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Am I The Only One That HATES Feminism?

20 August 2013
I know there a post that Julie made directly related about feminism but I thought this one could be purely dedicated to people against extreme feminism. More specifically the double standards, the social hierarchical construct, rape culture and all that nonsense.

Don't get me wrong. I'm all for empowering woman, making sure they have a fair go and all. I have a young sister who I hope turns out to be a strong woman who has every bit the chance of success and rights a man does.

That being said, I believe feminism has turned into an excuse for particular woman to use as a defense for everything. The absurdity of not being able to walk up to a woman, compliment her and ask for her number. Or the stuff about woman not having equal work rights and pay.

My mother is 10 x more nurturing than my dad. My dads great and all but my mum has some thing my dad will never have. I know if i ever get ill my mum will be there. I think woman have a better ability to be more loving and caring. So many feminists think theres some thing wrong with being a stay at home mum.

Anyway heres a link of a pr0n star having a rage at feminists

Ive got tons of great links by people such as Milo Yiannopoulos etc who point at the obsurdity of some of these woman.

No offense intended to woman.

Responses welcomed...

And i splet the word feminism in the title wrong. dohhh
....where angels fear to tread

I have some sympathy for your views, but probably about to accused of sexism.

Oh well, bring it on. LMAO
Like everything else there are moderate and extreme forms of feminism.

The best feminists are the ones who get out and become successful in their chosen fields.

The worst ones are the ones who just sit around and whinge about being discriminated against.
I know you are. I'm just talking about videos where feminists go nuts because there sick and tired of getting cat called or approached and said hello to. Some of those vids have been created to create controversy but my point was, feminists think that approaching is wrong.

I'm not sure how else were meant to interact?!
Agreed with you there SR.

Haha Wayne, well I fear that too since ive got some feminists on my FB where I post some of this but in all honesty, I love arguing so I openly invite that haha.
GB this vid is an example

Every one was supposedly so enraged about this.

Again, it comes down to culture and how different cultures interact with females but this video was created to deliberately stir up anger. The girls definitely dressed to get some attention (and I find it ridiculous you cant even acknowledge that girls who wear raunchy clothing in public are expected to be treated exactly the same)...
In general I would regard myself as a feminist in most matters (equality of opportunity, legal rights etc), but have nothing but contempt for a certain group of feminists who I regard as completely hypocritical. They are driven mainly by a hatred of the West (US in particular), so their fight for womens rights only applies where the denier is seen to be something associated with the West or western society. They turn a blind eye to the misogyny perpetuated by Islam and will excuse it on cultural grounds or "because they were once subjugated by Western powers". This captures what I mean.


Some women dress that way to test guys. They get their short skirt and 6" heels on because they know that most guys will be like . Right? So when the next guy comes along and he's not thrown by her sexually expressive style, she knows he's cool. So for women it's a legitimate way of separating the wheat from the chaff. imp: They don't want some guy who falls over his tongue whenever he sees something he likes.

The ones in the video have probably grown up in an environment where they were valued only for their appearance. So they are rebelling against that, which is fine. In fact it's probably healthy. But that's not your problem.
GB, I like your observations haha. It's all about taking initiative as a man, being bald and working the numbers. That's a whole different topic though.

When you say its not my problem I agree to a extent but it does possibly set precedent for possibly damaging consequences for men. I.e kids in college consenting to sex while under the influence of alcohol and then the girl claiming the guy took advantage of her/borderline rape.

If a woman was under the influence of alcohol and she got in a car and drove and killed some one, she's still responsible for her actions. Yet apparently, its different when it comes to consensual sex at the time while both parties are intoxicated.

Another random scenario was my friend was accused of a form of rape during a house party.

He was eventually cleared of all charges in court. The ordeal took over a year and the "victim" had so many contradictory claims. Anyway, my friends parents were out of pocket nearly 20k due to legal fees and the woman pressing charges just pranced out of court and into the sunset while my friend suffered a psychotic episode and was administered to a psychiatric ward (he also had slight substance abuse problems).

I don't want to take away the struggle that woman have faced over the centuries and especially the 20th century and so on but women rights can some times out weight the rights of men in certain circumstances. Possibly more so.

I could be completely wrong but thats why we have debates/discussions, right?

Are we watching the same video?

