Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Recent content by trainspotter

  1. trainspotter

    The AFL Discussion Thread

    YEP - And Barry Hall did not intend to hurt Brent Staker -
  2. trainspotter


    A very good friend of mines ex wife stabbed him in the chest puncturing his lung. When he was on the ground she stabbed him through the shoulder blade and the knife came out his bicep. He tried to have her charged with murder but the judge said there was "NO INTENT" to cause death. Her "new"...
  3. trainspotter

    The AFL Discussion Thread

    And Buddy Franklins elbow is not shiny from the purple haze Joel Hamling face? PLAY ON !
  4. trainspotter


    Seems altruism has found it's docking station if you ask me !
  5. trainspotter

    ASF Fishing Thread - The Angler's Paradise!!

    Went fishing the other day ... didn't catch much !
  6. trainspotter

    The Photography thread

    Bangli Village Ceremony - Bali - 6th April 2017 10.31am
  7. trainspotter

    Is political correctness going too far?

    How will blind people know the difference? Will the "WALK" be in a lower octave when it is the man signal and a high pitched screeching noise when it is the "WOMAN" signal to stop?
  8. trainspotter

    Resisting Climate Hysteria

    One meteor and ALL your theories are in the S Bend with the fluffy white paper ...
  9. trainspotter

    Resisting Climate Hysteria
  10. trainspotter

    Simple pleasures

    It takes me to the shops to buy smokes ...
  11. trainspotter

    Are wine buffs wankers?

    Yes it was lovely thank you for asking ...
  12. trainspotter

    New Format

    Well hornswoggle me and paint my nether regions with Mercurochrome ! Dis place is a bit flash now ay Buj ! Tastefully done with a minimalism Nouveau Chic and a dollop of class. I like what you have done to the place Joe Blow and a bloody happy 2017 to yous all!
  13. trainspotter

    Resisting Climate Hysteria

    Global warming? What global warming? House has been there for 86 years.
  14. trainspotter

    What makes you really angry?

    People who do not return phone calls. :mad: The new way of doing business. I have noted that they just do not get back to you. Make the call and leave a message asking for a phone call back. No return phone call. Oh well, you do not want my business then. On to the next one. Rinse and repeat...
  15. trainspotter

    Useless Labor Party

    “There are three types of lies - Lies, damn lies, and statistics.” Same can be said for budgets :2twocents