Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Extremism - Australia next if we allow it!

Does anyone know for sure what the agenda is for these fanatical groups? I thought maybe oil rich land or land they perceive as theirs because certain real estate is more valuable. Surely interpretations from ancient text is not driving these fanatics to infringe on others.
However, history reveals that insane minds did severe damage during their life time and it is an insane mind that perpetuates destructive teachings.
Does anyone know for sure what the agenda is for these fanatical groups? I thought maybe oil rich land or land they perceive as theirs because certain real estate is more valuable. Surely interpretations from ancient text is not driving these fanatics to infringe on others.
However, history reveals that insane minds did severe damage during their life time and it is an insane mind that perpetuates destructive teachings.

I have been pounding the desk for months....Muslims have infiltrated the Western World with one agenda......World domination......50,000 have arrived illegally by boat with the Green/Labor coalition open border policy......many have also arrived on false passports and visas by air thanks to a corrupt Indian couple and certain Australian Immigration officers.

We have many Jihadists here in Australia who are brain washing young teenage Muslims to return to their motherland to fight.....these youngsters, are, in many cases born here in Australia........Young kids are also being brain washed here in Australia in preparation for an Islamic uprising when the time is right.......lets not fool ourselves, they are sleeping moderate dogs at the moment.

Don't miss insight on SBS tonight.
I have been pounding the desk for months....Muslims have infiltrated the Western World with one agenda......World domination......50,000 have arrived illegally by boat with the Green/Labor coalition open border policy......many have also arrived on false passports and visas by air thanks to a corrupt Indian couple and certain Australian Immigration officers.

We have many Jihadists here in Australia who are brain washing young teenage Muslims to return to their motherland to fight.....these youngsters, are, in many cases born here in Australia........Young kids are also being brain washed here in Australia in preparation for an Islamic uprising when the time is right.......lets not fool ourselves, they are sleeping moderate dogs at the moment.

Don't miss insight on SBS tonight.

Some more reading on child soldiers and many in Muslim Schools here in Australia will finish up the same.

“The vast majority of Muslims would be completely horrified by this,” Professor Leahy said. “The only solution has to come from within Islam ... Their leaders must speak up and publicly condemn this behaviour.”

While most Islamic community leaders declined to comment on Islamic State, they united to condemn Sharrouf and the treatment of his sons.

The Islamic leaders in Australia are afraid to speak out in fear of retribution by the Australian Islamic fanatics......
The Islamic leaders in Australia are afraid to speak out in fear of retribution by the Australian Islamic fanatics......

The so called "moderate" Islamic leaders are certainly very reluctant to come out in public and condemn what is happening in Syria and Iraq.

This silence can only increase our suspicions of their real motives.

Silence implies assent as the saying goes.
Silence implies assent as the saying goes.

Australia has some wonderful multicultural communities all over the place at the local level. Get out get involved in them and your fears will diminish.

There are wonderful people of all cultures and religions and there are also dick heads from all walks of life. Deal with the idiots on merit but don’t go putting good people into the wrong box based on nothing more than prejudices.

Be part of the solution not part of the problem.

Only comment I will make on this thread.
Australia has some wonderful multicultural communities all over the place at the local level. Get out get involved in them and your fears will diminish.

I think it's the responsibility of those in the "multicultural communities" to convince us that they share our values. The silence of the muftis in relation to terrorism and violence is disturbing and makes people worried about engaging with them.
Australia has some wonderful multicultural communities all over the place at the local level. Get out get involved in them and your fears will diminish.

There are wonderful people of all cultures and religions and there are also dick heads from all walks of life. Deal with the idiots on merit but don’t go putting good people into the wrong box based on nothing more than prejudices.

Be part of the solution not part of the problem.

Only comment I will make on this thread.

From the comments lifted directly from Anders Breiviks 1500pg manifesto and reproduced over the last few pages of this thread, it appears that the Whites, oops sorry, Knights Templar are an active bunch here.

