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Social Engineering

Very disturbing if true.

Her incorrect usage of the word "theory" is annoying, she sounds like the type of person that would say "Evolution is just a theory, its a theory, its just a theory", because they have no idea what that word actually means in the scientific context.

But once we are past that she also seems like a real alarmist thats prone to over reaction, I mean removing your Teenager from a high school because they dared mention "dildos" during sex education seems crazy to me.
But once we are past that she also seems like a real alarmist thats prone to over reaction, I mean removing your Teenager from a high school because they dared mention "dildos" during sex education seems crazy to me.

What she was complaining about was that parents were told "safe schools" was about anti bullying when in reality it was about an attempt to brainwash students into some sort of minority sexual agenda. If this is the case it should be stopped as NSW has apparently.

I've no idea if it's true, I don't have kids at school so maybe someone who does can enlighten us.
in reality it was about an attempt to brainwash students into some sort of minority sexual agenda. If this is the case it should be stopped as NSW has apparently.

What an alarmist might call brain washing to a minority sexual agenda, a rational person might just call explaining that different sexualities exist, and that it is ok.

I think sexual education is important, part of that is explaining the basics of reproduction, but I also see nothing wrong with getting into the topic of sexuality, sexually transmitted diseases, and even discussing mastubation.

When I was at school the sex ed class discussed masterbation for about 2 mins (that was enough for me, lol), but it never discussed sexuality, I think that it should have though.
What an alarmist might call brain washing to a minority sexual agenda, a rational person might just call explaining that different sexualities exist, and that it is ok.

I think sexual education is important, part of that is explaining the basics of reproduction, but I also see nothing wrong with getting into the topic of sexuality, sexually transmitted diseases, and even discussing mastubation.

When I was at school the sex ed class discussed masterbation for about 2 mins (that was enough for me, lol), but it never discussed sexuality, I think that it should have though.

If they are going to do that then parents should have a right to attend those classes and know what is going on.
You have a problem with parents attending their kids classes and seeing what value they are getting for their taxes ?
I actually asked you Why you feel parents would need to attend.

Then I asked you if it was all classes or just the sex ed ones.

I mean did you want parents interfering in the history classes, math classes or science classes.

Never in all my high school years did I ever see anyones parents attend any class.
what value they are getting for their taxes ?

I am a tax payer, should I be allowed to go along and sit in classes?
Think about my poor son who is intersex with two transgender parents. Always fun when mum plays at the local primary schools dad's footy day and dad go to the monthly mums luncheon.

So people need to get out a little bit more, a child who can find access and they all can, to the internet is exposed to far, far worse, no cotton wool in internet land.

I cannot believe how square some people are.
There was nothing stopping them if they wanted to and some did.
Would you have wanted your parents sitting in on your sex ed class?

Remember we are talking about teenagers, who have reached or are on the cusp of reaching sexual maturity. At some point the Childs rights to be educated is outweighed by the parents rights to keep their child in a bubble.

Just because your parents happen to have certain beliefs or prefer to see you as a child rather than the young adult you are becoming doesn't mean they have the right to censor or distracted you from your education.
Would you have wanted your parents sitting in on your sex ed class?

It wouldn't matter what I as a child wanted, the parents were paying for the education and have a right to see whats going on.

Sex education in my day was always a parents/students arrangement.

At some point the Childs rights to be educated is outweighed by the parents rights to keep their child in a bubble.

Educated by who according to what standards ? To say that parents have no rights in this matter is absurd.
Educated by who according to what standards ? To say that parents have no rights in this matter is absurd.

The parents rights do take a back seat when it comes to education.

For example to you think a parent has the right to deny schooling?

If you agree a parent doesn't have the right to deny a child education in general, then it's just a matter of where the line gets drawn, and that line will be disagreed upon by some, but I think a child's right to sex education over rides a parents rights
but I think a child's right to sex education over rides a parents rights

Education starts in the home, if you do not have a clear and open communication with your child, then it is you that has the problem, not the education system. Discussing sex, peoples sexual orientation should start early, it is human and normal.

I for one, find it amusing when my 11 year old comes home telling me that they had to fit a condom on a banana, but then I have a child that at the age of 3 came out of the bathroom with a stiffie, asking me, if dad, my dick goes hard, there must be a reason/purpose?

Openness and transparency is something every parent should engage in with their offspring.

We should encourage our children to question, not suppress them.

Off I go to try my high heels on.