Religions got nothing to do with this and never did, its always been political. In the last few decades its been driven by criminals protecting turf in drug wars. Religion was just used as a convenient yet totally misleading way to differentiate between the two factions. People didnt start killing each other because they were Protestant or Catholic, they did it because they represented Colonial Britain or Republican Ireland, and its wrong to blame religion for what has been going on there since the days of the Norman Conquests.
These mongrels wont get any support - no-one wants a return to the bad old days. The main concern here is some turkey "retaliating" and more innocent people get killed. Lets hope they root the lot of them out and bring them to justice before anyone else gets hurt.
I can't see this carrying major economic implications, on the global scale its a nasty little storm in a teacup (unless of course you're related to the victims - no disrespect intended).