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Am I The Only One That HATES Feminism?

Perhaps for another view on how women might see the world.

This video "turns the tables" so to speak

On what seems to be just another ordinary day, a man is exposed to sexism and sexual violence in a society ruled by women... (10 minutes)
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In the movies I thought that Tootsie with Dustin Hoffman depicted the casual and institutional sexism of many men.
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The treatment of women in Egypt is pretty foul.

There is an excellent clip on You Tube where an investigative journalist team dress up a man as a women and send him/her out on the street with cameras following.

A man dresses as a woman and goes undercover to expose sexual harassment in Egypt, CNN's Reza Sayah reports. For more CNN videos,
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Tisme, well they did fish for their responses and it took them nearly a day to collect those responses.

LOL, that was eye opening but also hilarious. That part in the alley is funny, only when the roles are reversed as in this case.

I dont know. I still believe that woman like attention, I guess how much is a different story. It's like some one was saying, if a homeless guy hits on a woman, thats considered harassment, but if a flash successful good looking guy hits on a woman, shes flattered. Where do you draw the line?

Arab countries and different cultures are different but I guess the case were discussing is more in the western world.
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hahah, have at least 1 male slave.

Sounds like a fantasy come true, where do i sign up? lol
if a homeless guy hits on a woman, thats considered harassment, but if a flash successful good looking guy hits on a woman, shes flattered. Where do you draw the line?

The line is drawn at the point where the man has something to offer the woman. If the man has nothing, it's very clear that all the talk is just pointless noise pollution. It's like some stranger calling your home phone at dinner time asking for money - who wants that?

What can a guy offer? Lots of things. Self-confidence, self-respect, personality, sense of humour, honesty, financial security, a job or business, lifestyle, looks/appearance, talent/ability, intellect, assests, connections, etc etc.

But it's not all about money and looks. Just learning how to be your natural, real self is one of the most attractive things anyone can do.
I agree with you GB, unfortunately some times youve only got a time window of 2 minutes to portray those characteristics which I guess is the hard part. Atleast in the sense thats its a complete strange ron the street.

Just a random point:

When woman play hard to get deliberately to test a mans confidence etc, isnt that "incentivising rapey" behavior?
When woman play hard to get deliberately to test a mans confidence etc, isnt that "incentivising rapey" behavior? Darkhorse

Not really sure where you are going with this "incentivising rapey behaviour" Dark Horse. I thought the video clip you offered was pretty dumb and nasty - but then this is the Internet isn't it ?

If you want to explore what rapey behaviour looks like check out the following discussion of what people brag about on Pick Up websites. Not pretty.

Basilio, how is this video dumb and nasty?

His point is valid. Im in a mens club on the net which is all about beating approach anxiety, being confident enough to approach woman as you please and being able to "pick them up".

Theres numerous occasions where woman will pretend there not interested or play hard to get. Some guys are able to handle the situation well, are witty and smart enough and eventually get them to open up and get their number or whatever. Or for example, you msg a girl and she deliberately takes 30mintues to respond in order to not look desperate. That example is a fact. Ive even asked my female cousin who says every girl does that.

What im trying to say is, winning over a womans heart is like a dance. Theres a lot of acting involved from both parties for whatever reason and eventually it either works out or doesnt. Most men know this and most men or the aggressive ones or the ones with a lot of experience know how many "No's" they can get before they push the borderline. Some men dont have the ability to understand that its getting borderline harassment. Some where along the lines some men cant pick up the fact that the girl isnt plain interested. All that stuff takes experience and thats all his saying. What his also saying is the girls that choose to play that game, are sort of condoning that aggressive behavior when a man is resilient and determined to win her over.

This is a true story haha. When I was younger in my teens I had a girl friend and for some reason she decided to tell me that she had cancer. Being dumb and naive I believed it and I was literally shook up by the incident. Anyway for whatever cruel reason she did that, she was definitely playing some sort of game/testing me whatever. That type of behavior (not that extreme) continues on into adulthood in different ways.

I'm not condoning sexual harassment but both parties need to be responsible.
Watch out for the women who get a friend to latch onto you to test your fidelity.

Basilio as for that PUA link, thats not an isolated case. To woman that might sound creepy as heck but to men, I guess its just a normal thing. We've just broken down the entire process to be as efficient as possible or effective.

Id go as far to say that if a man is purely in pursuit of getting laid as much as possible, which is what these PUA sites are about, then its like trading. I know people who hit on 50/100 girls a week. They even have posts of each date and account the entire thing.

You might be shocked to here it but its just like trading. Its a number and odds game. You hit on 100 woman, you might get 30 numbers, 10 are real numbers etc etc etc.

Theres a code of silence about these clubs because most people just think that its so weird to even be in such a club. But the people in these clubs are fine with that because they know that only a small majority of "men" in this instance are sleeping with the majority of the desired woman.

Im just a 23 year old kid whos still chasing around girls and in our peer group, woman are always a big topic. It's just the norm for us.

The PUA staff in that link, I assure you most of those guys writing that stuff are just ordinary guys. Most likely with a pathetic sex life but it comes off as creeepy etc because its not the norm to discuss or systemise some thing like "picking up".

I hope Im conveying my message in the correct way and not in an offensive way.
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