Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

2013 Federal Election: 7 September 2013

We know the Libs are preferencing the Greens last, but it will come as no surprise that Labor is still doing deals with the devil.

The ABC's Rebecca Carmody reports that the WA Labor Party has done a preference swap with the Greens that it's hoping will sway the results in a number of marginal seats.

Two days ago, Tony Abbott challenged Kevin Rudd to follow his lead and put the Greens last in every seat, but Labor has decided to ignore the challenge.

It is understood WA Labor has agreed to give its preferences to Greens senator Scott Ludlam, who risks losing his seat after one term.

In return, the Greens will give Labor preferential treatment in the marginal seats of Hasluck, Swan and in Brand - which Labor minister Gary Gray is in danger of losing.

Labor is likely to infuriate the Nationals with its plan to give its preferences to the Liberals ahead of the Nationals in the seats of O'Connor and Durack.

If Labor makes good on its threat, the Nationals will struggle to win either seat.
This ex Premier of Queensland, this cheshire cat, this wrecker of the Queensland economy has the audacity to blame Anna Bligh for the economic mess he left behind, not that Anna Bligh made it any better.

Beattie must think Queenslanders have short memories. Well, Mr Beattie I have got news for you and the current news is not looking too good.
Apparently absentee voting opens on Tuesday, I will be off down there, to get it over and done with.
I wonder if there will be a record number of people voting early, it wouldn't suprise me.:D

They might have the result before election
SMH has now resorted to making up interviews with Abbott it seems, with serial dipsht Mike Carltons piece 'don't quote me.'
Rudd on Abbott

"There is an alternative, I'm told, and the alternative is this: cut, cut, cut and cut to the bone. His name's Tony Abbott, he's got a three-word slogan. You heard his three-word slogans? Let me tell you what his new three-word slogan is: cut, cut and cut."

cut (1), cut (2) and (3) cut (4)

No wonder we are so much in debt.
The voters in Lindsay agree with Tony Abbott. For a woman to be told by Tony Abbott that she has sex appeal is a great vote booster. The sanctimonious PC crowd can stick that up their jumper.:D

Tony Abbott’s “sex appeal” candidate, Fiona Scott, is poised for a landslide victory in the litmus-test western Sydney seat of Lindsay with a stunning 60% of the primary vote, according to a Guardian Lonergan poll.

Scott’s huge lead over the sitting member, the assistant treasurer, David Bradbury, who has held the marginal seat since 2007, surprised even the pollster.

“Given the size of the swing, we have triple-checked the data and we are very confident this poll is accurate. We asked respondents how they voted last federal election. When we model this historic data we would have predicted Bradbury to be elected over Scott with a two-candidate preferred vote of 52%, which is very close to the actual 2010 poll result of 51%,” Lonergan research managing director Chris Lonergan told Guardian Australia.
SMH has now resorted to making up interviews with Abbott it seems, with serial dipsht Mike Carltons piece 'don't quote me.'
I don't believe for a moment that Tony Abbott said any of that. How on earth can Carlton get away with printing this crap???

- - - Updated - - -

The voters in Lindsay agree with Tony Abbott. For a woman to be told by Tony Abbott that she has sex appeal is a great vote booster. The sanctimonious PC crowd can stick that up their jumper.:D
The people who made a fuss about this were those who would never have voted for Tony Abbott anyway.
He apparently has a strong following amongst adult males who, you'd have to think, would have identified with the comment.:D

In contrast, we had Rudd, at his most prissy, with primly pursed lips, declaring that any employer using such an expression would find himself in serious trouble.:rolleyes:
Rudd on Abbott

"There is an alternative, I'm told, and the alternative is this: cut, cut, cut and cut to the bone. His name's Tony Abbott, he's got a three-word slogan. You heard his three-word slogans? Let me tell you what his new three-word slogan is: cut, cut and cut."

cut (1), cut (2) and (3) cut (4)

No wonder we are so much in debt.

Yes dutchie.I watched the idiot on Sky News AM Agenda at 1,30pm today.

When he started raving on about this cut,cut,cut, I could not bear to watch as I thought he was about to blow a puffue valve. I turned the TV off because I thoght his head was about explode and I just can't stand the sight of blood.

He is a desperate man and the more he carries on like he does, the less voters will like him.
Labor and the Greens still at it behind the bike shed with their preference deals.

Labor's national executive has ordered the party to preference the Greens ahead of all others in every state except Queensland.

Labor has a deal with Bob Katter's Australian Party in Queensland, but in other states and in the ACT, Greens senate candidates have been given a boost to their electoral chances.

The move has angered ALP members in Victoria, who fear the deal might also affect how people vote in the lower house seat of Melbourne, which Labor is trying to win back from the Greens.

ALP national secretary George Wright did not respond to calls from Fairfax Media.

A senior Greens operative said the balance-of-power party would be preferencing Labor in the Senate in a similar fashion.

''You can forget all the rhetoric. At the end of the day, Labor and the Greens need to preference each other that way to keep the others out,'' the contact said.
Let's remember that preferences are still the choice of the individual voter. From the way the issue is being reported, one would think that parties actually have the right to direct to whom preferences should flow.:(
Let's remember that preferences are still the choice of the individual voter. From the way the issue is being reported, one would think that parties actually have the right to direct to whom preferences should flow.:(
It's unfortunate that many delegate that right to their party of choice.
Labor strikes preferences deal with Greens, Katter to boost poll chances
Abbott stands firm and Rudd runs scared....

And honestly, if Labor even thinks of doing any deals with the Greens or any of the minor parties, Australia couldnt deal with it.
Interestingly enough, Bob Brown has come out and said the Coalition will win.

I find it interesting all these people coming out, Howard etc from the Libs saying good things about Abbott, you dont see any of the Labor crew coming out supporting Rudd, they all despise him.
He definitely is a one man band.

To think part of the electorate would even contemplate voting for this fake.
I posted this in the minor parties discussion but it is probably more applicable here.
It seems a vote for Katter in Qld is a vote for labor:

A Katter's Australian Party source confirmed the fledgling party ”” whose chances were best in Queensland ”” would preference the Coalition above Labor in most state Senate races.

But in Queensland, KAP and Labor have reached a deal to preference each other above the Liberal National Party in the Senate.

Read more:
Lunatic KRudd promising AUS $2Billion to save Oz Car Industry (aka Holden)

Even Antony Green on the Drum the other day referred to the ABC's own Vote Compass results to explain how only 20% voters had any sympathy for bailing out the Oz car industry. Since many of the Vote Compass participants are sure to be ABC and tend to the left anyway and only 20% of these mainly Labour supporting particpiants think supporting the car industry is important, that is a damning statistic for anyone wanting to run this issue as a vote winner! KRudd, you are just plain nuts! :bananasmi

A FIRED-up Kevin Rudd has told Holden workers and union officials he knows he is in a tough spot but is determined to "fight" his way out of his losing position in the polls to deliver a $2 billion package for the car industry.

Oh boy...just a couple more weeks, just a couple more weeks....tick, tock....:banghead: