Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Access ASX database via Programming

Does anyone have any recent experience with paritech pulse ? i used it years ago, but ditched it when i had kids and stopped trading for a while.

More specifically, what's the api like. I currently use IB's API and would like something similar to that but without the restrictions ( 100 tickers ).
Does anyone have any recent experience with paritech pulse ? i used it years ago, but ditched it when i had kids and stopped trading for a while.

More specifically, what's the api like. I currently use IB's API and would like something similar to that but without the restrictions ( 100 tickers ).
I've been trading with Paritrade, now OpenMarkets, for almost 10 years, using Pulse intensively. I do not, however, use any APIs. Anything I need outside Pulse (which IMHO beats anything webIress has to offer), I write myself in Excel.
Well I thought it was cool, big milestone for me to make a GUI :cool::p I may have even done a little dance :laugh::geek:

Ahem, as you were! :D
Hi all,

I'm sure this must have been done by some/many of you.

I can write code in Visual Basic, Perl , Python etc at an amateur level and I want to access the ASX website and grab the current price of a stock(s) and display it in a desktop window (windows 10), doing this at intervals while the program is running.

Can anyone give me a few pointers to the easiest way to do this ?

I thought I'd have a crack at this using yahoo finance watchlist scripts. I have attached file which contains the following files:

symlist.csv: Contains symbols used to download delayed data for. Modify to suit your needs. Perl watchlist script to fetch yahoo delayed data for symbols. Python(2.7 and 3+) watchlist script to fetch yahoo delayed data for symbols.

These scripts read symbols in from symlist.csv. Then every x seconds (variable sleepdur), download the corresponding delayed data from yahoo finance, clear the screen and display the results in the command prompt/terminal window. The variable "sleepdur" is currently set to 5 seconds, but you can change to suit your needs.

To run, open up the command prompt/terminal window and navigate to the directory where zip file was extracted, then run either script like so:


Every x seconds, it will clear the screen and display the information with the following columns:

Symbol, Last Price, Volume(Daily), Last Time, Prev Close

I tested this successfully on Windows 7 and Linux.

Let me know if it works for you and thoughts?




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