Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Pauline Hanson: Her Resurrection

No rebuke by most because they are starting to realize that Communism is NOT DEAD AND BURIED.

We are fighting two wars here ....Islam and Communism and I am beginning to think they are working hand in hand to bring down the Western World.

The struggle continues...

Shouldn't be putting up Islamic ones though :D
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No rebuke by most because they are starting to realize that Communism is NOT DEAD AND BURIED.

We are fighting two wars here ....Islam and Communism and I am beginning to think they are working hand in hand to bring down the Western World.
Cannot believe your extreme rot noco.

Capitalism is in control and is just that, the exploitation of the masses for the few. Like submarines over a fair education for our children.
I really hope you did that as a jest I mean, seriously? And Shorten would be a great PM next?
For the people counting the number of deaths in Oz caused by terrorism vs DV, suicide and others, have a trip in France and see how many are dead every year if you let the gate open, I am not EVEN talking about the terrorist, just everyday crime bashing, rapes linked to that religion interpretation, the fact that the life of a non muslim/women/any non male muslim is worth zip and the resulting killing be they cops, security guards or other gang members/public .let's talk about women's condition when living in area where nihab rules..And have a nice DV TV campaign after seriously...
And how many attacks have been prevented here; we will never know, so it is the long term society problem of the western world;
The economic corruption, tax avoidance of corporations , even wars in ME are "short term" issues in the scale of history but the collapse of the west and the return to dark ages with muslim obscurantism is something of a much higher importance IMHO.
It is high time we see some reactions in the West as you can not win a war without fighting (war here does not mean M16 and bombers BTW but do i need to say it?)

Saw a clip of Rudy Guliani at the Republican convention giving a similar speech qldfrog.

If Islam want war with US, they will get it! We will start a war with them! And we will prevail! Grrrggghhhh.

Whatever happen to that Western value about individual responsibility and stuff? You know, people are responsible for their own actions.
Cannot believe your extreme rot noco.

Capitalism is in control and is just that, the exploitation of the masses for the few. Like submarines over a fair education for our children.

I seriously don't understand Capitalists system. Maybe it's not Capitalism but just human nature... but the way Capitalism as practised... they're out there purposely exploiting the host to the point of either revolution or extinction.

In a revolution, all the wealth and assets the rich have, including their head, will be taken from them. In a desolated environment, money cannot buy you food or water - so what good is it?
Cannot believe your extreme rot noco.

Capitalism is in control and is just that, the exploitation of the masses for the few. Like submarines over a fair education for our children.

I ask you again...Which state do you live in?
And if that doesn't stir you to the core , this will.

Earplugs noco. :D

and herewith are some of the comments.

And this extremist Right Wing media have to concentrate on one poor lady who doesn't know the words to Jerusalem. They are doing our job for us. Thank you Thatcher, Reagan, then Major, Bliar Murduch and all the London racket metropolitan elite. You had to keep pushing. You'd won, but your greed and deceit got the better of you. We need you guys so I'm just saying. Pay your fair share of Tax and make this a green and pleasant land for all..
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Michael Jones
Michael Jones1 month ago
Michael Jones1 second agoSocialists are disgruntled jealous bigots - look at China - that's a "socialist communist country" yet they have billionaires and the "elite" govern the country what about the poor in China - why are there billionaires when people are poor in China - don't socialists believe in the distribution of wealth to those less fortunate ... China is now the 2nd largest economy built upon "profit" but isn't "profit a dirty word for socialists ?
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Crobular I
Crobular I1 month ago
I would shove the red flag right up Corbyns ass, the bloody commie. I used to blow them away in the fifties with my Belgian FN. 7.62 FMJ.
JangleeBashir1 month ago
you did **** all you armchair warrior
Susan Pettitt
Susan Pettitt4 months ago
lest we ever forgetxxxxxx
Michael Jones
Michael Jones3 months ago
hasn't someone told them that socialism and communism died with the end of the USSR when even staunch socialists turned their back on the RAD FLAG ?
View all 6 replies
Lord of Light
Lord of Light1 month ago
+Henry Brown
A few forms of Communism out of hundreds haven't worked.
Capitalism is in control and is just that, the exploitation of the masses for the few. Like submarines over a fair education for our children.

As opposed to what, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand?
What would you suggest, companies make no profit and give all earnings back to the workers? Who then supplies the working capital required, or the start up capital required, indeed why start a company at all just work for one if you are going to receive all the profits.

