i think its fair enough though. companies no longer have any loyalty to employees so why should a worker care about the company. i worked for a multinational and saw how they operated, bs excuses for why you can't get a payrise (even to meet inflation) then circle jerk emails about stock options and pay packets for executives. then when technology allows ship the job off to india.
i don't know about trades and blue collar professions, but for white collar its do whats best for you because the company sure as hell isn't going to.
as for the whole "generation" of MEism, kids pick up what their parents teach. older people moralising about the youth of today are reaping what they sow. consumerism, trash media and instant gratification are what they learnt watching tv, watching their parents, watching society.
Im a tradesman (Boilermaker) and work for a mulitnational company and yes its the same deal for us.
Our manufacturing jobs are going to Inda too. And their workmanship is crap to say the least!
A few things to add. YES...Im glad to see the workchoices (or slavelabour) abolished.
As a tradie, ive always been under the impression that if your on a salary, then you either get a higher pay rate or some type of bonus scheme. Now I know this isn't true for all!
The thought of having my overtime rate stripped from me with nothing to make up the difference in lost pay was a bs idea. And I quite simply would probably have told them where to stick their O/T if they wanted me to work any.
Thats why i think chefs etc get the rawest deal in the working world.
As for the baby issue...well my girlfriend is 34yrs old. So in her eyes running out of time for kids.
How do people pay for morgages etc on only one income these days??
You cant! You have to pop a child out and get straight back to work whilst someone else raises your child Monday to Friday.
**Unless you already have a house that you have lowered your repayments on and has good equity in it now**
Even rent is wiping out any money your able to save these days as it keeps going up and up.
Now I admit, I dont have children and I don't own a house...because we cant afford either yet. Which i guess is a whole new issue.
No kids means more skilled immigrants come in which means my pay stays where it is.
Sounds like a vicious circle lol.