“the successful Sugarloaf-1 well onshore Texas”
Article on ARQ which describes Sugarloaf as “the successful Sugarloaf-1 well onshore Texas” i.e. without any qualifications etc
“2007 Will See The Drillbit Test ARC Energy's Diversified Portfolio With Wells Planned In The Canning Basin And Yemen
Over the past couple of years Australia's ARC Energy has been looking to diversify its Perth Basin business. This diversification process started with a shareholding in exploration outfit Adelphi Energy, currently drilling in the US, grew with the 2005 acquisition of Voyager, which held interests in Yemen, and has continued with the purchase of a significant spread of assets in Australia's Canning Basin.
These interests have balanced out a portfolio that was heavily weighted to the Perth Basin in Western Australia. Focusing on one area enabled ARC to leverage its expertise, acreage and infrastructure, but the company recognized the need to cast its net wider to find another foundation asset that will keep its pipeline of prospects flowing over the next three to five years.
This is not to say the Perth Basin doesn't retain a special place in the ARC business model. It is, afterall, the sole source of the company's production, which in the last business quarter hit record levels, helping to lift sales revenues for the quarter by A$1 million, almost hitting A$30 million for the three-month period, despite a 22 per cent drop in the price of oil. Oil volumes were up 34 per cent, largely due to the contribution from the completed Jingemia-8, Eremia-6 and Hovea-12 wells. Gas production was slightly down due to natural field declines.
And the company continues to grow its Perth Basin business. After a period of development work aimed at boosting cash flows, the company is now looking at exploration opportunities. In recent years the exploration record has been patchy, prompting a major geological review of the Perth Basin to better pinpoint prospects. Those now on the drawing board include the onshore targets Drakea-1 and Beharra Springs Deep-1 while offshore the company is eying two firm wells, Frankland and Perseverance, and one contingent well, Dunsborough.
Investors will, however, be keeping a close eye on the company's new ventures. These include the Canning Basin, a remote and little drilled area in the north of Western Australia. Over the past six months ARC has assembled an extensive acreage position in the Canning Basin and this year it plans to drill up to eight high impact wells, with the first, Stokes Bay-1, expected to spud in April or May.
This well has two targets: the shallower Point Torment gas sand and the deeper Valentine prospect. In all some 20 leads and prospects have been identified on the new acreage. To help prioritise prospects and formulate forward drilling plans, the company plans to acquire aeromagnetic data, gravity data and over 1,000 km of 2D seismic in the 2007 dry season.
In Yemen, ARC has a 15 per cent interest in Block 35, with drilling expected to start in March on the Reeb-1 exploration well. This will be followed by the Magrabah-1 well and possibly one further well. The company also has a 21.25 per cent share of blocks 7 and 74, which have yet to be formerly ratified by the Yemeni government. This is expected shortly, at which point the joint venture will start seismic work in mid-2007 ahead of drilling in 2008.
Finally, having seen shares in Adelphi Energy increase three-fold on the back of the successful Sugarloaf-1 well onshore Texas, ARC has exercised its option to increase its shareholding from 28 per cent to 32 per cent. This could prove astute, particularly as the New Taiton well is now drilling ahead and Sugarloaf has yet to be tested. Adelphi also has a small stake in Yemeni blocks 7 and 74. With wells on its own account and through Adelphi, ARC can promise investors plenty of drillbit-led newsflow in the year ahead. “