Why spend any money on defence at all? why not just expect no one is interested in encroaching on our territory.
As is happening in the South China Sea, why wouldn't an overpopulated under resourced Country, be interested in taking some of our resource rich under utilised Country?

Because it wouldn't be nice and we would be upset and tell them off, then maybe get Kev and the U.N to tell them off also.:D
Cannot believe your extreme rot noco.

Capitalism is in control and is just that, the exploitation of the masses for the few. Like submarines over a fair education for our children.

So it is OK for Labor to build the subs in Australia but not the Liberal Party. you live in Queensland?
To use such language on a fellow ASF member simply goes to show you have lost the argument...I feel sorry for you.

Talking about blowing people away for their political beliefs is incitement to murder. Do you associate yourself with such remarks ?
What the hell are you talking about?....You seem yo have lost it completely.

You referred to the comments on a video you posted. This was one of them

I would shove the red flag right up Corbyns ass, the bloody commie. I used to blow them away in the fifties with my Belgian FN. 7.62 FMJ.
Do you hear the people sing...

I think France has fallen noco (and qldfrog) :D

Europe fell in 2015 with the wave of Merkel's mates shifting the balance after years of underminding
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You referred to the comments on a video you posted. This was one of them

That was a comment by one particular person who had an opinion...So don't blame me ole pal.

Crobular I
Crobular I1 month ago
I would shove the red flag right up Corbyns ass, the bloody commie. I used to blow them away in the fifties with my Belgian FN. 7.62 FMJ.
Europe fell in 2015 with the wave of Merkel's mates shifting the balance after years of underminding

When did the GFC crashes the world again? 2007-8?

I think the losses, then banks and co. bailouts, from that was in the trillions of Euros across Europe.

So Europeans life savings was almost wiped clean, more of their tax Euros goes towards bailing out the banks and other responsible captain of industries; then Austerity was kicked into high gear - reducing spending on public welfare, education here and there... leading to an average of some 25% of European being permanently unemployed; Youth unemployment at something like 60% in some country (Spain, right?)...

Yah... all the refugees fault. Dam you Islam! If it weren't for your religion sitting on oil, our great leaders won't have to send in the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the logistics, the Arms to liberate you.

Dam you refugees! Why in the world would you want to run away from bombs, terrorist attacks, drones, daisy cutters. Why? To take over Europe?
When did the GFC crashes the world again? 2007-8?

I think the losses, then banks and co. bailouts, from that was in the trillions of Euros across Europe.

So Europeans life savings was almost wiped clean, more of their tax Euros goes towards bailing out the banks and other responsible captain of industries; then Austerity was kicked into high gear - reducing spending on public welfare, education here and there... leading to an average of some 25% of European being permanently unemployed; Youth unemployment at something like 60% in some country (Spain, right?)...

Yah... all the refugees fault. Dam you Islam! If it weren't for your religion sitting on oil, our great leaders won't have to send in the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the logistics, the Arms to liberate you.

Dam you refugees! Why in the world would you want to run away from bombs, terrorist attacks, drones, daisy cutters. Why? To take over Europe?
Luutzu, probably for the 4th time, read the Koran, after we can have a proper discussion, before what is the point ?
Why but why do we not have a problem with Serbians we bombed to the pulp a few years ago but with Kosovar we 'liberated" from the Serbian land they invaded in the last 100y??
play your old record of ME intervention, old colonialism and petrol wars, not much petrol the west uses in tunisia, morroco, algeria, mali senegal etc etc etc but who cares...

Blind with closed eyes, how can we progress.So read the Koran and add an extra dimension not to say knowledge; it should be a revelation if you are honest with yourself
From John Stuart Mill;

"I do not pretend that the most unlimited use of the freedom of enunciating all possible opinions would put an end to the evils of religious or philosophical sectarianism. Every truth which men of narrow capacity are in earnest about, is sure to be asserted, inculcated, and in many ways even acted on, as if no other truth existed in the world, or at all events none that could limit or qualify the first. I acknowledge that the tendency of all opinions to become sectarian is not cured by the freest discussion, but is often heightened and exacerbated thereby; the truth which ought to have been, but was not, seen, being rejected all the more violently because proclaimed by persons regarded as opponents. But it is not on the impassioned partisan, it is on the calmer and more disinterested bystander, that this collision of opinions works its salutary effect."

The third 'man' in this exchange is the great majority the Australian body politic. It's Mill who pins those of 'narrow capacity' and he's seen them from a long way back.