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Tony Abbott for PM

Good question (I raised it above), but when it comes to stuff ups, he's up against very stiff competition from Labor.

He doesn't have to defend and yet he stuffs up continually. I can't blame him alone. As I said earlier if he wants to be Prime Minister he needs to sack his advisors and get decent ones who can make him look Prime Ministerial. Who ever is giving advice is awful and appears to just listen to shock jocks, no idea how ordinary people think. I am sure he was told to say that stupid thing to Gillard and I am sure an advisor gave him that bill.

I know people who work for the Labor (1) and Liberal (2) parties and can say safely say, you wouldn't give them a job shifting manure is a horse stable.
He doesn't have to defend and yet he stuffs up continually. I can't blame him alone. As I said earlier if he wants to be Prime Minister he needs to sack his advisors and get decent ones who can make him look Prime Ministerial. Who ever is giving advice is awful and appears to just listen to shock jocks, no idea how ordinary people think. I am sure he was told to say that stupid thing to Gillard and I am sure an advisor gave him that bill.

I know people who work for the Labor (1) and Liberal (2) parties and can say safely say, you wouldn't give them a job shifting manure is a horse stable.

As David Marr said, although Abbott is very fit, he is also quite clumsy. He is certainly very clumsy with words. He makes life easy for the Handbag Hit Squad, who have ready access to ABC radio anytime they want to slag off on him and especially when he puts a foot wrong...which is often.
Perhaps his advisers are trying to white-ant him. There doesn't seem to be any other answer.:shake:
Perhaps his advisers are trying to white-ant him. There doesn't seem to be any other answer.:shake:

Good Aussie slang words -white ant.
But given the choice between conspiracy and incompetance - I always choose incompetance.
The Opposition today is pursuing the impact of the carbon tax on electricity prices in parliament today even though they are copping a bath.

What on earth is the underlying strategy ?
Red Alert:22_yikes:

Bali security police are on high alert in anticipation of a visit for the Bali Bombing commemorative service of a dangerous and well known Australian woman hater. Bali authorities are basing their fears on the exposure and denunciation of this man by PM Julia Gillard in the Australian Parliament two days ago. There are fears that he could harass the female mourners, although all women are at risk, and have been advised to remain indoors during his visit.
Oh the hypocrisy ....

A distasteful and offensive joke about Ms Credlin was made at a union dinner in Canberra last night attended by Julia Gillard and senior Cabinet Ministers.

The CFMEU this morning distanced itself from the comedian, with a senior official saying he was "horrified'.

"We did not know what he was going to say, had we known we would have pulled him of stage."

Yes but the young libs knew beforehand what A Jones was going to say just so labor could make a scandal out of it.:rolleyes:
And welcome to the world of a misogynist round every corner.
He doesn't have to defend and yet he stuffs up continually. I can't blame him alone. As I said earlier if he wants to be Prime Minister he needs to sack his advisors and get decent ones who can make him look Prime Ministerial. Who ever is giving advice is awful and appears to just listen to shock jocks, no idea how ordinary people think. I am sure he was told to say that stupid thing to Gillard and I am sure an advisor gave him that bill.
I'd have thought when the bill was received, some junior secretary would take one look at it, see the cost had doubled because consumption had doubled, and politely return it to the sender, offering that explanation.

I don't think we can blame Tony Abbott's advisers alone. Surely he has the intellectual capacity to sort out for himself what is sensible or not.
Seemingly not, however.
If he keeps this up, we could see Labor returned to power.
If he keeps this up, we could see Labor returned to power.

Yes, the classic case of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. He would probably win the election if he just shut up until this term of parliament ends, but that seems to be beyond him.
Exhibit 1: An ill considered question from Tony Abbott on the carbon tax.

He followed up with a supplementary question: "With an $800 increase in just one bill of which 70 per cent is due to the carbon tax, how can the Prime Minister possibly claim that Hetty Verolme's compensation is in any way adequate?":

Footage from Parliament shown on Insiders today showed Tony Abbott was claiming that approximately 70% of recent price rises in WA was due to the carbon tax. In the context of the contributers to the price rise on July 1 this year, that statement is correct.

The footage above wasn't the whole question and from it, I don't know though if that was part of the original question or the supplimentary.

Even so, there are still many other reasons as to why the best place for that particular electricity bill was the party room bin.
David Marr compares Tony Abbott looking at his watch to Julia Gillard turning her back on Tony Abbott in Parliament. The Coalition needs to pick her off next time she does this.

He regularly interupted Niki Savva on Insiders today, but Niki saved her sting till the end (above). David Marr didn't care though, as he showed.


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Niki Savva gets it right. Abbott is slowly but slowly but surely trending towards losing the unloseable election.:bad:

THAT quacking sound you can hear in the distance is Tony Abbott. The Opposition Leader is slowly but surely turning into a sitting duck, a stationary target for government and media pot shots.

The other bird sound you can make out, whenever Abbott says or does something silly, is the crow's cry that Graham Kennedy mimicked years ago on television and that got him into so much trouble. Textspeak boils it down to three letters, WTF.

Pretty soon, if he doesn't rewire the pathway from his brain to his mouth and change his strategy, the cocks will start crowing loudly too, as they always do when a leader is in trouble, and especially when the polls begin to narrow as they are doing.

Malcolm Turnbull drove his colleagues to despair, but there is not the visceral hatred of him within the Coalition as there is in Labor towards Kevin Rudd. Turnbull's interventions also have been more strategic.

This is not to say a move is on; only that it is never too late and should never be discounted.

At three critical times, Abbott has failed to respond fast enough and well enough to stories that cast a shadow over his character and challenged his credibility. It is happening too often and it is becoming too costly.
(my bolds)

Niki Savva gets it right. Abbott is slowly but slowly but surely trending towards losing the unloseable election.:bad:
Agree with her 100%. His performance is dreadful. Never thought I'd say this, but I think Turnbull would do a lot better. If Abbott keeps up his present idiocy Labor will walk all over them.
Agree with her 100%. His performance is dreadful. Never thought I'd say this, but I think Turnbull would do a lot better. If Abbott keeps up his present idiocy Labor will walk all over them.

+1 Abbott has had plenty of time to build up some positive credentials since the last election, but instead chose the easier negative path to criticise everything. People stopped listening to Gillard and Swan a few years ago, but I believe the same is now true of Abbott and Hockey. You almost know what they are going to say before they say it. Their phrases have become boring: "tainted vote", "another new tax". Its not that I think what they are saying is necessarily wrong, but they need a different approach.
+1 You almost know what they are going to say before they say it. Their phrases have become boring: "tainted vote", "another new tax". Its not that I think what they are saying is necessarily wrong, but they need a different approach.

As for Abbott when pressed he ums and rrrs looking for words or thought that he cannot find. On a script no worries but off the cuff he is pulling anything that the libs may have had down the gurgler.

Gillard to her cridit, though many of you detest her here, is very fast and smooth off the cuff. Turnbull also has that and looks to have some foundation as an image that people would feel confident with.

Anyhoooow:) as a (just plodding) greenie I should mind my own business and just sit back and laugh at the crumbling farce we call democracy today.
Gillard to her cridit, though many of you detest her here, is very fast and smooth off the cuff. Turnbull also has that and looks to have some foundation as an image that people would feel confident with.

A compliment from Greenie Plod...the kiss of death. I guess that rules him out. Tell me which Liberal you dislike most Plod, and I'll back him/her.