I'm sure as an Aussie Stock Forum we are all aware of the Labour party's proposal to alter the current way franking credits may result in a tax refund for individuals and SMSF's.
Geoff Wilson from WAM Capital is taking the fight to them with a petition - has been getting a bit of media coverage, but only has 17,000 odd thousand signed the petition.
With more than a million people impacted by it, surely he should be able to get a lot more signatures, just a matter of getting the word out there.
For those wanting to sign the petition http://wilsonassetmanagement.com.au/petition/
Geoff Wilson from WAM Capital is taking the fight to them with a petition - has been getting a bit of media coverage, but only has 17,000 odd thousand signed the petition.
With more than a million people impacted by it, surely he should be able to get a lot more signatures, just a matter of getting the word out there.
For those wanting to sign the petition http://wilsonassetmanagement.com.au/petition/