Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum


Bringing this thread back from the dead because Kindles were shipped Internationally for the first time this week. And being a gadget kind of gal, well, a sweet little package arrived by DHL on Thursday.

But, they wont charge from an Australian USB wall charger, only from a laptop which kinda defeats the purpose of travelling light!

Also, because of copyright reasons, the books available for international purpose are well below the US Amazon number, and many of the best authors are missing.

But they really have a great feel to them, and much better than using the IPhone to read. Books are delivered wirelessly within 30 seconds of ordering! But get this, you can get kindle on your iphone and read from both the kindle and the IPhone, and they both synchronise with each other so that each one knows where you left off on the other device.

But very big brotherish too! I needed to call Amazon to find out what was wrong when it wasnt charging. While I was on the phone, they communicated with my Kindle and they were able to download all the times I had tried to charge it! They are in the US and knew exactly what I had done with the kindle!:eek:

And if they want, Amazon can get into your kindle and remove any books they want. They did this recently when they sold a book that had not been given authority to download as an e book - when people next turned on their kindle, it had disappeared!

But it is nice toy.
I saw a guy on the bus using one of these and was wondering what it was. I thought it was a touch pad mini computer. I wonder how long it would take them to make a complete computer system in the size of these things. I'd want one of those..
Still going, trying all the useless ****en goddamn "fixes" of their "help" page.

Obviously no one uses KIndle.

Maybe I'll try a torrent - get the book I want for free if these ****s aren't interested in my business.
Well that's enough ****ing around.

After all that time, the ONLY possibility was to click refund, which also took me forever to find. What sort of moron ****s run that company?

Kindle UNINSTALL... with pleasure.

Hello U-Torrent. Maybe you can help me out.

Well that's enough ****ing around.

After all that time, the ONLY possibility was to click refund, which also took me forever to find. What sort of moron ****s run that company?

Kindle UNINSTALL... with pleasure.

Hello U-Torrent. Maybe you can help me out.


I recall I did use it a while ago and I think it worked, but I can't find it on my PC any more so I must have got rid of it.