As to Japan The Corporate cultural work at Tepco would be a beaut to emulate. The fondoling of women in crowded trains and lifts, the vending machines dispencing panties worn by school girls, Minamarta and the annual dolphin cull. Princess whats her name in the best appointed padded cell in the whole world. What are the Jap 'stats' on the school age suicide rate these days. Oh and great skiing.
I think it's the responsibility of those in the "multicultural communities" to convince us that they share our values. The silence of the muftis in relation to terrorism and violence is disturbing and makes people worried about engaging with them.

It seems you think that "Multicultural Community" is a synonym for "Islamic community".

If its Religious Extremism you have a problem with, then denounce religious extremism or religion itself, not the concept of multiculturalism.

When you denounce Multiculturalism, your Denouncing Australia's long history of being made up of diverse cultures, whether that be the many European cultures (English, Irish, French, Spanish, Italian, greek etc etc) or the Asian cultures (Chinese, Japanese, Philipino, Indian etc) or the growing number of other cultures from Africa, the middle east, south America etc etc.

Australia is a young country, made of cultures from all around the world, Multiculturalism isn't a new hippy thing that we should resist, Its part of who we are at our core, We wouldn't be who we are without it.
It seems you think that "Multicultural Community" is a synonym for "Islamic community".

If its Religious Extremism you have a problem with, then denounce religious extremism or religion itself, not the concept of multiculturalism.

When you denounce Multiculturalism, your Denouncing Australia's long history of being made up of diverse cultures, whether that be the many European cultures (English, Irish, French, Spanish, Italian, greek etc etc) or the Asian cultures (Chinese, Japanese, Philipino, Indian etc) or the growing number of other cultures from Africa, the middle east, south America etc etc.

Australia is a young country, made of cultures from all around the world, Multiculturalism isn't a new hippy thing that we should resist, Its part of who we are at our core, We wouldn't be who we are without it.

All right, I denounce religious extremism.

People from all over the world have come here in the past and have done an excellent job of settling into the community by working hard and not causing trouble. If members of the Islamic community do that, then we have no problem. However the fact is that we have hard line Islamic radicals from this country fighting overseas and committing brutal acts. Where did they get the desire to do that ? Here.

We have a right to ask whether members of the Islamic community are encouraging this behaviour. I suggest that by the general silence of the Muslim community they either are secretly supporting it or are too afraid of the extremists to speak out. Either situation is a problem.
People from all over the world have come here in the past and have done an excellent job of settling into the community by working hard and not causing trouble..

I agree, But that didn't stop racism and fear mongering against them at the time, whether that be the bashing and murdering of chinks (chinese) on the gold fields, or the outrage because of the Wogs, stealing "Aussie jobs", later the Gooks got their share, and now the "Rag Heads" cop it.

It seems to be a cycle, every new wave face it.

However the fact is that we have hard line Islamic radicals from this country fighting overseas and committing brutal acts. Where did they get the desire to do that ? Here.

And their citizenship and passports should be shredded.

But just remember, David Hicks was an white Australian, and he was captured fighting for the Taliban.

Where did they get the desire to do it? well I think many young males do get the urge to fight, many of us join the army, Some just fight in pubs, others riot on the streets of crunulla and others who have been indoctrinated into religions may want to travel to fight in a holy war.

I think the urge comes from a primitive primal urge to defend the tribe, protect your mate or be seen to be a strong warrior. Us humans still bear the stamp of our lowly origins unfortunately, Like a lot of our primal urges, if they are uncontrolled, or in worse situations exploited by religious indoctrination, they can have devastating effects in modern society.

We have a right to ask whether members of the Islamic community are encouraging this behaviour. I suggest that by the general silence of the Muslim community they either are secretly supporting it or are too afraid of the extremists to speak out. Either situation is a problem

I think extremism is inevitable in any religion, Offcourse the large majority will not be extremists, but the very nature of religions basically guarantees a certain amount of extremism, As long as there are moderates professing the virtues of the holy texts, there will be extremists taking the texts literally.

I think Richard dawkins sums it up perfectly here.

