Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

2013 Federal Election: 7 September 2013

Not long to wait now and we will get the poll that really matters and then we will know how accurate this one might have been. Allr pollsters presumably will be extremely careful so close to an election as they all want the reputation of being within a certain margin so it is strange that the Guardian's poll is so far out from the others.
That Guardian had Labor's primary support at 34% and the Greens at 14%.
Wake up everybody it's election day!!!
Hi Ho!
Hi Ho!
It's off to the polls we go,go, GO!!!
Interesting, I thought Julie Bishop was Abbotts right hand woman.

Yes, time to go to the polls, the day has finally arrived.
Labor is still running the scare campaign, but no ones listening.
Everyone knows with Labor its more debt and lies.
Labor have sold their souls, they stand for nothing.

Will be watching Rudds seat, a nice farewell if it all falls into place.
The entire process will be absorbing as has the entire campaign from the major parties. Labor's efforts were a shambles in my view but then what did it actually have to run with? There appeared to be was a general feeling by many, although Labor could promise things, it has an inability to actually implement then or where implemented, it was done poorly. The focus seemed to turn to what the Liberals will do but that party is still in opposition so it hasn't done anything and until it forms Government, what it says and what it will actually do is, again in my view, an unknown. The probability it will enact those policies is high but it has yet to take place.

The Liberals focused on failures by Labor and what it will do about the deficit. Nothing was said about the budgets' structural deficiencies which have to be addressed at some stage. That is where real pain could commence.

As for the Greens, some of it's policies I actually like but, physically, the candidates have not been sighted by me in my electorate. While Bob Brown may say that Ms Milne ran a splendid campaign, it isn't a great one if the candidates are totally invisible. Maybe they borrowed Harry Potter's invisibility cloak and were simply walking behind me all the time.

Whoever is your preferred candidate all the best and chill. You get another go in three years or so.
Interesting, I thought Julie Bishop was Abbotts right hand woman....Will be watching Rudds seat, a nice farewell if it all falls into place.
Foreign Minister presumptive. Yes Rudd's seat will be an interesting one, but also how the Senate numbers pan out.

Watch Chris Bowen's seat too, he could be on shaky ground.
Fairfax running its final scare campaign against libs. They left an cover of not being biased a long time ago. I hope the polls have it right.
The entire process will be absorbing as has the entire campaign from the major parties. Labor's efforts were a shambles in my view but then what did it actually have to run with? There appeared to be was a general feeling by many, although Labor could promise things, it has an inability to actually implement then or where implemented, it was done poorly.

Yes, a ‘shambles’ is a perfect description of Labor’s election campaign.
By all reports there are some pretty disillusioned people at ALP campaign headquarters who are disgusted with the way that Rudd was pretty much a one man band right throughout the campaign, aided and abetted by his campaign director Bruce Hawker. The main complaint seems to be that Rudd would wake up in the morning with a new idea, run it past Hawker who would usually agree with him, and they’d announce it as policy without first discussing it with the rest of the team, or even letting them know.
But I guess that shouldn’t come as any surprise, given that one of the main complaints from Rudd’s colleagues right from the first days of his primeministership six years ago was that he was a one man band who failed to consult/communicate with the rest of his team.
Despite Rudd's campaign slogan of ‘Labor – a new way’, it was clear from the outset that it was the same old Rudd with the same old attitudes and the same old grandiose plans, but little practical ability in implementing them.
As Judd points out, no matter what Labor promised, people who looked at their track record decided that they'd probably **** up whatever policies they tried to implement anyway.
I mean, the abysmal record of the Rudd/Gillard government hardly inspires the confidence of the electorate that they’ll be able to do what they say they’ll do.

Anyway, I just wish Slim Dusty was still with us – I’d vote for the Slim Party if there was one.

One part of Slim’s policy that I really liked is.....

If I was in power I’d shorten the hours
And double our whole blasted pay mate
With a free beer ration and a flamin good bashin’
For the blighters who grizzled then eh mate

Sounds pretty good to me – now I wonder if we can talk Tony into adopting Slim’s policies once he becomes PM!
Interesting, I thought Julie Bishop was Abbotts right hand woman.

Yes, time to go to the polls, the day has finally arrived.
Labor is still running the scare campaign, but no ones listening.
Everyone knows with Labor its more debt and lies.
Labor have sold their souls, they stand for nothing.

Will be watching Rudds seat, a nice farewell if it all falls into place.

Tink, I understand that, because the Libs and Nats are in coalition, the leader of the Nats always becomes the deputy of the coalition if they form government. It's a shame is I think Julie Bishop is well suited to the deputy position, but she should do very well in foreign affairs and Warren Truss is an experienced politician.

Yes, let's hope Glasson wins Griffith!
Would that be those "far right wing" agrarian socialists Syd? :p::rolleyes:

No idea how right wing they are, but you have to admit the Nationals seem to fear free markets than embrace them.

I see the nationals as the right leaning "greens" in that is how much benefit they offer the community. Must admit, the Nationals do love their pork :D. Anyone know how many of them have used the Darwin Adelaide rail line they told us would magically open the export markets of Asia?
Tink, I understand that, because the Libs and Nats are in coalition, the leader of the Nats always becomes the deputy of the coalition if they form government. It's a shame is I think Julie Bishop is well suited to the deputy position, but she should do very well in foreign affairs and Warren Truss is an experienced politician.

Yes, let's hope Glasson wins Griffith!

Sails, Griffith has a sizable gay population. Rudd's recent conversion to advocacy of gay marriage was a deliberate ploy. If he does hold the seat by the skin of his teeth he will owe it to them.

It is interesting that Glasson is also supportive of gay marriage.
I postal voted a week ago, but I’ve just been down to the local school check out the action. I got talking to the lady manning the LNP stand. (or should that be ‘womaning’ the LNP stand).
Anyway, she said she’d been manning/womaning the Lib stand for the last 17 years, and one thing she noticed today is that a lot of people aren’t taking ‘how to vote’ cards from any of the parties. She was at a loss to explain why this is, but wondered if they’ve already checked online or through some other source how to vote for their preferred party.
Only three parties were represented by people handing out how to vote cards – LNP, ALP, and Katter’s mob. Mind you, this is in a tiny country village. I’m sure the other parties are better represented at the larger polling places.
The Labor bloke was a union rep in a local abattoir – now why doesn’t that surprise me. And he was wearing a red shirt, which I thought was rather appropriate!:)
Only three parties were represented by people handing out how to vote cards – LNP, ALP, and Katter’s mob. Mind you, this is in a tiny country village. I’m sure the other parties are better represented at the larger polling places.
The Labor bloke was a union rep in a local abattoir – now why doesn’t that surprise me. And he was wearing a red shirt, which I thought was rather appropriate!:)

I had the Greens, ALP and Turnbull. I say Turnbull because they were wearing hats and tshirts that didn't have anything Liberal party on them. It's a one horse race around here anyway.

It was like banner on his website.
I had the Greens, ALP and Turnbull. I say Turnbull because they were wearing hats and tshirts that didn't have anything Liberal party on them. It's a one horse race around here anyway.

I was descended on by huge swarm all yelling at me like sideshow barkers. There was a pretty little girl chatting with the Liberal guy, handing out Senate flyers for Family First. Rather than disappoint her, I took her flyer as well as the Liberal one. She gave me a cheery wave when i came out.

Family First is the only minor party I would ever consider voting for, and their preferences go to the LNP.