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100 Books to Read Before You Die

The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov.

I found it hard going at first but got into the swing of it eventually.

It seems to have gained some recent currency in various quarters for some reason but it's been around for years.
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov.

I found it hard going at first but got into the swing of it eventually.

It seems to have gained some recent currency in various quarters for some reason but it's been around for years.
Looks interesting.
The Order of Time by Carlo Rovelli

It will totally mess with your head how you view time as Carlo a theoretical physicist explains.
God is Not Great and Why Religion Poisons Everything '.... Chris Hitchens.
Great book. Should be on everyone's must read list. Now , there is a dead white guy that deserved a Noble prize .

Like that other great truth-teller ,Bill Hicks , Christopher Hitchens was gone from this world , way too soon.

I wonder if they would be tolerated in this polarised world , today . The woke mob would probably crucify the both of them.
For Australian flavour
Ah yes !
Almost forgot this one , Aussie Nobel prize winner , dead white guy , Patrick "effin" White . Something about explorer ludwig Leichardt , I recall , from long ago .
Read the whole thing. Boring as Scheisse .
just another Aussie who took a couple of years off, and walked / rode horses from Mongolia to Hungary
" A Song of Love and Death : The meaning of Opera " , not everyone's cup of tea but a big turn on for me , many years ago. There really are some books that can lead you off into another world . " 1791 : Mozart's last Year " , another one.

My favourite Frenchie , Albert Camus , Read a lot of his stuff . " L'Etranger " his very best. One of only a few books that I'll read again and again . Funnily enough , the english version seems to read better , if that makes any sense. As a teenager in early 1970's I still have a wonderful memory of Visconti's delightful film of it , with Marcello Mastroianni and Anna Karina .

Marcel Proust . Now there's an acquired taste ! I got through Volume 1 , o.k. " Swan's Way " I think it's called. Really enjoyed it , too, but Volumes 2 and 3 will have to wait for when I'm marooned on that desert island . The trick with this bed-ridden scribbler , holed up in his cork-lined room , is to plod along , ever so s ..l..o..w..l..y .

James Dickey " Deliverance " . An easy , exciting read. This American dead poet has a cameo role as the suspicious cop at the end of the movie , too .
totally agree on Camus. revisit the detached Meursault regularly. And the translation works for terse modern stuff
... so much more relevant than the " Je détéste mon enfance .. " crap
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Just discovered a very interesting book, not so much for the storyline, just a weird side crime story in a weirder fictional setup but the wording/writing
The Yiddish policemen's union
by Michael Chabon.
pulitzer price, 2007 book
Never heard of him or book before but the chosen words/ writing is intense and in my view a mastermind.
An unexpected surprise. I was a heavy reader in my youth then work/life/startup/farming went in the way so I have a lot of catch up to do to reread the oldies and discover new century gems
Just rereading Making Money by Terry Pratchett.
Very funny and a good story. Not a financial book.
New Lies For Old: The Communist Strategy of Deception and Disinformation
Anatoliy Golitsyn

A former KGB defector to the USA, he has some good lectures up somewhere I have seen also


I'm just two chapters into this, written by JD Vance a relatively young politician with a good chance of being the next Vice President.

I would very highly recommend it. Born in the Appalachians and had a roughish upbringing , not uncommon in that part of the world and who thrived on adversity.

A very, very good read. We will hear more of this man.

View attachment 181005

I'm just two chapters into this, written by JD Vance a relatively young politician with a good chance of being the next Vice President.

I would very highly recommend it. Born in the Appalachians and had a roughish upbringing , not uncommon in that part of the world and who thrived on adversity.

A very, very good read. We will hear more of this man.

getting "Review Bombed" currently, so sites such as Goodreads have blocked further uploads.

The 2020 film adaptation directed by Ron Howard and starring Glenn Close and Amy Adams received several Academy Award nominations and Raspberry nods in equal measure.
getting "Review Bombed" currently, so sites such as Goodreads have blocked further uploads.

The 2020 film adaptation directed by Ron Howard and starring Glenn Close and Amy Adams received several Academy Award nominations and Raspberry nods in equal measure.
Indeed the anti-capitalist Woke seem to have become warlike and are book and movie bombing multiple sites to protect their intersectional interests.

Anyone opposing the Democrats, Greens, Transgenderism, Climate / Stop Oil people, BLM, or DEI or is it DIE or GIE you know the one where everyone gets a job if they are not white nor male, ... well anyone sensible opposing these fruitcakes gets review bombed now. IMdB had to bring in a similar policy for the movie version of Hillbilly Elegy.

Fascists get upset when their bidding doesn't get done. Remember H and ole Mussolini. They started a world war over it. Now it is Stop oil -matters -genderism that is boot marching.


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