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Am I stupid or do I just have big kahounas?

17 September 2004
No cheating by asking my partner

Today I bought

BHP 850@$17.51
GNS 2400@$3.92
VGL 5000@$1.275

Time will tell I guess.
markrmau said:
No cheating by asking my partner

Today I bought

BHP 850@$17.51
GNS 2400@$3.92
VGL 5000@$1.275

Time will tell I guess.

Hi Mark,
This is not a tip but I have a long term view on BHP that is very positive, the general trend is still up and with continuing commodity price strength I reckon it's a goer. Don't know much about the rest though. BHP may fall further with a general market correction- that's the problem with bluechips, get caught up in the panic but if it's a buy and hold strategy I reckon it'll work, but then I don't have a crystal ball.
After sitting on a bit of cash, I'm taking a bit of a plunge;

orders in for PCG,BHP,FWD,GDY

why - I believe all the uncertainty in the markets will now been taken out with the election of the new Pope!!

ok, direction picking errors aside, why not use a bit of leverage? I dont mean increase exposure, I mean reduce the capital required.

would you buy a house and pay cash instead of getting a mortgage? Its the same thing.

why not use CFDs, instalment warrants, LEPOs or options for the same result?
I believe you can relax with BHP. I know it would have been better to have bought at a lower price but hey, that's the way it goes in the market.

Overnight closing price in Wall Street was AUD equivalent of $17.16. Opening price in ASX this morning was $17.09.

I think the price will gradually rise beyond what you paid, within a matter of days or weeks. The current financial year's revenue is largely locked in at higher selling contract prices. The outlook for the next financial year appears reasonable at this stage.

I hold a sizeable amount of BHP, bought in 2003 at average price of $8.80.

Bought more recently because I thought the price might have been oversold.

BHP is the largest mining company in the world. It has 7 core divisions, all firing increased profits FYE 30/6/04.

It is looking increasingly likely that BHP will get to buy WMR at $7.85. I think this will be a good outcome for BHP as WMR has around 40% of the world's known uranium ore reserves. I expect the spot price for uranium to continue to rise over the next few years due to the supply and demand equation. In time to come, the market might realise what a bargain price BHP got for WMR.

Mainly because I would still consider myself a novice, and thought that taking out a $75k margin loan, prepaid interest for this financial year was sufficient leverage for my learning curve.

Will definately look to increase leverage next year - though I still don't have any experience in a bear market.

Not really worried about BHP of course - I still think this minerals bullmarket has some potential...

Do you prefer cfd's to calls/puts?

I understand that cfd's have greater exposure (ie losses are not capped as is with buying calls/puts), but perhaps are more fairly priced as they don't include a sellers risk premium.

Am I on the right track?
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