Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

2013 Federal Election: 7 September 2013

Thanks for that poll counter, dr smith.
It seems a few in Victoria in safe Labor seats may be going down.

Music to my ears this morning with this headline
Labor heading for landslide loss

One more day to go :)

Music to my ears too, Tink.
What I’m really hoping for here in Queensland, (apart from the ALP getting absolutely routed), is for Rudd to lose his seat of Griffith, Swan to lose his seat of Lilley, and Beattie to get mauled in his attempt to win the seat of Forde.
Rudd was parachuted back in to the leadership in the hope that his so-called ‘popularity’ (LOL) in Queensland would swing the tide for Labor. Ditto for Beattie being parachuted in as the ALP candidate for Forde. Both of these clowns were popular enough in Queensland in their day, but their day has long past. Rudd and Beattie will be wiping the egg off their faces for years if voters give them a good hard kick in the teeth that expels the popularity myth surrounding this dastardly pair.
As for Swan, the sooner that clown’s political career comes to an end, the better for everyone.
One more sleep, time sure does fly. It doesnt seem that long ago that Gillard called the election. I suppose it couldnt happen fast enough for some.
+1. ABC devoted about three days to commentary and interviews with predictable subjects over Mr Abbott's light hearted comment about Fiona Scott having sex appeal.
For god's sake, it was a throw away remark between friends.
Rudd even dramatically declared if such a remark had been made in the commercial workplace, it would be so serious as to merit the resignation of the person making the remark.

This sort of absolute rubbish has typified Kevin Rudd's whole campaign, i.e. massive overreach.
They have persisted in claiming a $70 billion black hole for the Opposition in the face of absolutely no evidence for this. Even today, with the costings largely presented, Rudd was still refusing to admit this was wrong.
He must think the average voter is a complete idiot.

As drsmith notes below, they have not cut back on foreign aid at all, simply reduced the rate at which foreign aid is increased in order to improve vitally necessary infrastructure here in Australia.

Julia, call it what you like but it is still a saving of $4.5 billion plus the saving on interest on money that would have had to been borrowed from the Chinese to fund it.

It is sad that you have to pin prick on such a statement I made. It just does not become of you.
Julia, call it what you like but it is still a saving of $4.5 billion plus the saving on interest on money that would have had to been borrowed from the Chinese to fund it.

It is sad that you have to pin prick on such a statement I made. It just does not become of you.
You are misunderstanding the purpose of my correction. The difference is important. Labor has been busily saying the Coalition is 'cutting foreign aid'. That is completely different from not increasing foreign aid.

Would you prefer to go along with Labor's implied suggestion that the Coalition are actually withdrawing already budgeted aid?:rolleyes:
Betfair has Libs at $1.05. I guess this is ok value. I should have been on much sooner but didn't even think of it.

A 5% dividend for one day, that's still great value.:xyxthumbs And there's a great bonus. The Last Selfie.

You are misunderstanding the purpose of my correction. The difference is important. Labor has been busily saying the Coalition is 'cutting foreign aid'. That is completely different from not increasing foreign aid.

Would you prefer to go along with Labor's implied suggestion that the Coalition are actually withdrawing already budgeted aid?:rolleyes:

Of course I would not prefer to go along with Labor's suggestion.

That is a ridiculous statement to make. I was referring to the $4.5 Billion saving.

I don't really understanding why you are purporting to be an authority on the subject or are you doing it just to belittle me.

You appear to be trying to make something out of nothing.
Kevin Rudd has threatened to stay on if he loses the election but retains his seat. The voters of Griffith have a big responsibility. Only they, can rid us of this serial liar. I think they will do the right thing for the country.
Labor has been busily saying the Coalition is 'cutting foreign aid'. That is completely different from not increasing foreign aid.

The ABC (News Radio) have been saying the same thing all morning. About 1 in every 10 of their statements regarding the Libs foreign aid policy say they are cutting the INCREASE in foreign aid, but the 9 in between blatantly simply say they are cutting foreign aid. I have never heard it so bad. It is not just the foreign aid issue, but many other issues. Almost all their coverage has been using Labor spokespeople commenting on Liberal policy, with no attempt made to allow the Libs to comment. You might as well have Albanese running the show.
Kevin Rudd has threatened to stay on if he loses the election but retains his seat. The voters of Griffith have a big responsibility. Only they, can rid us of this serial liar. I think they will do the right thing for the country.
Where did you see/hear/read that ?

I'd like to see the expression on his face when he said that. That would be like the expression someone would have when at the moment when they realise they can't walk on water.

Withy the betting odds, Sportsbet is $1.03 to $11 in favour of the Coalition, but interestingly, the handicap has blown out to 34.5 seats and the shortest odds for seats won by the major parties are in the 50's for Labor and the 90's for the Coalition.
Of course I would not prefer to go along with Labor's suggestion.

