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2013 Federal Election: 7 September 2013

Looking forward to Clive in Canberra he will have some thing to say and I see Abbott implementing his proposals rejected before the election.

Downer, Santoro to consider Liberal Party links amid push for lobbying code of conduct
The differences between Tony Abbott and Clive Palmer ran a little deeper than that if the policies of the two parties are anything to go by.

It will be very interesting to see how Clive adapts to life as a politician.

I am sure he will steal headlines and drop clangers but occasionally he has some thing worth listening to and hopefully he will be a complete pain in the proverbial for Abbott.
I am sure he will steal headlines and drop clangers but occasionally he has some thing worth listening to and hopefully he will be a complete pain in the proverbial for Abbott.
I would hope he that he would be fair an impartial to all parties an politicians and not specifically target one party or leader with being a pain in the proverbial.
I would hope he that he would be fair an impartial to all...

Don't we all wish this of all politicians!

To expect him to not be either biased or disproportionate "with being a pain in the proverbial" ... even if he was the sole reservoir of knowledge and truth... has got to be unreasonable.

Even God or the next best thing in our society with any legitimate claim to being fair an impartial to all parties , a Judge, has to be "a pain in the proverbial" disproportionally to get things done.
I am sure he will steal headlines and drop clangers but occasionally he has some thing worth listening to and hopefully he will be a complete pain in the proverbial for Abbott.

I don't know how much of an influence Palmer can be on this government. He won't have much sway in the house of reps due to the clear majority the coalition has. I also can see him getting booted from question time frequently due to him ranting and raving.

Depending on the final makeup of the senate he mightn't have much of an influence on the senate. Tony Abbott has the threat of a double disolution if he can't get his way. How many of these newly elected minor party senators would want their 6 year senate stint reduced to under 12 months.

His maiden speech should be interesting.
I would hope he that he would be fair an impartial to all parties an politicians and not specifically target one party or leader with being a pain in the proverbial.
Politicians aren't elected to be impartial. Why do you think the left and right dichotomy exists in the first place? Because we all agree?
This is the result in Fairfax today when all the votes have been counted. However, as the two party preferred vote margin is less than 100 votes, there will be an automatic recount by the AEC. So Clive isn't there yet with a provisional margin of only 36 votes.

PALMER, Clive Frederick....ORD.......%......ABSENT..%....PROV..%......PRE-P...%......POSTAL..%....TOTAL......%
Palmer United Party.........35,683..51.04...2,284..56.56...148..73.63..1,782..42.32..2,470..38.97...42,367...50.02
L N P of Queensland........34,227..48.96...1,754..43.44.....53..26.37..2,429..57.68..3,868...61.03...42,331...49.98

Politicians aren't elected to be impartial. Why do you think the left and right dichotomy exists in the first place? Because we all agree?

I seem to have got my conversations confused. I thought I was commenting about Barrie Cassidy.

Time for a Coopers and to watch the footy.
Palmer in general is a bit of a wind bag but there is one thing I do agree with him and that is we need electoral reform...Our system is so out dated...I can remember the same system when I turned 21 and that was many moons ago and at the time you had to be 21 years of age to vote.

I have my doubts we will see him at every parliamentry sitting as he leads a busy business life.

He used to be a life member of the Liberal Party until he fell fowl with the state Liberal Government over some mining venture in Queensland of which he was asking some favors. Because he was refused he took his bat and ball and left. Can you imagine the media up roar had the State Government given in to him?

So in forming his own PUP he was after revenge on the Liberals.

Money and politics...... it really is a bad combination.
If you have ever spoken to anyone from the AEC, they are more aware of the deficiencies in the system than Palmer.

Reform is in the air, but it won't come from any suggestions from a muppet such as CP.

We haven't heard much from the 'Australia Republican' movement, about the fiasco unfolding in the U.S.

In our 'Westminster' system both houses would be disolved and a general election called.
That ensures that petty self interests, don't override public opinion.
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