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ABC is Political

People do have a right to be bigots, you know. People have the right to say things that other people would find insulting, offensive or bigoted.

Yes Tisme.... I noticed.
Yes, you have got that right.....Socialism actually isn't embraced here by many in the community, it is only embraced by the Green/Labor coalition.

Too much of anything isn't good.

The Communism and its regime we all loathe... what is it really? It's just simply the absolute rule of one group of people, based on the one supreme ideology that will supposedly solve all social and economic and heavenly ills - if only that one group is permitted to root out and destroy all opposing views and made itself the judge and jury of what is right and acceptable.

Replace that form of Socialism with Capitalism or anything else and you will end up with the exact same result - consolidation of wealth and power to the few; abuse of that power and authority; corruption, decay, decline to war and revolution.

Love and fidelity is good, but probably should only be applied to your spouse. To put such loyalty to one party, one ideology, one political leader or hero... chances are you will end up with a broken heart and will see certain part of your community destroyed.

Well I don't know if I agree with all that. Communism doesn't have to be Totalitarianism, you can have elected Communism. Communism is an economic principle that believes that workers should own the mean of production and that it should not be owned by a select few called shareholders. Not many people would actually vote for that idea because people are naturally greedy and want more than their fair share, so the countries that are "allegedly" Communist like China have to enforce the system by police or military.

Of course most Communist countries are totally corrupt, as the leaders get rich very quickly due to the power they have, so the pure philosophy of Communism is never applied, and the ordinary worker is just as much a slave to the State as he would be a slave to a corporation in a Capitalist country.

That, I think, would more appropriately be called "Marxism" or Socialism. Communism as an organised political movement as established in the USSR, China, VN... they're applied communism as preached by Lenin and calls for the necessity of a benign dictatorship.

That totalitarian and despotic rule are necessary in the struggle to implement socialism/marxism, bringing peace and equality to the world for all and then be disbanded and we all sing and dance and ladida... but until that struggle is complete, a group of enlightened philosopher comrades must rule with iron fists and destroy all imperial capitalist pigs and their piglets. haha

Well that doens't work out too well.

But it does benefit Western Capitalism in that it scares the heck out of the fat cats, and with the gilded age and unregulated capitalism wrecking society and economies... strong and intelligent leaders were permitted to implement some sort of socialism like welfare and properly regulated financial systems and trust/monopoly busting moves.

That work too well, lifts the masses out of desperation, make "capitalism" good again... and so it should be dismantled and here we are - banking collapses every few years, greater and greater inequalities...


Chomsky was comparing the two solutions proposed by Aristotle and James Madison at the US founding to the common problem of inequality and class warfare.

They both observed that there will always be more wealth and power in the hands of the minority of citizens. With money they gain power and influence, with influence and power they gain more money... and eventually the poor they get to just not die or something.

But people tend to want more in life than just not die... With the masses outnumbering the rich minority, how do you protect the masters of mankind from its slaves?

Aristotle proposed a sort of a welfare state - don't force the masses into desperation, fund public institution, give them hope of rising above their class, close the inequality gap, give the masses enough that they can live and enjoy life with dignity and healthy aspirations...

Madison, as Chomsky said, proposed another approach. He said, screw them... lock them up, make them desperate and afraid and insecure and weak and disorganized. Show them who's boss, literally.

Madison rules, until the crash of 1907 that ended the gilded age and Teddy bust the trusts; then the crash of 1929, rise of Nazism and Communism that saw another Roosevelt implemented regulation and the New Deal that leads to the "golden age" of capitalism and unprecedented economic growth and financial stability.

Then that kinda got lost on the new masters who thought capitalism works so well, why regulate it and weigh the rich down with all these socialism and obligation to the poor and stuff. So it was systematically remove over the past 40 years and we have some 60 million Americans living under the poverty line while the few keep breaking record prices at art and collectible auction houses.

Whilst I know this post is off the beat of the thread, the Communist system gives no incentive to be successful because everybody is considered equal...You do your allotted time at work without the responsibility as to whether the organization you work for is successful or not......You are instructed by the polite-beau to make a certain number of garments without research as to whether that garment is suitable....whether it is salable or not. .They may do over runs or under runs and nobody really cares.

Under the capitalist system, research into sales and marketing is essential to assure that the product is salable and there is no waste....If a company is not astute enough they go broke.....There are incentives for people to work harder to receive the extra remuneration.
Any body who says the ABC is not biased towards the left, may rethink their attitude, after reading the attached link, that the ABC is impartial.

I know I keep harping on it but the whole workings of the ABC was changed during the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd era 2007/2013.

The best and only solution is to privatize the whole show...SELL THE DAMNED THING.

Like me, former ABC chairman Maurice Newman is being forced to conclude that the ABC’s bias cannot be reformed and the only option is the axe - or privatisation:

The question of public broadcasting has been thrown into the spotlight ... from a growing perception the ABC is refusing to live up to its statutory obligations. It is judged across many genres to be partisan and invariably to the left....

The ABC board and management reject these perceptions. Allegations of bias are met with Jesuit sophistry, moral equivalence or downright denial… That the ABC’s strongest defenders are of the Left and 40 per cent of its journalists, according to a credible 2013 survey, align with the Greens (four times the national vote) add substance to the critics’ claims.

I don't think it's as serious as that, if we lost the ABC there wouldn't be a reason to own a TV, their programming is now more valuable than ever now that the free to air stations have reached new lows.

I'll put up with a little bias as a trade-off...a little.