That is a ridiculous statement to make. I was referring to the $4.5 Billion saving.

I don't really understanding why you are purporting to be an authority on the subject or are you doing it just to belittle me.
Don't be silly. I don't have to be any sort of 'authority' to simply report what the policy is, rather than go along with the impression the ABC is trying so hard to make.

You appear to be trying to make something out of nothing.
Not at all. When you hear Tim Costello and others lamenting the fact that the viciousness and cruelty of the Coalition's policy of cutting foreign aid will result in hundreds of thousands of children dying, and other emotive stuff, they need to not be permitted to get away with such a wrong assertion.
No one is cutting existing foreign aid. They are simply reducing the previously scheduled increase in it.
If you can't see how relevant that difference is, there's nothing more I can do to explain it to you.

See bellenuit's post below.

The ABC (News Radio) have been saying the same thing all morning. About 1 in every 10 of their statements regarding the Libs foreign aid policy say they are cutting the INCREASE in foreign aid, but the 9 in between blatantly simply say they are cutting foreign aid. I have never heard it so bad. It is not just the foreign aid issue, but many other issues. Almost all their coverage has been using Labor spokespeople commenting on Liberal policy, with no attempt made to allow the Libs to comment. You might as well have Albanese running the show.
Where did you see/hear/read that ?

I'd like to see the expression on his face when he said that. That would be like the expression someone would have when at the moment when they realise they can't walk on water.

Withy the betting odds, Sportsbet is $1.03 to $11 in favour of the Coalition, but interestingly, the handicap has blown out to 34.5 seats and the shortest odds for seats won by the major parties are in the 50's for Labor and the 90's for the Coalition.

50 seats? Damn. There goes my chance to flog my old 22-seater Toyota Coaster to the ALP so they could hold their Caucus meetings in comfort.
If liberal win the election (Hope they do) do you think the first week of trading with a new prime minster will effect the market in a positive manner?
Abbott seemed to be doing pretty well according to the polls (with their limitations) up to the release of their last few policy costings.

I'm curious why such apparently benign policies were left sooo late, fuelling the cynicism Labor is pushing.

Remembering the old adage, 'it's not over till the fat lady sings', is it possible the LNP can lose the unlosable election... again?

Their strategy of making a small target of releasing as little policy detail as possible and as late as possible, in contrast to Hewson, might just have played into the hands of Labor cynisicm by not recognising the voter backlash with this strategy with subsequent Howard and coalition state governments stating no cutbacks pre election and proceeding to do just the opposite after.

Could they be relying too heavily on their so called and arguably over rated 'economic prowess' and the economic blunders of Labor.
Fat lady.png

Fat lady has been singing for weeks and has left the building.
Abbott will smash Rudd and Rudd will lose his own seat.
20 seat loss min.

You heard it first from the DUCK!
Don't be silly. I don't have to be any sort of 'authority' to simply report what the policy is, rather than go along with the impression the ABC is trying so hard to make.

Not at all. When you hear Tim Costello and others lamenting the fact that the viciousness and cruelty of the Coalition's policy of cutting foreign aid will result in hundreds of thousands of children dying, and other emotive stuff, they need to not be permitted to get away with such a wrong assertion.
No one is cutting existing foreign aid. They are simply reducing the previously scheduled increase in it.
If you can't see how relevant that difference is, there's nothing more I can do to explain it to you.

See bellenuit's post below.

Julia, I can see you don't like to beaten so I will let have the last word just to make you happy.
Fat lady has been singing for weeks and has left the building.
Abbott will smash Rudd and Rudd will lose his own seat.
20 seat loss min.

You heard it first from the DUCK!

That's exactly why I'm a bit nervous! It seems a forgone conclusion such as the demise of NSW and Qld Labor... but Rudd at least did facilitate some fundamental change in Labor internal practices and policy, where the state's failed to do.

Given that neither Abbot or Rudd is highly respected or trusted, the fear that the LNP might win control of both houses again and force through unpalatable change, a-la workchoices, asset sales and severe spending cuts, might cause a late counter swing to the 'reformed' Rudd, the lesser of two evils, which might over correct to prevent LNP control of both houses and inadvertently vote Rudd back.

The other factor is the historic high number of minor parties, where their preferences will go and who they will support on key policies.

I just have a bit of a concern with the LNP not putting their most popular (and arguably most respected) leader to the public and they haven't played their most respectful and strongest policy hand.
I just have a bit of a concern with the LNP not putting their most popular (and arguably most respected) leader to the public and they haven't played their most respectful and strongest policy hand.
That debate's been long since had and long since won and lost.

While the electorate overall still has reservations about an Abbott government, the reality is that it has many more about another term of Labor in government and with good reason given their record in office.


With the main game over, it's every Labor politician for themselves.

Chris Bowen scraping the floor of the pig pen in an attempt to save his political skin.