there 7 tcf in ground resource is for the sugarkane. about 1/3 is for the chalks and 2/3 is the eagleford
hartleys is ignoring that the sugarkane field actually exists and extends from the liveoak wells to the kennedy and if you look at other wells you may see it mentioned
sugarkane is distinctly different to the eagleford.. its two big zones the eagleford and austin chalk zones and a few smaller ones.. "The proposed interval is bounded above by the Pecan Gap Shale and below by the tight Buda Limestone, both of which provide reservoir pressure seals."
hartleys give no credibility to the sugarkane what so ever, they only talk the chalks, nd give it .60 to the share, but we know the eagleford is producing. eskew west was the first deeper well that conoco put in, its in the eagleford and is producing very nicely. kennedy is producing from a featherduster frac and will be completed for production shortly.
let me explain with what conoco say it is, keep in mind they needed our kennedy wells results to present this one some 180 days ago
HEARD BY: Richard D. Atkins, P.E. - Technical Examiner
HEARING DATE: March 25, 2009
Jamie Nielson Burlington Resources O & G Co., LP
Greg Cloud
Yolanda Perez
Burlington Resources O & G Co., LP (“Burlington”) requests that Field Rules be
adopted for the Sugarkane (Cretaceous) Field. The proposed rules are summarized as follows:
1. Designation of the field as the correlative interval from 11,360 feet to 11,662 feet as shown on the log of the Burlington Resources O & G Co., LP - Kunde Lease, Well No. 1 (API No. 42-297-34621);
Burlington also requests that all wells in the Sugarkane (Cretaceous) Field be
permanently classified as gas wells, effective the date of first production for each well.
The application was unprotested and the examiner recommends approval of the Field Rules and permanent gas well classification for all wells in the Sugarkane (Cretaceous) Field.
The Sugarkane (Cretaceous) Field was discovered in September 2006. The field is classified as a non-associated gas field and operates under Statewide Rules. Two wells are carried on the proration schedule with one vertical well operated by Burlington and one horizontal well operated by Texas Crude Energy, Inc. (“Texas Crude”). However, Burlington has drilled and completed one additional vertical well and three horizontal wells that are not yet listed on the schedule. Production is from a depth of approximately 11,400
feet and the initial reservoir pressure and temperature was 8,653 psia and 287 degree F.
Cumulative production from the field through February 2009 is 324 MMCFG and 63.4 MBC.
Burlington requests that the correlative interval from 11,360 feet to 11,662 feet as shown on the log of the Burlington Resources O & G Co., LP - Kunde Lease, Well No. 1 (API No. 42-297-34621), be considered a single field known as the Sugarkane (Cretaceous) Field. The proposed interval is bounded above by the Pecan Gap Shale and below by the tight Buda Limestone, both of which provide reservoir pressure seals. The Cretaceous formation was deposited in a deep shelf environment and is composed of limestone with inter-bedded calcareous shales. The formation also contains natural fractures that enhance hydrocarbon production.
The discovery well for the field was the Burlington - Kunde Lease, Well No. 1.
Thewell was a vertical well and was completed from 11,440 feet to 11,520 feet. This well was permanently classified as a gas well based on PVT analysis performed on September 12, 2006 and submitted for the well during a hearing held on February 9, 2007 in Oil & Gas Docket No. 02-0250021. The recombined fluid was evaluated during a Constant Composition Expansion (“CCE”) at pressures ranging from 8,000 psia down to 500 psia.
The original reservoir pressure was 8,653 psia and the results of the CCE indicates the reservoir fluid exists as a single phase gas until the reservoir pressure reaches 5,072 psia, the retrograde dew point pressure. Compositional analysis indicates the full wellstream to be 61.5 mol% methane and 10.4 mol% heptanes plus. The maximum retrograde liquid as a percent of hydrocarbon pore volume is 32.4% at 3,000 psia. The liquid sample had a gravity of 57.5 degree API and a straw color.
