Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Double Dissolution 2016

Do you get the feeling it would be simpler with fixed terms and no early elections or DD's ?

If the government can't pass bills, then it's better to get change either way with an early election.
If the government can't pass bills, then it's better to get change either way with an early election.

There is some sense in that, but here in NSW we have had fixed four year terms for some years and it seems to have worked ok.

Maybe there would be more negotiation if there couldn't be early elections.
There is some sense in that, but here in NSW we have had fixed four year terms for some years and it seems to have worked ok.

Maybe there would be more negotiation if there couldn't be early elections.

Agree. The DD is a lazy way out of an impasse - if it were one to begin with.
Government should always seek consensus through debate and compromise, not the arrogant "My way or the highway." After all, "Parliament" has its root in the French word "parler" meaning discuss, talk things through. Sadly, when I watch Canberra in action, the idiots on both sides let it degenerate into a slanging match full of snide remarks and interjections. Like bullies in a schoolyard.
No wonder, the electorate loses all respect and is voting increasingly "against".
There is some sense in that, but here in NSW we have had fixed four year terms for some years and it seems to have worked ok.

Maybe there would be more negotiation if there couldn't be early elections.

Agree. The DD is a lazy way out of an impasse - if it were one to begin with.
Government should always seek consensus through debate and compromise, not the arrogant "My way or the highway." After all, "Parliament" has its root in the French word "parler" meaning discuss, talk things through. Sadly, when I watch Canberra in action, the idiots on both sides let it degenerate into a slanging match full of snide remarks and interjections. Like bullies in a schoolyard.
No wonder, the electorate loses all respect and is voting increasingly "against".

Of course they discuss, debate, nut-it-out, seek a solution but when Labor and the Greens, coupled with the not-so-adept Indies, actively block, refuse to budge, stymie and do all in their power to derail the LNP, all for political point scoring or preening and spruiking their own agendas on just about every issue, well, somethings gonna break.

@Pixel, are you referring to Question Time?
Some of the best comedy to be had right there but never having seen or been personally privy to what actually occurs outside of Question Time, I'd say that governing our great country is serious business. That's what I'd like to believe at any rate.

If a DD breaks the dead lock, so be it and if breaking that dead lock brings about some real progress and good governance, then I'm all for it.
Of course they discuss, debate, nut-it-out, seek a solution but when Labor and the Greens, coupled with the not-so-adept Indies, actively block, refuse to budge, stymie and do all in their power to derail the LNP, all for political point scoring or preening and spruiking their own agendas on just about every issue, well, somethings gonna break.

The majority of Hockey's Budget was passed, Labor and the Greens opposed those parts for which the Libs had no mandate like the $7 Medicare levy.

If a government attempts to do things it never said it would then the Opposition has the right to say no.
The majority of Hockey's Budget was passed, Labor and the Greens opposed those parts for which the Libs had no mandate like the $7 Medicare levy.

If a government attempts to do things it never said it would then the Opposition has the right to say no.

Yes and the LUG party even opposed their own savings of $6 billion which the Libs wanted passed....Why did they say NO to that?

That is just bloody minded...oppose for the sake of opposing......The LUG party then turn around and say LOOK, the Liberals deficit is rising...What a mob crooks.

The LUG party could not care less about the National interest so long as they appear to make the Liberal Government fail.
The LUG party could not care less about the National interest so long as they appear to make the Liberal Government fail.

Seems they took a leaf out of Abbott's prayer book. What did he, in all his years as Leader of the Opposition, do to support the Labor Government? Arrogant, abrasive, negative misogynist, he only orates from his own Song Book without even listening to other views, let alone participate in rational discussion.

Can't have it both ways.
Seems they took a leaf out of Abbott's prayer book. What did he, in all his years as Leader of the Opposition, do to support the Labor Government? Arrogant, abrasive, negative misogynist, he only orates from his own Song Book without even listening to other views, let alone participate in rational discussion.

Can't have it both ways.

Exactly. Abbott was the master of negative politics and it's hardly surprising he got some of of his own medicine back when he was in government.

I couldn't believe when Abbott, a keen proponent of health and fitness, opposed the cigarette plain packaging legislation, just because it was a Labor idea.
Exactly. Abbott was the master of negative politics and it's hardly surprising he got some of of his own medicine back when he was in government.

I couldn't believe when Abbott, a keen proponent of health and fitness, opposed the cigarette plain packaging legislation, just because it was a Labor idea.

I wasn't surprised at all. Remember: Abbott was brought up a Jesuit. His thinking is channeled by religious indoctrination. Like for so many of his ilk, Labor represents the Anti-Christ, therefore must be opposed on all fronts. Militant extremism isn't the exclusive domain of only one religion. :banghead:
Seems they took a leaf out of Abbott's prayer book. What did he, in all his years as Leader of the Opposition, do to support the Labor Government? Arrogant, abrasive, negative misogynist, he only orates from his own Song Book without even listening to other views, let alone participate in rational discussion.

Can't have it both ways.

Now then pixel be fair.

Abbott was opposing Labor's big spending and big borrowings.

Labor has been opposing the Liberals spending cuts in an effort to pay back Labor's debt and deficit....Those Dudd $900 checks to everyone living and dead, here and overseas was really only a loan...Now you and I must pay it back one way or another.