In the meantime we are allowing the ABC to be the propaganda mouth piece for the Green/Labor socialist left as it happens on QandA, Insiders, Media Watch, the 7.30 report and Late Line...Even the weekly breakfast show, that leftist Virgina Tripoli gets her 2 cents worth in where ever possible to discredit the Government.
Some belated corrections today from the ABC,

It seems though that the ABC's Media Watch from Monday this week had its interests elsewhere,
The board of the ABC must think everyone is blind to what they are up to.

99% of the comments on this link are critical of the ABC and now SBS is starting to appear on the same track as the ABC.

Control the media and you take control of the people....The Fabian Society at its best.

When you don’t want the truth to be heard, surround yourself with people who think the same way as you and you will get the answer you want.
This may not be the answer that is needed, but it will make things look as if they have been addressed, seeming once again.
Ray Martin, the Labor supporter who will probably be given preselection to a safe seat after he delivers the report that Labor want.
Keith of Werribee (Reply)
Thu 02 Jul 15 (06:42am)

What bulldust. The ABC just gave the Coalition three weeks of free kicks against Labor with The Killing Season, but I never heard anyone here say that the ABC is biased against Labor.

Imagine if they did the same thing with the Turnbull-Abbott coupe. Would that be biased ?

That 3 weeks of the ABC "Killing Season" was a rare occasion for the ABC to make it look like they were not biased but the way I saw the first episode was the ABC trying to justify Labor's big spending during the GFC....Just a bit of propaganda thrown in.

The other point I noticed was the discrediting of Bill Shorten and this could be another ploy in wedging Shorten out of the leadership of the Labor Party but was it enough to stir the fighting factions in a disunited Labor Party?...The new Rudd rules just might make it difficult to remove Shorten.

The ABC weren't trying to justify anything but pretty much outlined the facts. The fact is we were the first country to introduce a stimulus package (that the coalition supported) and we were the only developed country to avoid a recession. The ABC also pointed out that the policy's we spent the stimulus package on were a disaster and as Ken Henry said that we'll never know if it was the right amount or too much.

Think about your logic, we have the ABC sitting in a board room saying 'hey noco and Andrew Bolt are really onto us perhaps we need to create a documentary that will highlight what a complete shambles the Labor party were during their time in government so that we don't look biased". This show was top quality high production TV that had the focus been on the coalition you'd be screaming bias. It's not the ABC's job to toe the line of the coalition doctrine or the ALP for that matter, their job is to hold all governments to account and sometimes they can get it wrong like Q&A did. Yet you seem to look up to Andrew Bolt, a journalist that supports a Jewish state but then opposes Indigenous Australians being recognised in the constitution because he believes it will divide us by race.... clear contradictions here to suit his own agenda.

One thing you are right with and that is the Green/Labor socialist party stuffed up big time as history proves with all Labor governments, state and Federal with the exception of Hawke....Those Dudd $900 cheques now have to be paid back...they were only a Rudd loan....4 deaths in the ceiling insulation ...over 200 houses went up in smoke....dozens of companies went broke......over priced Gillard memorial school halls....massive debt and deficit...".there will be no carbon tax under a government I lead".....

The ABC IS biased towards the left wing without a shadow of a doubt so don't try to cover for them...I will not work...I hope you checked out the comments on that link.....Enough said.

A few economists have said that it was due that such investment/spending by Rudd that Australia didn't crash and burn the way Europe and US did. Then they got cocky and thought to tax Big Australia, mineral and carbon...

Imagine what all those extra billions could do for Australians, particularly if it's invested in nation building projects that in turn employ more Australians.

So you could borrow for free, invest it to employ and keep people in jobs as well as have something built... na, let's just pay off the debt now because... it show fiscal discipline?
More evidence on how the ABC distort the truth and even make up stories to discredit Abbott and his Ministers.


On Lateline on Thursday 25 June 2015, presenter Emma Alberici was all papers and smirk as she confidently quoted (i) what Tony Abbott had said earlier that day about Zaky Mallah and (ii) what Mallah himself had said on Q&A the previous Monday. The only problem was that both quotes were false.

The Lateline co-presenter’s verballing of the Prime Minister was cited in last week’s MWD — but no correction was forthcoming from the ABC. On Tuesday, after reading in The Australian’s “Cut & Paste” section that the ABC has a “Corrections and Clarifications” page on its website, Gerard Henderson asked ABC management when would the ABC correct La Alberici’s howlers. This was done yesterday morning — see MWD’s (hugely popular) “Correspondence” section today.

The good news is that the ABC management has corrected two misquotes by one of its leading presenters. The bad news is that this has only been done at the end of the Lateline transcript for 25 June and online at the “Corrections and Clarifications” page — which many people do not know exists. Tony Jones, who presented Lateline last night, made no mention on air of the important fact that his co-presenter had verballed the Prime Minister the previous week. Also Lateline has yet to put the corrections on its twitter feed.

It remains to be seen whether Emma Alberici will fess up to her invented quotes when she presents Lateline this evening. [Don’t hold your breath — MWD Ed].

Some of these ABC presenters could not lie straight in bed if you paid them.
Now read on further for distortions.
People do have a right to be bigots, you know. People have the right to say things that other people would find insulting, offensive or bigoted.
But George Brandis isn't allowed to say that. They wanted his head when the subject was amending 18C
The ideological crusade continues.

Barnaby said on Insiders that he was happy to appear of Q&A, but Abbott maintains the grudge, and is still trying to turn the ABC into his propaganda machine.

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