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Where did they get the desire to do it? well I think many young males do get the urge to fight, many of us join the army, Some just fight in pubs, others riot on the streets of crunulla and others who have been indoctrinated into religions may want to travel to fight in a holy war.

I find it hard to believe that an intelligent person like yourself would join the army because you wanted to kill people.

There must be something deeper than that for these insurgents. Maybe some of them are simply psychopaths who want to kill anyone for any reason.

'Protecting the tribe' has a ring of reality. Lots of people signed up for WWI, WWII and even the Boer war because of a (misplaced ?) sense of patriotism, but even then there were cases of respect for the other side. I heard of one case in the trenches in WWI where British and German soldiers got together and had a party during a ceasefire, before shooting each other the next day. There does not seem much of that by ISIS, just pure hatred, even for fellow Muslims.

I find the whole situation in Syria and Iraq very disturbing and depressing, and can't see an end to it.
I find it hard to believe that an intelligent person like yourself would join the army because you wanted to kill people.

I wouldn't say I wanted to Kill people, But I certainly had a burning want to be part of something big and do my part. Patriotism is a very strong urge, and I feel the same primal urge that causes patriotism can cause these people to want to fight in their holy wars.

There must be something deeper than that for these insurgents. Maybe some of them are simply psychopaths who want to kill anyone for any reason.

No doubt some are psychopaths, But you don't have to be a psychopath to want to kill or to get enjoyment from watching people be killed. We humans have a way of retreating back to the "us vs them" mentality, whether its caused by extreme patriotism, religion, racism or any other division, unfortunately it is all to easy to convince young men to commit terrible acts, all you have to do is invoke certain ideas or feelings, As I get older, these are the things I want to resist, I am turned off by anything that tries to divide people, whether it is extreme patriotism or religion.

I find the whole situation in Syria and Iraq very disturbing and depressing, and can't see an end to it.

I am disturbed as well, I can't see an end either unless the religions are abandoned, If you start a debate by agreeing that their god is real, and the texts are true, you will not be able to convince them they are wrong.

Listen to the cheers as these marines watch any enemy position get an air strike, These men are just average guys you would probably enjoy a BBQ with, But listen to the joy they express as the watch people being killed, They would never want that to happen to an American, but when its the other guys, its good. You don't have to be a psychopath. Religion is just another way to divide up society into in groups and out groups. ISIS guys are probably enjoying the killing also, not because they are psycho, simply because they are killing the out groups, and they have been taught that that is the moral, right thing to do.

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The conspiracy of fear intensifies against moderate Muslims

Death threats against Muslim leader Dr Jamal Rifi who spoke out against radicals

The concern about home-grown terrorism has taken an alarming twist today with death threats being made against a Sydney Muslim leader who spoke out against Australian radicals.

Dr Jamal Rifi and his family have been forced to take extra security measures in response to online threats that were posted on Twitter.

Muslim community leaders say combating radicalism in the community is harder than ever, in part because of the power of social media.

Dr Rifi has publicly denounced Australian terrorists Khaled Sharrouf and Mohamed Elomar. NSW Police have issued warrants seeking the immediate arrest of both men for terrorism offences if they return to Australia.

Earlier this week Dr Rifi said an image on posted on Twitter, reported to be Sharrouf's seven-year-old son holding the severed head of what is said to be a Syrian government soldier, caused more harm to the cause Sharrouf is claiming to fight for.

"I believe what he is doing now is only feeding his own ego and demented attitude towards life," Dr Rifi said.

"Our community is totally upset with him and totally against IS ideology who are [using] propaganda to recruit young Australians into a war that is not their own to fight."

He says is is alert "but definitely not alarmed" by the threats made against him.

"I'm taking that threat very seriously because I can take care of myself, I can take precaution but when it involves my kids, I need to ensure their safety and security," he said.

"They labelled me as a dog and in their own twisted ideology, that means I am outside of the Islamic fold and my killing is permissible."
Jihadist's life and crimes

Khaled Sharrouf, who tweeted a photo of his son with a severed head, dealt drugs before being radicalised.

Dr Rifi says "one radical is one radical too many".

