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9/11 and The War on Terror - Al Qaeda Wins

2020, you think CIA will not edit and wiki entry Never trust a wiki, it is the next big propaganda machine, which is unfortunately quoted and referenced as if they are exact facts. DYOR as they say

2020, I do not want to get caught up in this really because this is an old topic that I have rehashed a hundred times with many people already.

I will make a few small comments and that's it from me.

1. The CIA, US Army and Egyptian Military Intelligence have all acknowledged Ali Mohamed as being an agent sent by Ayman Al-Zawahiri to try and infiltrate the US intelligence community. Ali Mohamed generated all the Al-Qaeda training material and personally trained bin Laden from information, techniques and manuals gathered from the US Army. I never claimed ANY connection to Operation Cyclone.

2. Hmmm, CNN investigative journalist or FBI Special Agent...who do I trust.

3. Of course no aid was given directly. It is a well known and acknowledged fact (even by the CIA) that American funds and arms were funneled through the ISI (Pakistani intelligence) so as to not provoke direct confrontation with Russia. Anyone claiming the muja'ha'deen fought off the Russians with no assistance should go read up on the military death tolls before and after the Afghans had stinger missiles. Where did those stingers come from? Afghans didn't make them out of their mud, donkeys, hemp or Pakistani imported AK-47s! Charlie Wilsons War is a newish movie you should maybe watch.

4. Last one: your Arabic is terrible. al means "the" and Qaeda means "base". At one point they were even called Qaidat-el-Jihad or something like that, which certanly did not mean The Jihad Database!
2. thanks sinner - I'll check it out but there are a few youtubes as well ... (which I've long since misplaced... )

3 lol - I was one of the first to see it I also knew a few muja's who emigrated to Aus, one with a Russian bullet lodged near his spine. - inoperable.

4. I know no Arabic whatsoever, ... so are you saying that it means "the base"; and that has nothing to do with the list of names of the core of "soldiers" left over from the Russian war? - which is pretty close to , if not the same as, "data base" ?

No biggie m8, but we might as well get to the "truth" of the matter - assuming it's important , which it probably isn't . (well ... the clues for and against at least )

PS Certainly "CIA HQ" probably never heard of OBL prior to his terrorism activities yes?

PS Even McCain acknowledged in the recent debates that they goofed not following up with a smidgeon of aid to Afghanistan after Russia was booted out - which was the conclusion of Charlie Wilsons War yes? - could have avoided the whole mess

Al-Qaeda, alternatively spelled al-Qaida and sometimes al-Qa'ida, (Arabic: القاعدة‎; al-qāʿidah; translation: The Base) is an international Sunni Islamist movement founded in 1988
PS Even McCain acknowledged in the recent debates that they goofed not following up with a smidgeon of aid to Afghanistan after Russia was booted out - which was the conclusion of Charlie Wilsons War yes? - could have avoided the whole mess

And the remnants of that "base" - seriously a handful of men !! have now become this massive movement prepared to kill anyone - even Moslem witnesses who are killed accidentally don't worry them .. ("ahh they'll go to Heaven" )
The Iron Triangle - The Carlyle Group Exposed

here's the video just ignore the first 1:45 min is in dutch the rest is in English.
The Iron Triangle - The Carlyle Group Exposed
thanks xyz
had to wait until after "Galapagos" to watch it (48min sheesh - still a rivetting watch! thanks)

As you say / imply, there are a million bits of evidence there of links between the Bush and Bin Laden families - including representatives sitting together on 9/11 watching WTC unfold

Although I think it's fair to say that Osama was "the black sheep of the family" (yes?) . And the others weren't aware of his actions (?) by which I mean his exact plans for 9/11

44m10s and 45m20s I almost puked lol ( listening to GW Bush)

Shafiq Bin Laden, (28.30) who was a representative of the Bin Laden family were all in the same room together watching the events of Sept 11 taking place.

screen cap at 42:58mins.
all i am saying is this two guys certainly looked pretty friendly to me, just like long time buddy's.
To say nothing of the way this Democrat was treated by the Republicans .. sheesh - just because she exposed the Bushes ( Senior and Junior) as being involved in serious conflict of interest

Gee whiz , but the Republicans deserve a long long time in the wilderness don't they? - to get their "ethics" in order!


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this article really demands its own thread....but i'll probably get an infraction if i dare post my own thread....

anyway, finally what some of us have known for ages has finally come out.........

Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication

See Parts I and II here
Things were worse in the Great Depression, and America came back stronger than ever before.

Don't believe the hype. People have been theorising about America's demise and destruction ever since some long haired weirdo hippies revolted against King George - how could they *possibly win* against the King of the British Empire? Sheer nonsense.

Completely different situation. The US was a producer and creditor nation with potentially massive industrial capabilities. These days it has a consumption-based economy with massive levels of debt.

It is certain (barring some extreme events) that the US will be knocked off as top dog some time in the near future. No-one can say what will happen to the US, but it certainly isn't the superpower it emerged as out of WW2.

The War of Indepedence wasn't nearly as much of a longshot as it is made out to be.
New allegations of Saudi involvement in 9/11
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