What was the exact bid ADI was successful with? Can't find any such announcement as yet???
they won a bid in indonesia. the location was kept quiet by ADI, buts its an onshore block south of the continental region. link posted above..
i hear the government has not oficially announced it but the department has..
i am not privy to the other partners in the bid and how its all farmed out. i am hoping that can be announced also.
Oil and Gas OA Winners Announced, Chevron Achieves 2 Blocks
Friday, 17 October 2008, 10:35:06 WIB, ( Hits: 78 )
The Government announced 22 winners of oil and gas operational area offered through joint study, cycle I-2008. Oil and Gas Companies included in The Seven Sisters, such as Chevron Indonesia Ventures, won at 2 operational areas, while ConocoPhillips manages Arafura Sea area.
From the 22 oil and gas operational area, the total investment commitment for the first 3 years is US$ 330 million and signing bonus for US$ 45,5 million.
Director General of Oil and Gas, Evita H. Legowo, when announcing the winners at MEMR Lobby, Friday (17/10), explained that from 25 areas offered last 27th May 2008, only 22 areas fulfilled the requirement.
“The bid participants took 62 documents. From the amount, only 25 documents were returned,” said Evita.
Unreturned participation documents are North Bali II, North Masela and West Papua II areas.
The complete winners of oil and gas operational area cycle I-2008 are:
1. East Seruay : Serica East Seruway BV
2. South CPP : Ranhill Energy Sdn Bhd
3. South West Bukit Barisan: Consortium of PT Radiant Nusa Investama-PC (SKR) International Ltd
4. Lirik II : PT Karya Inti Petroleum
5. West Tungkal : PT. Tiga Musim Mas Jaya
6. South East Tungkal : Konsorsium Gujarat State Petroleum Corp.Ltd-Essar E&P Ltd
7. Lampung III : PT Harpindo Mitra Kharisma
8. East Muriah : Konsorsium Pearl Energy Ltd-Australian Worldwide Exploration Ltd
9. Madura : PT. Sinochem Petroleum E&P
10. North Sumbawa II : Husky Energy International Corporation
11. West Sageri : Konsorsium Kaizan Oil&Gas LLC-Niko Resourches (Overseas II) Ltd
12. South East Ganal I : Konsorsium Kaizan Oil&Gas LLC-Niko Resourches (Overseas III) Ltd
13. South East Sangatta : Konsorsium PT Kutai Timur Resourches-Salamander Energy (SE Sangatta) Ltd
14. South Bengara II : Adelphi Energy Ltd
15. North Bone : PT General Energy Indonesia
16. South Matindok : Konsorsium Kaizan Oil&Gas LLC-Niko Resourches (Overseas IV) Ltd
17. Bone Bay : Konsorsium Kaizan Oil&Gas LLC-Marathon Indonesia New Ventures Ltd
18. Buton I : PT Putindo Bintech
19. Arafura Sea : ConocoPhillips
20. Seram : Konsorsium Biak Petroleum LLC-Niko Reasourches (Overseas VI) Ltd
21. West Papua I : Chevron Indonesia Ventures Ltd
22. West Papua III : Chevron Indonesia Ventures Ltd