"We have worked tirelessly over the last couple of years about immunising our kids from those damaging ideas and radicalisation and I think we have done a pretty good job," he said.

"Nevertheless, we can't actually police every kid, what happened at their home, in front of their computers.

"It is much harder now [than it was in the post 9/11 era] with the proliferation of the social media and internet, but we need to see it as a battle of ideology and it is in our best interests as Muslims not to allow these people to hijack our religion."

More at:
How is this for extremism......what a hide

This is so "Unbelievable"...

In Houston, Texas Harwin Central Mall: The very first store that you come to when you walk from the lobby of the building into the shopping area had this sign posted on their door. The shop is run by Muslims.

Feel free to share this with others.

In case you are not able to read the sign below, it says,

"We will be closed on Friday, September 11, to commemorate
the martyrdom of Imam Ali."

Imam Ali flew one of the planes into the twin towers.

Nice, huh?
Try telling me we're not in a Religious war!


This e-mail is intended to reach 400 million people! Be a link in the memorial chain and help distribute this around the world.

How many years will it be before the attack on the World Trade Center 'NEVER HAPPENED'.

because it offends some Muslim???

Do not just delete this message; it will take only a minute to pass this along.

Australia has some wonderful multicultural communities all over the place at the local level. Get out get involved in them and your fears will diminish.

There are wonderful people of all cultures and religions and there are also dick heads from all walks of life. Deal with the idiots on merit but don’t go putting good people into the wrong box based on nothing more than prejudices.

Be part of the solution not part of the problem.

Only comment I will make on this thread.

Thank you craft, McLovin and Value Collector for your reasoned and reasonable comments - a breath of fresh air from what otherwise descends into hate speech which runs against the current of what it is to be a member of Australian society.

noco, if you're going to post that sort of rubbish can you at least do a basic Google search to make sure it's not just BS that someone equally as gullible has forwarded on to you?:rolleyes:

I think the only way to deal with the issue of Islamic (and other) extremism is to first gain a proper understanding of the issues at hand.

For example, rampant conflict in Iraq, Syria and Israel has existed since long before the birth of Mohammed/Islam.

For example, the VAST majority of Muslims are what we would consider to be very regular people, and who are quick to denounce terrorism (privately, if not publicly - which is understandable). That includes the vast majority of Muslims here, many of whom smoke, drink, eat pork, get tattoos etc.

For example, the most common interpretation of Islam doesn't really differ in any significant textual way from Christianity or Judaism...

If we start to accept that there are nuances to many of these issues (e.g. Muslims cf extremists and terrorists; Turks cf Arabs cf Muslims etc) maybe we can better address many of the issues we're all worried about.
The satisfaction of intimidating, brutalising and killing others in the company of fellow worshippers must be very satisfying to many. I suspect there is a large following of "moderates" who also derive some pleasure in seeing their brethren win one or two for the Gipper, although it wouldn't do to brag in polite western society.

I watched enough Saturday matinee serials at the old town cinema as a boy to know that you can't trust anyone except your mum and the hero of the series to tell the truth while the cutthroat villains implore everyone to believe their benevolence and peaceful aspirations...I suspect it's a script that has been played out in real life for thousands of years and mature societies are doomed to fall victim to it every time.
The satisfaction of intimidating, brutalising and killing others in the company of fellow worshippers must be very satisfying to many. I suspect there is a large following of "moderates" who also derive some pleasure in seeing their brethren win one or two for the Gipper, although it wouldn't do to brag in polite western society.

I watched enough Saturday matinee serials at the old town cinema as a boy to know that you can't trust anyone except your mum and the hero of the series to tell the truth while the cutthroat villains implore everyone to believe their benevolence and peaceful aspirations...I suspect it's a script that has been played out in real life for thousands of years and mature societies are doomed to fall victim to it every time.

see previous posts from ValueCollector (ex army) regarding the celebrations of US troops when targets were blown up.

After the execution of James Foley, who many people would want to see his murderer suffer the same fate (I believe you bought that question up elsewhere).

Violence does tend to breed violence, and the enjoyment of it, unfortunately.