The second well completed in the field was the Burlington - Baker Family Trust Lease, Well No. 1. The well was a horizontal well and was completed from 12,071 feet to 12,248 feet TVD. The PVT analysis for the well was performed on a fluid sample taken from the well on April 14, 2008. The recombined fluid was evaluated during a CCE at pressures ranging from 12,022 psia down to 1,616 psia. The original reservoir pressure was 9,678 psia and the results of the CCE indicates the reservoir fluid exists as a single
phase gas until the reservoir pressure reaches 4,216 psia, the retrograde dew point pressure. Compositional analysis indicates the full wellstream to be 67.1 mol% methane and 7.2 mol% heptanes plus. The maximum retrograde liquid as a percent of hydrocarbon pore volume is 13.3% at 2,014 psia. The liquid sample had a gravity of 57.0 degree API and a straw color.
The third well completed in the field was the Burlington - Kunde Lease, Well No. 3. The well was a horizontal well and was completed from 11,805 feet to 14,405 feet MD. The PVT analysis for the well was performed on a fluid sample taken from the well on June 27, 2008. The recombined fluid was evaluated during a CCE at pressures ranging from 10,000 psia down to 500 psia. The original reservoir pressure was 9,029 psia and the results of
the CCE indicates the reservoir fluid exists as a single phase gas until the reservoir pressure reaches 4,669 psia, the retrograde dew point pressure. Compositional analysis indicates the full wellstream to be 61.7 mol% methane and 10.1 mol% heptanes plus. The maximum retrograde liquid as a percent of hydrocarbon pore volume is 27.5% at 3,000 psia. The liquid sample had a gravity of 52.9 degree API and a straw color.
The fourth well completed in the field was the Texas Crude - Kennedy Lease, Well No. 1H. The well was a horizontal well and was completed from 12,232 feet to 12,253 feet TVD. The PVT analysis for the well was performed on a fluid sample taken from the well on November 20, 2008. The recombined fluid was evaluated during a CCE at pressures ranging from 9,000 psia down to 500 psia. The original reservoir pressure was 7,975 psia and the results of the CCE indicates the reservoir fluid exists as a single phase gas until
the reservoir pressure reaches 4,435 psia, the retrograde dew point pressure.
Compositional analysis indicates the full wellstream to be 61.5 mol% methane and 10.2 mol% heptanes plus. The maximum retrograde liquid as a percent of hydrocarbon pore volume is 29.5% at 3,500 psia. The liquid sample had a gravity of 57.8 degree API and a straw color.
The fifth well completed in the field was the Burlington - Baker Family Trust Lease, Well No. 2. The well was a horizontal well and was completed from 12,165 feet to 12,316 feet TVD. No PVT analysis was performed on this well.
The sixth well completed in the field was the Burlington - Marlene Olson Lease, Well No. 1. The well was a vertical well and was completed from 12,026 feet to 12,213 feet. The PVT analysis for the well was performed on a fluid sample taken from the well on December 18, 2008. The recombined fluid was evaluated during a CCE at pressures ranging from 12,015 psia down to 2,430 psia. The original reservoir pressure was 9,439 psia and the results of the CCE indicates the reservoir fluid exists as a single phase gas until the reservoir pressure reaches 4,422 psia, the retrograde dew point pressure.
Compositional analysis indicates the full wellstream to be 67.7 mol% methane and 7.0 mol% heptanes plus. The maximum retrograde liquid as a percent of hydrocarbon pore volume is 16.5% at 2,430 psia. The liquid sample had a gravity of 54.0 degree API and a straw color.
Statewide Rule 79 defines a gas well as “....A well which produces hydrocarbon liquids, a part of which is formed by a condensation from a gas phase and a part of which is crude petroleum oil, shall be classified as a gas well unless there is produced one barrel or more of crude petroleum oil per 100,000 cubic feet of natural gas; and that the term “crude petroleum oil” shall not be construed to mean any liquid hydrocarbon mixture or portion thereof which is not in the liquid phase in the reservoir, removed from the reservoir