No Ordinary Duck
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Ive got Norgate EOD with snapshots but I need live streaming (5 min candles)
E signal
Ive got Norgate EOD with snapshots but I need live streaming (5 min candles)
E signal
Hi Guys
Just got amibroker today and just playing around I deleted the price action from the chart.
How do I get it back?
ConstantVolumeBars (CVB):
When using CVB analysis, one can only back-test when using Tick as the base-interval. Given the limitation of 500K bars for the Tick-database, this only allows approx. one week (or less) of market action to be back-tested.
One can construct CVB charts using a 1-min. (or 15-sec.) as the base-interval, with no problems------but, no back-testing can be performed with this chart construction......only with Tick as the base-interval.
Before contacting AB Support, I thought I'd present my situation to this group. Any ideas?
Thank You!
500000 is "common sense" limit (put there to prevent users
from putting some extreme values without thinking), but
there is a registry setting that controls the limit and you can set
it to any value (as long as you have enough memory to hold that much data).
Contact support if you want to know what registry setting controls this.
Best regards,
Tomasz Janeczko
Thank you very much for the help! I'd be using a local DB, and can see why TJ would keep that secret.
I'd still like to use a DB with 15-sec. to 1-min. base interval----for ease of maintenance. The CVB charts are just fine (built from 1-min), but I guess the back tester would not be able to deal with that construction----time-stamp issue, I presume.
Thinking this will be an easy one for most - this relates to backtesting - how do I create an exit condition when the price after x days is less than the buy price?
Here is what I have been trying, e.g. check after 3 days-
EntryPrice = BuyPrice[1];
ExitPrice = BuyPirce[3];
if (ExitPrice < EntryPrice )
ExitEarly = True;
ExitEarly = False;
Sell = Other Conditions or ExitEarly ;
I think I have worked it out, however maybe not the most elegant solution -
EntryPrice = ValueWhen(True, C, 1);
ExitPrice = ValueWhen(True, C, x );
EarlyExit = ExitPrice < EntryPrice ;
where x is the number of days to check the price for
True = ???????;
EntryPrice = ValueWhen(True, C, 1);
When you define what "true" equals then perhaps you can come up with an EntryPrice that doesn't keep changing!
I'm looking for a code which does the following-
when the current price is higher than 60day MA there is a green ribbon at the bottom of that chart and a red ribbon visa versa.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
// Main coding by Johsun on 29th July 2006
SetBarsRequired( 10000, 0 ); // This line required to avoid the Ribbon Text disappearing off screen (to Barcount(1) [GBS]
SetChartOptions( 3, chartGridMiddle );
Title = "Price above/below MA?"; // This line eliminates the default Title text at the top right of the Pane if set as "" [GBS]
GraphXSpace = Param( "Set Ribbon(s) Depth (if in extra pane)", 10, 0, 50, 1 ); // Makes space at top of Pane for a Title GBS
procedure ribbon( ribbon_nr, Caption, Color )
firstbar = Status( "firstvisiblebarindex" );
lastbar = Status( "lastvisiblebarindex" );
xOffset = ( lastbar - firstbar ) / 100;
yOffset = Param( "Y-Offset 4 Ribbon Text", 0.65, 0.1, 1, 0.01 );
y2 = ribbon_nr;
y1 = y2 - 1;
Plot( y2, "", colorBlack, styleLine | styleNoLabel );
Plot( 0, "", colorBlack, styleNoDraw );
Plot( y2, "", Color, styleArea | styleNoLabel );
PlotText( Caption, firstbar + xOffset, y2 - yOffset, colorWhite );
pds = Param( "MA Period", 60, 1, 500, 1 );
MA_ = MA( C, pds );
dsscol = IIf ( MA_ > C, colorRed, colorBrightGreen );
ribbon( 1, "MA-" + pds, dsscol );
// add additional ribbons below using procedure ribbon( ..., ..., ...);
BgColor = ParamColor( "BgColor", colorBlack );
SetChartBkColor( ParamColor("Color Axes", colorBlack) );
SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("Background Top", BgColor ), ParamColor("Background Bottom", ColorRGB(100, 100, 100)) , ParamColor("Background Title", BgColor) );
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