How was the girl dressed to get attention? She's wearing jeans and a T-shirt. I think that's a very far from being raunchy.

And while there might not be clear black and white... there is definitely a huge difference between "being able to walk up to a woman, compliment her and ask for her number"... and the sort of things said in that video. With the exception of a few instances, most of the approaches were clearly harassment and not proper social interaction.

How would you feel if your sister or mother is treated the same way?
I love it when they shout us MEN down and call us misogynistic pigs ... then turn around and state that women are equal to men

And they just keep coming ....


SKC with the raunchy thing I was giving a hypothetical example but shes clearly wearing tight jeans. The video probably doesnt do it justice but you need to remember that was shot over a 10 hour period. There were only a few guys that crossed the line in that video and were harassing but the rest were just like hey beautiful or whatever.

My point with the raunchy thing is like what GB was saying. If a girl is wearing an insanely short skirt and high heels and as a man you approach her or try to spark up small talk, a sector of feminists consider that harassment. The rape culture is all about western society being ok with rape when in fact I dont know of any one who would approve of rape. You get sacked from work if you make a sexual joke or CEO's are stood down. Yeah a few might get away with it for a while but no way in hell is western societies living in a rape culture.

Watch this female reporter own feminists SKC. Im talking more about people like these.

Again, were talking about cases where women are blowing the sex gender out of proportion and getting super sensitive over small situations. These "feminists" are even comparing being approached as being raped. Like the pornstar in the first video link was saying, she was super super outraged that they would even consider it in the same category. It just be littles what an actual rape victim goes through.

haha trainspotter, I saw some thing with that half glass full thing today. I was laughing so hard.
Yeh I wasn't really referring so much to the video in my last post. More that very attractive women need a way to pre-select and filter out potential mates from the hoardes of guys who will approach them on any given day. It wouldn't be fun.

But the video is worth commenting on too. Most of the guys were from a low socio-economic background. Their "approach" was more akin to fishing. It was sort of like they were throwing out bait to every woman who passed in the hope of getting a bite. Many of them were just sort of lounging about and their attitude is "what can I take?". Like beggars. Obviously this is unattractive.

I don't think it mentioned where in NYC she was walking, but it certainly wasn't the upper east side!
Agreed GB, basically their game was weak haha.

Im still working on my cold approaches. I was doing great but a few of my approaches outcomes were not that great and since my friend left to go to the Netherlands to study I havent really been doing much lately. Iv'e got a mental block and my anxiety hasnt let me go up to strangers and spark up a convo with the intention to get their number.

The most hilarious thing while were on the subject, im at Alioms for my first interview. It's a group interview. The head trainer is like tell me some thing interesting about yourselves. The first guy is like, I was hit by a car, was in a coma for 2 weeks before I woke up. The stories were all brilliant.

When it came to me, im like do you know the average guy sleeps with 4 women in his life. Me and my friends go out and try to hit on as many women as we can. Its a numbers game and all about getting out of your comfort zone etc etc.

That was a memory that will last for a life time. Was gold hahaha.
And now for something completely different:

Return of Kings: Supporters of website touting 'legalising rape' to meet across Australia

I read this on fb just earlier.

I guess by saying rape should be legal theyre trying to fantasize over some kind of sexual fetish.

Theyre causing outrage and some feminists as you can see in the article are getting riled up.

One of the guy who made Vice the documentary channel Gavin Mcinnes, is one of those alpha traditional men. He speaks about sexual dominance in bed where men are aggressors and women are submissive where both parties consent.

I think men are naturally the aggressor and women are submissive. I,e men usually do the approaching and are prone to rejection where women are the ones to eventually submit to their chosen partner. Im not really good at articulating my thoughts on this and it seems sexist and offensive but hopefully some one can expand on the idea in a meaningful constructive way.

I guess these guys in the article are on the extreme side of what Gavin Mcinnes is speaking about.

If anyone goes fishing for a predetermined outcome, they will invariably find what they are after.

Who decides what is appropriate behaviour and what is not ... for all we know that woman could have been walking up and down the same poverty street for hours on end. Americans are a very gregarious lot when it comes to hearing the sound of their own voice, which took me a little time to comes to grips with: they will engage in wordplay if they detect a body in earshot..... they are not economical with words like Australians.
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