Being a migrant to Adelaide and having not lived in any other Oz city, I love the pace of Adelaide. Not too fast, not too slow. It is big enough to be exciting and yet, small enough to know people.
(and while I'm here, I would love to meet other Adelaide-based shareholders to meet up and talk, discuss ideas etc.... thanks for replying Prawn_86).
But what really sucks is that we get a handful of AGMs if we're lucky and the 'round-robin' of some bigger companies when they grace us with their presence, which means travelling to another city outside these times. Seriously, I actually like AGMs, if nothing more than to go and have a bit of fancy food !
For example, we'll get Adelaide-Bendigo Bank, Argo, Futuris, Beach Petroleum and Hills. And that's it. yee-ha.
Anyhow, we have some of the best wines here and great restaurants - Shiki, Gaucho's, Whisker's Blake, KY Chow, Grange Brasserie (beautiful breakfasts), Red Ochre, so that kind of makes up for it !