Our economy is like a 350,000 oil tanker...It takes 11 nautical miles to come to a holt...If you try to slow it down any faster, the economy will stall causing all sorts of problems mainly with employment.....Many do not understand, government money still has to flow in order to keep the wheels turning which means continued deficits and perhaps more borrowings...Don't forget we have to pay back some $1 billion interest every week on Labors reckless spending and borrowings 2007/2013......Don't forget Labor had funded the Gonski and NDIS on the mineral tax they never received but Labor still expects the Liberal government to fund them....Does $80 Billion ring a bell?
Don't forget we have still have to pay welfare to the tens of thousands of illegal immigrants living in Australia, Manus and Nauru thanks to Labor.

Under Labor the debt and deficit would have been much higher.

The Liberals have gone to a DD to receive a mandate to stop union corruption as recommended by the TURC....108 union executives have been charged with over 1000 charges of corruption, extortion, thuggery, bribery and intimidation....If Shorten should become Prime Minister come July2, he will bow to the CFMEU and condone their behavior...He will lead the country like a true unionist into a deeper hole than Rudd/Gillard/Rudd.
Seems they took a leaf out of Abbott's prayer book. What did he, in all his years as Leader of the Opposition, do to support the Labor Government? Arrogant, abrasive, negative misogynist, he only orates from his own Song Book without even listening to other views, let alone participate in rational discussion.

Can't have it both ways.

Exactly why you need a DD trigger. If one party plays games rather than do what's best for Australia and they control the Senate then it's a waste of 3 years.
Seems they took a leaf out of Abbott's prayer book. What did he, in all his years as Leader of the Opposition, do to support the Labor Government? Arrogant, abrasive, negative misogynist, he only orates from his own Song Book without even listening to other views, let alone participate in rational discussion.

Can't have it both ways.
Pixel, you dropped the M bomb?

I thought better of you. Not withstanding the fair appraisal on other points, that misogynist crap was *pure* politicking.

Sexist? Yeah maybe. Mysoginist? Pullleeeeez
Exactly why you need a DD trigger. If one party plays games rather than do what's best for Australia and they control the Senate then it's a waste of 3 years.

On that point, will you agree to a full senate election every election, or are you just biased?
Pixel, you dropped the M bomb?

I thought better of you. Not withstanding the fair appraisal on other points, that misogynist crap was *pure* politicking.

Sexist? Yeah maybe. Mysoginist? Pullleeeeez

Alright - it's rather Greek to me. If you consider Peta C a "G", he was not a complete MG; but with a single woman in his cabinet, and adding his lycra fetish, he definitely rates an "MCP".

My main bugbear is the apparent double standard of his apologists:
His blocking everything the government put forward is deemed justified, at least according to noco & Co.
But the opposition arguing against unpalatable policies when Lib-Nats are in government is obstruction.

If a bunch of elected parliamentarians cannot "parler" matters out, they should all resign and let a new batch of candidates give it a go. With luck, the voters may elect a group of representatives that are capable of rational debate and compromise to benefit all Australians.
Alright - it's rather Greek to me. If you consider Peta C a "G", he was not a complete MG; but with a single woman in his cabinet, and adding his lycra fetish, he definitely rates an "MCP".

My main bugbear is the apparent double standard of his apologists:
His blocking everything the government put forward is deemed justified, at least according to noco & Co.
But the opposition arguing against unpalatable policies when Lib-Nats are in government is obstruction.

If a bunch of elected parliamentarians cannot "parler" matters out, they should all resign and let a new batch of candidates give it a go. With luck, the voters may elect a group of representatives that are capable of rational debate and compromise to benefit all Australians.

pixel, I am still waiting for your answer to my post.

Yes and the LUG party even opposed their own savings of $6 billion which the Libs wanted passed....Why did they say NO to that?

Would you not call that obstruction?
A family man with three daughters that volunteers, not much different to Mike Baird actually, Pixel.

I haven't seen Bill Shorten volunteer much in anything.
Same goes for this one here in Melbourne, Daniel Andrews.
All from the same cloth, union which represents only a portion of the community with their declining membership.
Of course, the Greens get a piece of that too.

Let's hope they don't start trashing company vehicles as they did in the last election.

I thought this summed it up pretty well why the ABC and all the lefties wanted him out.

We now have Turnbull, who they thought was the answer to all their problems, but they have turned on him.
Not many of us were happy with the change to Turnbull.

Yes, Labour taxes cigarettes but brings in marijuana, great for the crime rate so it can soar even more here in Victoria with drugs.

Now I can go into the 'gender neutral' that the left are trying to force on the public.
If we take that into consideration, then they can do whatever they like.
What we up to now, 45 different genders or is it 75.

Just my view.
On that point, will you agree to a full senate election every election, or are you just biased?

I'm not sure about every election. But it can cut both ways. Just because Tbull got his DD doesn't mean he will get his way in the Senate. If anything, it may clear the way for labor.
The other downside is that we have enough of these bums retiring on the public purse without creating more every election.
Australia has the choice of two big spending parties to vote for.

Neither seem too concerned about the blowing out deficit numbers but are more concerned with getting or staying in power.

1. Shorten, the Union lackey, more interested in welfare and his union mates, than for the people who drive the economy that pays for the welfare bill.

2. Turnbull, the so called great communicator and promiser, what a dud.

And Australia is the "lucky country" :(:1zhelp:

Red rover, red rover, tell Trumpie to come on over