set the tests to return "levels" by making your statement "C> MA 200 and RSI2 < 10," rather than "impulses" which come from tests that are true for only a single bar, such as "Cross(C,MA 200)." What you have done is the correct way to get a signal for every bar that meets the conditions.

You are getting a Buy only on the first bar where conditions are true because of the default system settings.

To enable multiple positions from any issues:
The default number for Maximum positions is one. Set the maximum positions greater than one -- like this:
MaxPos = 10;

Add a statement allowing AmiBroker to hold more than one position in the same issue -- like this:
SetBacktestMode( backtestRegularRawMulti );

I also recommend setting the size of each position to a fixed dollar amount. This removes the distortion caused by compounding and leverage:

Put all of these statements at the beginning of your afl.


I am an amibroker user of exactly one days experience, so dont take what i say too seriously, but this may help;

1. the code as written is not producing any short trades on my system, so its missing half the action. dont know why, but i am still on the free trial version, perhaps that is sonmething to do with it.

2. the code says the test was on 20 ETFs, not just SPY, and the position size 10000 is only 1/10 of the account size. with total exposure of 1.7%, even a great system is going to struggle to make 300k. The posted results panel shows 18% exposure, presumably filled out by the 19 other ETFs.

but strangely enough I get (just on SPY) exactly the same number of long trades as the posted results, so dont know whats going on there

Thanks Howard
That worked perfect.

P.s. Im 1/4 through your first book at the moment. I was put onto it by Alan Clement and Robert Grigg from the Melbourne ATAA and finding it very helpful


You need to make sure the positions is on both Long and Short

To do this you need to go to Setting > General > Positions make sure you select both long and short

Thanks village. That's strange because up the top it says "Daily data for SPY for a period of about twelve years are used".

But it explains the difference I guess. I'll try it again with the top 20 EFTs by liquidity.
Thanks village. That's strange because up the top it says "Daily data for SPY for a period of about twelve years are used".

But it explains the difference I guess. I'll try it again with the top 20 EFTs by liquidity.

List here if anyone else wants to give it a shot.

EDIT: ok I just tested those 20 ETFs and the result is a loss over 12 years. Nothing like Howard's curve.
i just tried it and got a very similar result and equity curve to the one published on Howard's site, if I changed the initial position size to $20000 . Using $10000 i get a simar shape curve but scaled down. Definately not a loss though
i just tried it and got a very similar result and equity curve to the one published on Howard's site, if I changed the initial position size to $20000 . Using $10000 i get a simar shape curve but scaled down. Definately not a loss though

Got it going now. Had some settings issues.
How do you guys calculate slippage?

Do you just add a certain amount to your commission? Or do you use a formula?
There are different possibilities. Custom Backtester, commission table, or adding commission and slippage to buyprice, sellprice, shortprice,coverprice.

In the Yahoo forum Tomasz gave this example for CBT
Slippage = 0.0002;

//Start of Custom Backtest Interface

if ( Status( "action" ) == actionPortfolio )
    bo = GetBacktesterObject();

    bo.PreProcess(); // Initialize backtester

    for ( bar = 0; bar < BarCount; bar++ )
      for( sig = bo.GetFirstSignal( bar ); sig; sig = bo.GetNextSignal( bar ) ) 
           sig.Price = sig.Price + IIf( sig.IsEntry(), Slippage, -Slippage ); 

      bo.ProcessTradeSignals( bar );

    bo.PostProcess(); // Finalize backtester

But also mentioned in the same post

Other method adding to signal prices

In the same thread Ed Pottasch gave an example when for example using a portfolio of Futures


if (Name()=="+CL#" OR Name()=="QCL#" OR Name()=="+NG#")
else if (Name()=="@ES#" OR Name()=="@YM#")
else if (Name() == "@NQ#" )
else if (Name() == "@TFS#" )

In regards to ApplyStop

There are different possibilities. Custom Backtester, commission table, or adding commission and slippage to buyprice, sellprice, shortprice,coverprice.

Thanks a lot trash.

I was wondering why the "Sellprice+slippage" method wasn't calculating. I had PriceBoundCheck 'on'.
Is anyone having trouble with latest 5.60.3, 64 bit version crashing after backtesting analysis?...i have it on 2 pcs and its crashing on both..

Is anyone having trouble with latest 5.60.3, 64 bit version crashing after backtesting analysis?...i have it on 2 pcs and its crashing on both..


No probs here, just ran a backtest. Running 5.60.3 64 bit. Ascii database. I haven't noticed any comments on the yahoo group so might be best to contact support.
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