Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

New Year's Resolutions?

On ABC TV news tonight I was impressed by the 60th wedding anniversary of two sisters who celebrated a double wedding and are now celebrating a diamond wedding. The two couples appeared to be in good health and good spirits.

What struck me was that the sisters did all the talking when queried on the subject of marriage longevity.

Which brings me back to the thread. My advice to married men who want to have a long and happy marriage is;

- when your spouse is talking...keep you mouth shut.

Make this resolve tonight.

Good luck with that.

P.S. Looking back I noticed that I failed misersably in my resolution for 2010.:)
I'm going to increase the level of questioning of people who I believe don't make sense :) As Socrates is believed to have said, the unquestioned life is not worth living.
I'm going to increase the level of questioning of people who I believe don't make sense :) As Socrates is believed to have said, the unquestioned life is not worth living.

Yes maybe you send Julia an email from Socrates.

Think not those faithful who praise all thy words and actions, but those who kindly reprove thy faults
My new year's resolution is the same as last year's:

"I resolve not to have a new year's resolution this year!"

Darn it! I've broken my resolution already!

Funny thing that - now that I think about it - the same durned thing happened to it when I made it last year!

Oh well, maybe I'll have better luck with it next year.