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A truly Christian school...!

So the earth was created 6,000 years ago was it ?

That's what is taught in some religious schools.
So what if it was?
And what if it wasn't?
Does your memory extend back further than 6,000 years? How the FTSE can you claim to have anything more than an opinion on the correct age of the planet?
And what difference does it make to you, or I, if the creationists happen to have gotten it wrong?
Conversely, what difference does it make to you or I, if the paleontologists happened to have gotten it wrong?

Would you care to aid the progression of this discussion by disclosing your understanding of the meaning of the word, 6,000 years?!

Is 6,000 base 10, 12, IV, MOD2. Not sure how this conversation can progress if we cannot agree on a counting system.

When you refer to 6,000 years are you referring to Hijri calendar, Mayan, Aztecan, Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Iranian, Hindu, Buddhist, Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican, Hellenic, Julian or Gregorian-derived?

For a meaningful dialogue to take place, I believe it is important that people have same understanding of time.
Time, time time,
If nothing ever changes, what would time be?
No movement on the sundial
No tides in the sea
Everpresent sunlight
Everpresent night
A single phase of moon
A constant afternoon
No clocks ticking
No fetus kicking
Just an everpresent now.
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